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IgM, and anti-EBV-EA IgG. The results showed that the   onset of MS. The EBV-specific super-antigens activate
          anti-EBNA IgG antibody-positive rate of the MS group   CD4   T cells, which produce a cross-reaction with
          was 25% compared with 30% in the OND group, but     myelin protein through interaction with B and NK
          the difference was not statistically significant. Similarly,   cells. [24]  In addition, EBV can directly cause acute
          no statistically significant difference in the anti-EBNA   myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-specific cellular
          IgG antibody-positive rate was found by Villegas    and humoral immune responses, [25]  and simultaneously
          et al. [13]  (6.6% in MS patients and 17.0% in OND) and   activate CD8  T cells. Moreover, CD8  T cells react with
          by Castellazzi et al. [14]  (6.3% MS and 1.3% in OND). In   B cells infected with EBV for anti-myelin associated
          addition, Pohl et al. [15]  showed that the anti-EBNA IgG   protein antibody production. [26]  However, our data are
          antibody-positive rate of MS patients was 8%, similar   different with the results reported by Kiriyama et al. [27]
          to observations by Sargsyan et al. [16]  and Jafari et al. [17]    Further investigations are required to establish the
          Our results support the above conclusions, but we   pathogenesis of MS affected by EBV acute infections.
          found the anti-EBNA IgG antibody-positive rate was
          much higher than in these previous research reports.   In summary, our study suggests that acute EBV infection
          This difference may be explained by (1) different sample   is closely associated with the pathogenesis of MS,
          sizes, (2) the IFA used in our experiment which has a   and that inhibition of EBV infection is beneficial to
          higher sensitivity than the ELISA assay in the previous   the prevention and treatment of MS. However, the
          studies, and (3) the EBV infection rate in China is higher   prevalence  of EBV infection is high in the general
          than in European and American countries with better   population, but the prevalence of MS is relatively low,
          sanitary conditions. In our study, the positive rate of   which suggests there may be other MS causative factors,
          the CSF anti-EBNA IgG antibody in the MS group was   such as genetic predisposition, EBV primary infection,
          lower than that in the OND group, which contrasts with   age and other microbial infections. As a result, further
          the reports of Jaquiéry et al. [18]  and Cepok et al. [19]  This   studies are necessary to investigate MS pathogenesis
          difference may be explained by the smaller sample size   of EBV infections.
          in our study and the different living environments and
          the genetic susceptibility of the European and American   ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
          populations as compared to the Chinese.
                                                              The work was supported by Beijing Natural Science
          Positive anti-EBV-CA IgG antibodies in human CSF    Foundation  (Nos. 7102040, 7132060), National Natural
          suggest a past history of EBV infection. Our data showed   Science Foundation of China (Nos. 81041020, 81271311, and
          that the positive rate of anti-EBV-CA IgG antibodies   81241039), Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing Technology
          in MS patients was 90% compared with 95% in OND     Development Fund (No. SF-2007-III-22), Beijing Excellent
          patients. This observation is also supported by other   Talent Foundation (No. 20071-D0300100062), the high-level
          reports. [20,21]  The detection of anti-EBV-EA IgG antibody   technical  training  project  funding  of  the  Beijing  Health
          in CSF in our study represents either an acute or chronic   System (2011-3-004) and the preferential funding scheme for
          EBV infection, suggesting that EBV reproduces. This   Beijing city staff to go abroad.
          has  also been observed in a previous study. [22]  The
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