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Page 4 of 13                                                    Tang. Mini-invasive Surg 2020;4:24  I

               Table 1. The demographic data of patient in chronological series
                        Age    BMI (kg/m )  Number of  Max diameter of   Operation   Blood loss (mL) VAS score 1* VAS score 2**
                                           myoma    myoma (cm)  time (min)
                1    62        19.97      4        15          160       20            0         0
                2    61        18.44      6        12          225       250           6         3
                3    63        23.71      1        16          284       400           0         0
                4    60        28.93      1        14          210       1000          0         3
                5    59        19.94      3        14          195       150           4         2
                6    58        32.18      3        9           165       400           1         0
                7    57        26.00      8        14          290       300           0         2
                8    56        19.96      3        9           160       100           3         2
                9    54        27.04      4        12          220       410           4         6
                10   55        22.77      1        10          105       10            2         2
                11   53        18.44      7        7           145       100           0         0
                12   52        21.66      2        16          280       450           2         0
                13   51        26.58      1        8           195       50            3         0
                14   50        18.75      7        10          222       20            3         0
                15   49        37.19      2        12          208       150           2         0
                16   48        24.49      4        8           135       180           0         0
                17   48        23.28      5        8           135       150           3         0
                18   46        19.98      3        8           130       50            2         2
                19   41        24.68      10       10          231       50            0         2
                20   48        21.15      1        10          190       200           2         3
                21   49        26.02      4        20          205       900           2         0
                22   46        21.72      6        8           130       55            4         2
                23   47        24.50      2        12          142       300           3         0
                24   51        25.31      6        10          173       250           3         2
                25   42        25.05      1        15          240       100           5         0
                26   32        17.48      1        15          75        100           4         0
                27   45        17.50      2        13          117       10            2         1
                28   34        25.89      7        8           190       500           3         2
                29   38        20.39      6        6.5         150       250           3         2
                30   44        26.64      3        9           155       20            3         0
                31   54        24.54      5        10          190       260           3         2
                Mean  50.10 ± 7.79 23.55 ± 4.36  3.84 ± 2.45  11.24 ± 3.27  182.32 ± 52.39 231.77 ± 238.90  2.32 ± 1.60  1.23 ± 1.43
               *Patient arrived ward after operation; **24 h later after VAS score 1. VAS: visual analogue score

               Statistical analysis
               All data were calculated using JMP Pro 15 (SAS Institute Inc.) and Excel (Microsoft Inc.). The relationships
               of myoma number and size to operation time and blood loss were calculated by one-way ANOVA, with P
               value < 0.05 as significant. The control chart of learning curve was calculated by the cumulative sum control
               chart (CUSUM) method.

               The demographic data of all 31 women are listed in Table 1. The mean age of the patient was 50.10 ±
               7.79 years (95%CI: 47.24-52.95 years). The mean BMI was 23.55 ± 4.36 kg/m  (95%CI: 21.95-25.15 kg/m ).
               The mean number of myoma in single patient was 3.84 ± 2.45 (95%CI: 2.94-4.74). The mean maximum
               diameter of myoma in single patient was 11.24 ± 3.27 cm (95%CI: 10.04-12.44 cm). The mean operation
               time was 182.32 ± 52.39 min (95%CI: 163.11-201.54 min). The mean blood loss was 231.77 ± 238.90 mL
               (95%CI: 144.14-319.40 mL). The Visual Analogue Score (VAS) of pain when immediately arriving at the
               ward after operation was 2.32 ± 1.60 (95%CI: 1.74-2.91) and dropped to 1.23 ± 1.43 (95%CI: 0.70-1.75) after
               24 h.

               In Table 2, we describe the position and size of all myomas in all 31 patients in our study. Traditionally,
               posterior wall intramural myoma is thought to be more difficult to deal with laparoscopically, especially
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