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between HLA-DRB1*15:01 and Epstein-Barr virus,      Table 1: Revised diagnostic criteria for NMO
           as well as the estrogen receptor,  has also been very   Definite NMO
           well established.                                    Optic neuritis
                                                                Acute myelitis
                                                               At least two of three supportive criteria
           Neuromyelitis optica  (NMO) is an autoimmune         1.  Contiguous spinal cord MRI lesion extending over three
           demyelinating disorder, predominantly characterized by   vertebral segments
           severe optic neuritis (ON) and transverse myelitis (TM).    2. Brain MRI not meeting diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis
                                                                3. NMO‑IgG seropositive status
           It was considered as a variant of MS, but the discovery   NMO: neuromyelitis optica; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging;
           that  most NMO  patients  have  antibodies  against   IgG: immunoglobulin G
           aquaporin-4 (AQP4) or NMO-immunoglobulin G (IgG),
           dramatically changed our perception of the disease and   NMO-IgG in the sera of Japanese patients with OSMS
           brought NMO and its spectrum in the center of interest.    and NMO, as well as the similar clinical and pathological
           Researches trying to correlate NMO with specific HLA   characteristics, indicate that both syndromes may
           alleles took place in a limited extend in the last few   belong to the same clinical entity. [16]  NMO is more
           years,  especially in Japanese population, in  which   common in women than men (> 2/3). [17,18]  More than
           NMO appears its greatest frequency. Nevertheless, it   80% present the relapsing form of the disease, [17]  while
           has become clear that HLA play a crucial, and maybe   the median age of onset is the late 30s, [18]  with few
           the primer role, in the genetic risk of NMO and provide   reports of NMO occurrence in children [19]  or elderly. [20]
           great insight in the profound understanding of its   Familial cases of NMO are estimated to account for 3%
           pathogenesis and the differential diagnosis mainly from   of all NMO cases. [21]
           MS and other demyelinating diseases as well.
                                                              BASIC CLINICAL FEAUTURES AND
           In this study, our aim was to summarize in a critical   IMMUNOPATHOGENESIS
           review the results of these researches worldwide and
           shed light on the contribution of HLA alleles in NMO   Neuromyelitis optica is characterized by ON, which
           immunopathogenesis, given the total absence of such   is often bilateral  (simultaneously or sequentially),
           a review.                                          and longitudinally extensive TM with a well-defined
                                                              sensory level, as well as sphincter dysfunction, pain
           HISTORICAL NOTES AND EPIDEMIOLOGY                  and tonic spasms of the trunk and extremities.
                                                              Involvement of the brain stem may cause hiccups,
           Neuromyelitis optica was first described in 1870 by   nausea and even respiratory failure, [22]  while
           Allbutt, who reported an association between myelitis   hypothalamic-pituitary axis dysfunction commonly
           and unilateral optic nerve disorder, but it was in 1894   manifests as hyponatremia, hyperthermia and
           when the term “neuromyelite optique aigue” (acute   hyperprolactinemia. [23]   Encephalopathy  mimicking
           optic neuromyelitis) was coined by Devic  in order   posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome has also
           to describe patients who first suffered unilateral or   been described. [24]
           bilateral loss of vision and within weeks developed
           severe spastic para- or tetraparesis, loss of sensation   Clinical attacks generally  progress  over  days,  with
           and sphincter control. In 1999, Wingerchuk et al.    variable recovery within months. Most patients endure
           proposed the first diagnostic criteria for NMO. Current   some residual disability, which accumulates over
           revised criteria for diagnosing NMO were defined in   time. [8]
           2006 by the same group [Table 1],  because in 2004,
           the  AQP4  protein  was  identified  for  NMO,  which   Even though a review of the complicated mechanisms
           was the first molecular target described for any type   of pathogenesis of NMO is far from the purpose of our
           of demyelinating diseases of the central nervous   review, in order to explore in which ways HLA may
           system (CNS). [6]                                  contribute to it, we refer to some important aspects,
                                                              providing the basics for this purpose. AQP4-antibodies
           Neuromyelitis optica represents < 1% of demyelinating   have a decisive role in the pathogenesis of NMO, by
           diseases of the CNS in Caucasians [10]  and it is certainly   complement-mediated astrocyte damage, cascading
           more common in Asians. It has been reported to     to leukocyte infiltration, oligodendrocyte death and
           account for up to 30% of West Indian cases of CNS   neuronal cell damage. [25]  They are present in up to
           demyelination, [11]  20-30% of Japanese cases, [12]  48%   80% of NMO cases. AQP4 is highly expressed in
           of East Asian cases, [13]  23% of Indian cases [14]  and   astrocytic end-feet in the blood-brain barrier, nodes
           15% of Afro-Brazilian cases. [15]  Japanese patients with   of Ranvier and neuronal synapses. [25]  AQP4 is also
           opticospinal MS  (OSMS) or Asian MS represent a    expressed in a sub-population of CNS ependymal
           distinct entity from western MS. The equal detection of   cells associated with the pia, subfornical organ and

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