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Riachi et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2023;7:14                                                                              Page 5 of 11

                              Table 1. Surgical and oncologic outcomes of RPD

                              Author            N    EBL (mean in ml) OR time (mean in minutes) Con. (%) LN (mean) R0RR (%) POPF (%) CS-POPF (%) Morb. (%) CDS ≥ III (%) Mort. (%) LOS (days)
                              Giulianotti et al.  60  394              421                          18.3      18.7        91.7        31.3       NR             NR          NR             3.3        22
                              Boggi et al. [48]  34  220               597                          0         32          100%        38.2       11.7           55.8        11.7           2.9        23
                              Zureikat et al.   132 300                527                          8         19          87.7        17         7.4            62.7        21             1.5        10
                              Boone et al.      200 250                483                          6.5       22          92          17         8.5            67.5        26             3.3        9
                              Boggi et al.      83   NR                527                          1.5       37          87.5        36         28             73.5        9              1.5        17
                              Takahashi et al.  65   150               498                          3         17          98.5        11.6       9.2            30.8        10.7           0          7
                              Guerra et al.     59   150               515                          18.6      26          96          16.9       11.8           37.3        35.4           3          9
                                            [52]                                                                                                                              *
                              Rosemurgy et al.  155 200                423                          17        NR          NR          5          1.25           26          13             6          5
                                       [53]       **                                                    **
                              Valle et al.      39   200               477                          15.2      23          90          7.6        7.6            38.4        17.8           2.5        10
                              Zureikat et al.   500 363                415                          5.2       28          87.8        20.8       7.8            68.8        24.8           3          8

                              CDS: Clavien dindo score; Con.: conversion to OPD; CS-POPF: clinically significant POPF, i.e., Grade B or C; EBL: estimated blood loss; LN: lymph nodes harvested; LOS: length of stay; Morb: morbidity; NR: not
                              reported; N: number of patients that underwent RPD; OR: operating room; R0RR: R0 resection rate;  percentage of serious complications as defined by ACS NSQIP;  conversions were excluded from the study group;
                              the rest of the values are relative to the 39 remaining RPD patients.

                              analysis by Dong et al. focused on oncological outcomes in comparing RPD with open PD and found that R0 resection rates were significantly higher in RPD
                              with non-inferior overall survival outcomes. In addition, RPD demonstrated lower wound infection rates, higher lymphadenectomy rates, and less estimated
                              blood loss . Furthermore, a review by Mantzavinou et al. showed that, compared to open PD, RPD had a higher therapeutic index, a calculated measure that
                              includes lymphadenectomy rate, R0 resection rate, and 30-day mortality where higher values are associated with improved outcomes .

                              While the available evidence supports RPD utilization, challenges persist, limiting the widespread implementation of RPD. First, no appropriately powered

                              randomized controlled trial exists directly comparing RPD to open PD. In 2020, the International Study Group on Minimally Invasive Pancreas Surgery
                              published the first evidence-based guidelines on minimally invasive pancreas resection. In their publication, The Miami International Evidence-Based
                              Guidelines on Minimally Invasive Pancreas Resection, the authors cite insufficient level 1 data to recommend minimally invasive PD over open PD .
                              However, the PORTAL trial, an active multicenter non-inferiority randomized controlled phase III trial in China, will compare open PD and RPD in over 225
                              patients with benign, premalignant, and malignant disease, with patient recruitment expected to have ended in December 2022 . The primary outcome is
                              time to functional recovery with secondary outcomes of recurrence-free survival and overall survival. Second, despite the increasing presence of robotic
                              surgery over the last two decades, costs remain high. Recurring maintenance fees and instrument costs add to the initial expenses associated with

                              implementing a robotic surgery program . Furthermore, generally longer operating times with RPD compared to open PD also drive up intraoperative
                              costs [79,80] . However, after factoring in costs across a patient’s totality of care, including post-operative care, net costs are not significantly different         [79,81] . Third,
                              the threshold of procedures needed to develop and maintain proficiency in RPD is not attainable at many centers since 82% of centers average less than 1 case
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