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Kalloo et al. Metab Target Organ Damage 2023;3:7  Page 3 of 19

               Table 1. An overview of key trials as discussed in the article focussing on medication type, primary outcome and key findings
                Trial    Medication     Overview               Primary outcome     Main Result
                VERIFY   DPP4i (vildagliptin) +  Assessment of early combination   Treatment failure (defined as   Reduction in relative risk for time
                         metformin      therapy with           HbA1c measurement of at   to initial treatment failure in the
                                        vildagliptin/metformin vs.   least 53 mmol/mol (7.0%) at   early combination treatment group
                                        monotherapy            two consecutive scheduled   vs monotherapy group over the 5-
                                                               visits, 13 weeks apart from   year study duration (hazard ratio
                                                               randomisation       0.51 [95%CI: 0.45-0.58]; P <
                TRIMASTER  DPP4i (sitagliptin),   Three-way crossover trial   HbA1c after 4 months of   HbA1c on pioglitazone 59.5
                         pioglitazone, SGLT2i   assessing patient preference and   therapy (allowing a range of   sitagliptin 59.9, canagliflozin 60.5
                         (canagliflozin)  glycaemic lowering as third-line   12-18 weeks for analysis)  mmol/mol, P = 0.19). 115 patients
                                        therapy                                    (25%) preferred pioglitazone, 158
                                                                                   patients (35%) sitagliptin, and 175
                                                                                   patients (38%) canagliflozin. The
                                                                                   drug preferred by individual
                                                                                   patients was associated with a
                                                                                   lower HbA1c (mean: 4.6; 95%CI:
                                                                                   3.9, 5.3) mmol/mol versus
                GRADE    SU (glimepiride),   Comparing 4 commonly used   Time to primary failure - Hba1c  Rates of treatment failure with
                         DPP4i (sitagliptin),   medications in combination with   >= 7% (53 mmol/mol)  glargine (26.5 per 100 participant-
                         GLP-1 RA (liraglutide),  metformin on glucose lowering    years) and liraglutide (26.1) lower
                         insulin (glargine)  and patient-centered outcomes         than those with glimepiride (30.4)
                                                                                   and sitagliptin (38.1). (P < 0.001)
                DAPA- CKD  SGLT2i dapagliflozin  Assessment of dapagliflozin vs   A composite of sustained   197 participants (9.2%) in the
                                        placebo in those with CKD (eGFR   decline in eGFR of at least   dapagliflozin group and 312
                                        25-75 ml/min/1.73m  and uACR   50%, end-stage kidney   participants (14.5%) in the placebo
                                        200-5,000 mg/g) with or without  disease, or death from renal or  group (hazard ratio, 0.61; 95%
                                        T2DM                   cardiovascular causes  confidence interval, 0.51 to 0.72; P
                                                                                   < 0.001)
                CREDENCE  SGLT2icanagliflozin  Assessment of canagliflozin 100   A composite of end-stage   Primary outcome 30% lower in the
                                        mg in patients with T2DM,   kidney disease (dialysis,   canagliflozin group than in the
                                        albuminuria (200-5,000 mg/g),   transplantation, or a sustained  placebo group, with event rates of
                                        and CKD (eGFR 30 to < 90   estimated GFR of < 15 mL per   43.2 and 61.2 per 1,000 patient-
                                        mL/min/1.73 m )        minute per 1.73 m ), a doubling  years (hazard ratio, 0.70; 95%
                                                               of the serum creatinine level,   confidence interval, 0.59 to 0.82; P
                                                               or death from renal or   = 0.00001)
                                                               cardiovascular causes
                EMPA     SGLT2i         Assessment of empagliflozin 10mg  Composite of progression of   432 of 3,304 patients (13.1%) in
                KIDNEY   Empagliflozin  in patients with CKD (eGFR 20-45  kidney disease (defined as   the empagliflozin group and in 558
                                        ml/min/1.73 m  or eGFR 45-90   end-stage kidney disease, a   of 3,305 patients (16.9%) in the
                                        mL/min/1.73 m  and uACR at   sustained decrease in eGFR to  placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.72;
                                        least 200 mg/g) with or without   < 10 mL per minute per 1.73   95% confidence interval, 0.64 to
                                        T2DM                   m , a sustained decrease in   0.82; P < 0.001)
                                                               eGFR of ≥ 40% from baseline,
                                                               or death from renal causes) or
                                                               death from cardiovascular
                CAROLINA  DPP4i linagliptin vs   Assessment of linagliptin vs.   Time to first occurrence of   56 of 3,023 participants (11.8%) in
                         sulphonylurea  glimepiride on major adverse   cardiovascular death, nonfatal  the linagliptin group and 362 of
                                        cardiovascular events in patients   myocardial infarction, or   3,010 (12.0%) in the glimepiride
                                        with T2DM and elevated CV risk   nonfatal stroke with the aim to  group (HR, 0.98 [95.47%CI, 0.84-
                                                               establish non-inferiority of   1.14]; P  < 0.001 for non-inferiority)
                                                               linagliptin vs glimepiride  met the primary outcome, meeting
                                                                                   the non-inferiority criterion but not
                                                                                   superiority (P = 0.76)
                PROACTIVE  pioglitazone  Assessment of pioglitazone on   Composite of all-cause   514 of 2,605 patients in the
                                        macrovascular morbidity and   mortality, nonfatal myocardial  pioglitazone group and 572 of
                                        mortality in high-risk patients with  infarction, stroke, acute   2,633 patients in the placebo group
                                        T2DM                   coronary syndrome,   had at least one event in the
                                                               endovascular or surgical   primary composite endpoint (HR
                                                               intervention in the coronary or  0.90, 95%CI: 0.80-1.02, P =
                                                               leg arteries, and amputation   0.095)
                                                               above the ankle
                IRIS     pioglitazone   Assessment of pioglitazone in   Fatal or nonfatal stroke or   Primary outcome met in 175 of
                                        patients with a recent TIA or   myocardial infarction  1939 patients (9.0%) in the
                                        stroke and insulin resistance              pioglitazone group and 228 of
                                        (based on HOMA-IR index)                   1,937 (11.8%) in the placebo group
                                                                                   (hazard ratio in the pioglitazone
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