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Koga et al.                                                                                                                                   Minimal laminectomy with the interlaminar approach for PELD

           Figure 3: Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography findings of a patient with high-grade migration of lumbar disc
           herniation (case 12). Preoperative (A, B) and postoperative (E, F) sagittal (A, E) and axial (B, F) T2-weighted magnetic resonance images.
           Preoperative (C, D) and postoperative (G, H) axial (C, G) and three-dimensional (D, H) computer tomographic images: arrows indicate the
           margin of minimal laminectomy

           Figure 4: Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography findings of a patient with an immobile nerve root (case 13). Preoperative
           (A, B) and postoperative (E, F) sagittal (A, E) and axial (B, F) T2-weighted magnetic resonance images. Preoperative (C, D) and
           postoperative (G, H) axial (C, G) and three-dimensional (D, H) computer tomographic images: arrows indicate the margin of minimal
           vertebral laminae. In  these cases,  the  inner border   the CM-UVL, because the bone here is thick. However,
           of the SAP was a main target for laminectomy. In   it is not always necessary to remove the bone of the
           concave  (-) cases, removal  of the straight CM-UVL   inner border of the SAP and the cephalic margin of the
           was occasionally required. In  cases with high-grade   lower vertebral laminae  by using a high-speed  drill,
           migration, the lateral part of the cephalic  margin of   because the bone here is thin. In such cases, a small
           the lower vertebral laminae  was the main target. In   Kerrison  rongeur is a powerful  tool for laminectomy.
           addition to  the narrow interlaminar  space and high-  Furthermore, PELD allows  for removal of the inner
           grade migration of LDH, minimal laminectomy was    margin of the SAP without removing the inferior articular
           also useful in cases showing recurrent LDH, obesity,   process [Supplementary Video 1]. Around 3 mm (1-4 mm,
           or an immobile nerve root.                         average 2.9 mm) of laminectomy of the SAP toward
                                                              the outside was enough to expose the protruded LDH
           A high-speed drill is necessary for the laminectomy of   and the lateral margin of the nerve root. Compared with
                          Mini-invasive Surgery ¦ Volume 1 ¦ June 30, 2017                                 61
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