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Page 94               Dewsbury et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2024;8:85-101

               Table 2. A summary description of neurodegenerative mechanisms in Alpha-Mannosidosis
                Lysosomal   Clinical manifestation of
                storage    neurodegenerative dysfunction in   Pathomechanism of CNS involvement   Reference
                disorder   humans
                Alpha-     Cerebellar dysfunction, developmental delay,   Sural nerve biopsies showed neuropathy with myelin   [27]
                Mannosidosis  absent tendon reflexes, spasticity,   degeneration and metachromatic deposits   [111]
                           developmental delay, impaired speech, hearing  CNS pathology of reduced myelination with elevated mannose   [112]
                           impairment, psychosis, cognitive impairment   complexes and gliosis, increased CSF-oligosaccharides.   [18]
                           Impaired visual function, reasoning, visuo-  Significant elevations in Cho/Cr and ml/Cr reflect reduced   [113]
                           spatial skills, memory, and attention  myelination and gliosis. Raised NFLp concentrations due to   [114]
                                                         axonal injury, degeneration, and myelin loss
                                                         Iron deposits at the basal ganglia
                                                         Dilated endoplasmic reticulum, increased levels of aberrant
                                                         mitochondria with reduced mitochondrial mass; oxidative stress
                                                         with increased ROS
               CNS:  Central  nervous  system;  CSF-oligosaccharides:  cerebrospinal  fluid-  oligosaccharides;  ROS:  reactive  oxygen  species;  Cho/Cr:
               choline/creatine ratio; ml/Cr: myo-inositol/creatine; NFLp: neurofilament light polypeptide.

               of neurodevelopmental delay, by Mynarek , which is also the largest retrospective analysis of HSCT
               treatment in patients with AM. It was reported that the mortality and morbidity of patients were improved,
               in addition to developmental improvement observed in all patients. Some patients also displayed improved
               hearing ability and preservation of neurocognitive function.

               These improvements in neurological function post-HSCT are likely due to the ability of HSCT to cross the
               blood-brain barrier (BBB) . However, HSCT treatment is considered to predict better clinical outcomes
               when administered at an earlier age . Nevertheless, this does not necessarily result in the prevention of
               psychosis during adulthood, as this is more likely to develop with age, but there have been reports of
               altering the course of the rapid neurological disease progression in infantile Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy
               (GLD) , which may be applied to AM. Despite these reports, there is no evidence to suggest that HSCT
               has any significant long-term effects on the outcomes of patient neurological function and psychiatric state
               post-treatment and its effects on their long-term development, nor are there many studies using an adult
               cohort. It is, therefore, prudent that further study should be carried out into the long-term HSCT in patients
               with AM during adulthood, as this is when psychosis and neurological dysfunction are most likely to

               ERT is the most commonly used therapy in the treatment of LSDs. ERT is specifically used in the long-term
               treatment of adults, adolescents, and children with mild to moderate AM disease using velmanase alfa (VA),
               also known as Lamzede, which is known to not cross the BBB, similar to all other recombinant lysosomal
               enzymes used in ERT . There are studies of ERT using VA in the treatment of AM, with many reports of
               improved clinical symptoms and quality of life post-treatment due to the reduction in mannose-rich
               oligosaccharide levels in bodily tissues, thereby altering disease progression and abating clinical
               complications. There have been reports of reduction in pain and disability in AM patients post-ERT , as
               well as patients showing improved scores in motor proficiency and increased skill acquisition in comparison
               to healthy peers after receiving ERT therapy . This may potentially improve the psychiatry of patients by
               positively influencing their behavior as a consequence of their pain improvement. Treatment with VA has
               shown clinical benefit that was maintained for up to 4 years in patients with AM . This long-term follow-
               up is specifically important in relation to neurocognitive decline, in which there is a need for the
               involvement of a neuropsychiatrist, neurologist, and neuropsychologist. However, the limitation of these
               studies discussed is the lack of investigation into evidence of neurocognitive improvement post-ERT, with
               the outcomes of these trials focusing mainly on the effects on mobility, ataxia, and respiratory dysfunction.
               This is because, unlike HSCT, ERT does not cross the BBB  and instead targets the periphery and soft
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