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Corizzo et al. J Surveill Secur Saf 2020;1:140-50  I                                                 Page 145

               Figure 3. Graphical representation of feature extraction based on Word2Vec and Term-Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency
               (TF-IDF) models

               The implementations of the proposed approach are publicly available in our GitHub repository
               ( The implementations are available in the Python
               programming language, and exploit the Gensim library to train the Word2Vec, TF-IDF and Doc2Vec
               models. The input data format expected is in the form of text files containing sequences of system calls.

               When designing the data processing pipelines, we utilized the behavioral patterns, considering that the
               communication between objects and in the data processing pipeline, and the input formats are the same.
               In particular, we used the strategy pattern by grouping the evaluated feature extraction algorithms into a
               single family of algorithms. We made sure that each algorithm from the Gensim library was encapsulated
               and had the same interface, so it could be interchanged without modifying the data processing pipeline.
               Similarly, we utilized the sci-kit learn library family of classification algorithms and were able to evaluate
               different combinations of algorithms with the tuning of their parameters, and feature extraction algorithms,
               to execute the whole pipeline without manual modifications. The features extracted by our implementations
               can be exploited by any machine learning method to perform intrusion detection as a binary classification

               Competitor methods
               Bag of system calls
               Inspired by the study by Kang et al. , we enumerated the global set of system calls in the training data and
               adopted a key-value data structure. In this structure, a key corresponds to the combination of a trace ID
               and a system call, and the corresponding value represents the frequency of the system call in the trace. We
               used this data structure to generate the final dataset in matrix form.

               Subsequence vector
               Similarly to the aforementioned approach followed for Bag of System Calls, we enumerated the global set
               of system calls in the training data and generated a data matrix in which each row was a trace and each
               column was a system call. The entry in this matrix was initially calculated as the frequency of the system
               call. Subsequently, following the approach followed by Xie et al. , we re-calculated the entries in the matrix
               as the product between the system call and its frequency in each trace.
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