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Corizzo et al. J Surveill Secur Saf 2020;1:140-50  I                                                 Page 147

               Table 2. Classification performance of extremely randomized trees models with different feature extraction techniques
               using different intrusion detection datasets
                Dataset     Feature extraction   Precision   Recall   F-score   Accuracy  AUC  F-score improvement
                               technique    (Macro)   (Macro)   (Macro)                     over baseline (%)
                ADFA-LD [16]  Bag of System Calls  0.9603  0.9244  0.9414  0.9752  0.9904      2.12%
                           Subsequence Vector  0.9402  0.9053   0.9218    0.9670   0.9846      /
                           Word2Vec         0.9376    0.8862    0.9096    0.9626   0.9791      -1.32%
                           Word2Vec + TF-IDF  0.9246  0.8702    0.8948    0.9568   0.9762      -2.92%
                           Doc2Vec          0.9006    0.5158    0.4985    0.8783   0.7457      -45.92%
                NGIDS-DS [17]  Bag of System Calls  0.9689  0.9691   0.9690  0.9690   0.9937   1.38%
                           Subsequence Vector  0.9557  0.9560   0.9558    0.9558   0.9899      /
                           Word2Vec         0.9999    0.9999    0.9999    0.9999   0.9999      4.61%
                           Word2Vec + TF-IDF  1.0000  1.0000    1.0000    1.0000   1.0000      4.62%
                           Doc2Vec          0.7398    0.6560    0.6289    0.6648   0.7462      -34.20%
                WWW2019 [18]  Bag of System Calls  0.9568  0.9108  0.9303  0.9457  0.9823      13.68%
                           Subsequence Vector  0.9830  0.8281   0.8183    0.9476   0.9048      /
                           Word2Vec         0.9971    0.9929    0.9950    0.9959   0.9999      21.59%
                           Word2Vec + TF-IDF  0.9990  0.9992    0.9991    0.9999   0.9999      22.09%
                           Doc2Vec          0.8894    0.6478    0.6662    0.7981   0.7179      -18.58%
               Results with three datasets: Australian Defence Force Academy Linux (ADFA-LD), Next-Generation Intrusion Detection System
               (NGIDS-DS), and Web Conference 2019 (WWW2019). Best results in terms of macro F-score are marked in bold. TF-IDF: Term-
               Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency

               Table 3. Training and prediction execution time of the different feature extraction techniques using different intrusion
               detection datasets
                Dataset            Feature extraction technique  Training time (min)   Prediction time (s)
                ADFA-LD [16]         Bag of System Calls           0.13                     0.25
                                     Subsequence Vector            0.15                     0.28
                                     Word2Vec                      1.95                     0.36
                                     Word2Vec + TF-IDF             80.43                    0.45
                                     Doc2Vec                       0.88                     0.30
                NGIDS-DS [17]        Bag of System Calls           0.86                     0.82
                                     Subsequence Vector            0.88                     0.84
                                     Word2Vec                      26.03                    1.05
                                     Word2Vec + TF-IDF             1060.3                   1.32
                                     Doc2Vec                       4.05                     0.88
                WWW2019 [18]         Bag of System Calls           1.23                     1.18
                                     Subsequence Vector            1.21                     1.16
                                     Word2Vec                      18                       1.45
                                     Word2Vec + TF-IDF             529.3                    1.82
                                     Doc2Vec                       26.08                    1.22
               Results with three datasets: Australian Defence Force Academy Linux (ADFA-LD), Next-Generation Intrusion Detection System
               (NGIDS-DS), and Web Conference 2019 (WWW2019). TF-IDF: Term-Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency

               detection is that represented by system calls processed separately and aggregated using the compositionality
               property, rather than the whole trace represented directly as a vector.

               In Table 3 we report the average execution times observed with the different feature extraction techniques.
               The execution was performed on a workstation equipped with an AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Processor (3200 MHz,
               6 cores, 12 logical processors) with 32 GB of DDR4 RAM. The results show that frequency-based methods
               appear very efficient, even if they lead to sub-optimal results in terms of accuracy, as discussed before.
               More sophisticated feature extraction techniques are computationally more intensive, and in particular
               Word2Vec in combination with TF-IDF exhibits the highest execution time among all the techniques tested
               in this study. However, the leading time of the method is motivated by the training time of the TF-IDF
               dictionary which, in our experiments, is performed from scratch at every execution. In practice, there
               is the possibility to reduce this cost drastically by incrementally updating the TF-IDF model. Moreover,
               once models are trained and deployed, their prediction time appears similar for all of them, on the order
               of milliseconds. We argue that, in a production setting, training models from scratch is not required
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