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Koga et al.                                                                                                                                   Minimal laminectomy with the interlaminar approach for PELD

           endoscope insertion, and there are three different   computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance
           operative  approaches:  interlaminar, transforaminal,   imaging (MRI) were used to identify the location and
           and posterolateral.  Each approach  has an adequate   type of LDH according  to our previous report.  The
           pathophysiological  status. [1,6,7]  The  interlaminar  width of the interlaminar  space and the LDH size
           approach (ILA) is preferred for axillary-type and migrated   were  calculated  on axial  CT and  MRI, respectively,
           LDH.  It is performed under endoscopic visualization,   as described  previously  [the width was determined
           and the visual field is similar to conventional open and/  by the widest distance between the bilateral  facet
           or microsurgical operative views. Therefore, the ILA is   joints at the corresponding  disc level, and the LDH
           preferred by surgeons with experience in performing   size was evaluated by the anteroposterior  (AP) size
           conventional procedures, rather than  other PELD   ratio calculated from  the protruded height against
           approaches. [1,8-11]                               the AP diameter of the spinal canal].  The extent of
                                                              migration was evaluated by using T2-weighted sagittal
           Conversely,  we  have previously experienced  and   MRI according to previous  reports. [13,14]  High-grade
           reported on relatively severe complications  of the   migration  was  defined  as  migration  exceeding  the
           ILA.   These complications  included persistent    disc-space  height.  Conversely, low-grade  migration
           numbness in the corresponding nerve area, transient   was  defined  as  a  migration  extent  that  was  smaller
           muscular weakness, and transient bladder  and      than the disc-space height [Figure 1A and B].
           rectal disturbance, which may be due to  excessive
           compression of the nerve root and/or dural sac by the   The patients were followed postoperatively  for an
           endoscopic sheath. As a result of these experiences,   average  of 6.2 months (2-11 months). Neurological
           we have been more careful in performing  the ILA   status was evaluated preoperatively and postoperatively
           and have not experienced  such complications.  To   by  using  the  modified  Japanese  Orthopaedic
           avoid complications, we proposed the proper use of 2   Association (mJOA) score. [15,16]  The corresponding leg
           different operative routes of the ILA (via the shoulder   pain was also evaluated by using the Numerical Rating
           and via the axilla). Furthermore, we suggested that   Scale (NRS) score.  We compared data for  these
           the width of the interlaminar space should be at least   parameters with our previous  ILA data [laminectomy
           20 mm for the ILA without bone removal. [8]        (-) group: 41 cases]. Statistical analysis was performed
                                                              with student’s t-test. P values < 0.05 were considered
           We sometimes experience cases in which the width   statistically  significant.  The  exclusion  of  high-grade
           of the interlaminar space is < 20 mm even in LDH   caudal migration is the differentiated background of the
           at L5/S1.   To overcome this limitation, we recently   laminectomy (-) group.
           started to use a high-speed drill  and/or a small   In addition to these previous parameters, we also
           Kerrison rongeur (width 3 mm) for certain ILA cases.   evaluated the shape of the upper vertebral laminae.
           We have  already  experienced  13  such  cases  and   Concave (-) was defined as when the caudal margin of
           avoided complications. In this study, we retrospectively   the upper vertebral laminae (CM-UVL) was straight and
           analyzed these cases, and summarized the features of   the interlaminar space appeared as a sharp triangle.
           minimal laminectomy with the ILA.                  Concave (+) was defined as when the CM-UVL had a

                                                              concave shape and the interlaminar space appeared
           METHODS                                            to have a more rounded form [Figure 1C and D].

           Thirteen consecutive patients with LDH underwent the   The basic operative procedure has already been
           ILA  for PELD by using a 7-mm  diameter spinal full-  described  in  our previous  report.  In addition  to the
           endoscopic system (Richard Wolf GmbH, Knittlingen,   basic ILA procedure, the methods for manipulation of
           Germany) between March and  December  2016.  All   a high-speed drill and/or a small Kerrison rongeur are
           patients had lateral radiculopathy resistant to medical   described below.
           treatment, epidural  steroids, and/or nerve block.  To
           clarify the surgical benefit of minimal laminectomy with   First, the endoscope sheath is placed on the surface of
           the ILA for PELD, we did not exclude patients who   the yellow ligament and then tilted toward a direction by
           previously underwent discectomy at the same vertebral   which the area requiring bone removal is at the center
           level. However,  we excluded patients with spinal   of the endoscopic visual field. The vertebral laminae
           canal stenosis who had been operated on using the   are thinned by using a high-speed drill with a diameter
           percutaneous endoscopic translaminar approach. [12]  of  3.5  mm  (NSK-Nakanishi  Japan,  Tokyo,  Japan).
                                                              Subsequently, the residual thin layer is removed with a
           All patients underwent the ILA for PELD at only one   small Kerrison rongeur. Naturally thin bone areas, such
           vertebral level. Neurological examination, preoperative   as the inner  border  of the superior  articular  process
                          Mini-invasive Surgery ¦ Volume 1 ¦ June 30, 2017                                 57
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