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Zhang et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2018;2:18. I                                                 Page 7 of 11

               Table 3. Differences in clinical features between clusters
               Clinical feature              Cluster 1 (n = 10) Cluster 2 (n = 20) Cluster 3 (n = 19) Cluster 4 (n = 13)  P-value 1
               Age (year), mean (SD)          45.6 (17.9)   40.3 (13.5)  42.5 (14.9)  48.5 (13.2)  0.440
               Male/female, (%female)         4/6 (60)      8/12 (60)   4/15 (79)     6/7 (54)     0.451
               Race and ethnicity % (W, B, H, A)  100, 0, 0, 0  95, 5, 0, 0  52.6, 36.8, 10.5, 0  61.5, 15.4, 7.7, 15.4  0.003
               BMI, mean (SD)                 31.7 (7.6)    27.7 (5.4)  35.1 (12.0)   31.8 (8.4)   0.080
               FVC%, mean (SD)                92.6 (13.0)   88.8 (14.5)  74.3 (18.9)  86.2 (18.3)  0.017
               FEV1%, mean (SD)               84.4 (18.9)   74.5 (21.4)  60.7 (19.3)  63.5 (20.2)  0.014
               FEV1/FVC, mean (SD)            0.74 (0.13)   0.67 (0.14)  0.67 (0.12)  0.59 (0.11)  0.048
               ICS dose/day, mean (SD)        250 (425)     431 (416)   752 (494)     766 (344)    0.006
               Total # medications, mean (SD)  0.9 (1.3)    2.2 (1.4)   3.2 (1.5)     3.5 (1.6)    < 0.001
               # needing > 1 controller/total (%)  3/10 (30%)  11/20 (55%)  9/19 (47%)  11/13 (85%)
               Asthma control score           21.2 (5.1)    17.7 (5.3)  13.7 (6.2)    12.5 (5.4)   < 0.001
                 Eosinophils, mean (SD)       139 (99)      317 (293)   477 (401)     284 (181)    0.072
                 Severe asthma, % (n)         20 (2)        35 (7)      89 (17)       77 (10)      < 0.001
                 Aeroallergen sensitivity, % (n)  90 (9)    85 (17)     89 (17)       85 (11)
               For allergic subjects
                 Total # allergens tested positive, mean (SD)  3.8 (3.5)  5.5 (4.9)  4.8 (4.5)  6.5 (5.2)  0.546
                 Pollen sensitivity (%)       50            45          58            54           0.941
                 Cockroach sensitivity (%)    10            25          21            31           0.693
                 Dust mite sensitivity (%)    60            50          47            54           0.782
                 Animal sensitivity (%)       30            45          68            46           0.143
                 Mold sensitivity (%)         10            45          32            38           0.291
               1 P < 0.05 significant, determined by ANOVA for continuous variables, Chi-square for categorical variables; BMI: body mass index; ICS:
               inhaled corticosteroid; FVC: forced vital capacity; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1s; W: White; B: Black; A: Asian; H: Hispanic

               Cluster 4 (mean ACT of 12.5). Asthma controller medication use, as a measure of difficult to treat asthma,
               also varied by cluster. Cluster 1 had the lowest daily inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) use, and Cluster 3 and 4
               had the highest. In addition, Cluster 1 required the lowest number of controller medications, while Clusters
               3 and 4 had the highest.

               Lung function
               Consistent with our observations on the relationship between clusters and asthma severity, differences in
               lung function were observed in different clusters. Subjects in Cluster 4 had the highest degree of obstruction
               (FEV1/FVC ratio of 0.59 ± 0.11), compared to 0.74 ± 0.13 in Cluster 1, 0.67 ± 0.14) in Cluster 2, and 0.67 ± 0.12
               in Cluster 3. In addition, subjects in Cluster 3 had the lowest FEV1% at 60.7 ± 19.3, compared to 63.5 ± 20.2 in
               Cluster 4, 74.5 ± 21.4 in Cluster 2, and Cluster 1 had the highest at 84.4 ± 18.9.

               Markers of type 2 inflammation
               All subjects in our study had allergy testing to environmental allergies. There were similar rates of
               proportions of subjects with aeroallergen sensitivity (based on at least one positive test to a panel of 15
               aeroallergens): Clusters 1, 2, 3, and 4 were respectively 90%, 85%, 89%, and 85%. Subjects in Cluster 1 had
               the lowest number of positive aeroallergen tests (mean 3.8 positive tests per person), while Cluster 4 had the
               highest (mean 6.8 positive tests per person), but these values did not meet statistical significance. Cluster 1
               was also associated with a low rate of mold sensitivity (10% of subjects had 1 or more positive tests to mold).

               The absolute number of eosinophils in blood was the highest in Cluster 3 at 477. Mean absolute eosinophils
               in Cluster 1 was 139, 317 in Cluster 2, and 284 in Cluster 4. The mean total IgE was the highest in Cluster 2
               at 881, 588 in Cluster 2, 231 in Cluster 4, and 97 in Cluster 1. However, not all subjects had a total IgE level
               drawn, as this measure was only done in subjects with moderate to severe asthma, per our typical clinical
               workup in this patient asthma group.
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