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Page 10 of 12                          Liu et al. J Mater Inf 2022;2:20

               where Z  is the partial CN, equal to the average number of B-type atoms in the nearest coordination shell
               of A-type atoms; f  is the fraction of B-type atoms in HEMGs; the average CN of A-type atoms Z  = Σ Z .
                                                                                                     X A(X)
               The -α  is displayed in different colors in Figure 5C, and the values are given out only for the total average.
               If LAs/SAs have a higher -α  than the total average, the corresponding areas are marked by a plus sign,
               otherwise by a minus sign. The symbol “0” means the change is lower than 0.03, and the double plus/minus
               sign indicates the change is larger than 0.09. Firstly, the colors in Figure 5C show the chemical preference of
               coordination. Among all pairs, Cu-Zr, Zr-Ni, Ti-Pd, and Pd-Pd are the most favored bonds. On the
               contrary, Ni-Pd, Cu-Ni, Pd-Cu, and Cu-Cu pairs are relatively rare in this HEMG. It might be associated
               with mixing enthalpy. The favored pairs have relatively large negative mixing enthalpy, such as
                              -1                -1                    -1
               Cu-Zr (-23 kJ·mol ), Zr-Ni (-49 kJ·mol ) and Ti-Pd (-65 kJ·mol ), while the unfavored pairs have small
               negative  values,  such  as  Ni-Pd  (~0  kJ·mol ),  Pd-Cu  (-14  kJ·mol ),  and  even  positive  for
                             -1 [46]
               Cu-Ni (4 kJ·mol ) . Secondly, the symbols (i.e., +, -, and 0) in the LA/SA-quarter reveal the characteristics
               of LAs and SAs by the degree of deviation from the total average. Observing by columns, the Ni column has
               the most double signs, which means a dramatic variation in the chemical environment around Ni atoms
               when Ni serves as LAs/SAs. As we observed by rows, many “0’s” in the (Cu) row indicate that around LAs
               and SAs there is no apparent change in the number of Cu atoms. From the rows of (Zr) and (Ni), there is an
               obvious reduction in Zr and Ni atoms around LAs but increasing around SAs. By contrast, the Ti and Pd
               atoms favor pairing around LAs but avoid existing near SAs. According to Figure 5C, it is worth noting that
               every sign of LAs is opposite to that of SAs, suggesting their great contrast in chemical short-range order. In
               the conventional Cu-Zr binary MG, the LAs and SAs have almost negligible deviation of α parameter from
               the total average . Compared with the weak chemical short-range order in the conventional MG, such a
               great variation in the HEMG should be caused by the high entropy effect.

               Through learning the atomic dynamics, a kNN model successfully predicted the “temperature” of individual
               atoms in the Cu Zr Ni Ti Pd  HEMG, which can serve as a parameter to identify the active/inactive
                             20  20  20  20  20
               atoms under thermal and mechanical stimuli. During the stress-induced plastic flow, the machine-learned
               temperature revealed the heterogeneity in atomic dynamics. With the increase of the applied stress, a
               growing number of atoms are activated and move like “hot” atoms. These active “hot” atoms show an
               isolated and heterogeneous spatial distribution, and they have a close connection with local plastic
               deformation. Structurally, the active LAs prefer the lower LFFS and less CN atomic packing. Chemically,
               LAs and SAs exhibit the completely opposite characteristic of chemical short-range order. Compared with
               the conventional MG, the HEMG has a smaller activation volume of creep, a lower fraction of active atoms
               that make an ineffective contribution to viscoplastic deformation, and a more pronounced chemical
               short-range order, which corroborates the sluggish dynamics and high entropy effect of HEMGs.

               We thank Quanfeng He for contributing discussion on the article.

               Authors’ contributions
               Designed the study and performed data analysis and interpretation: Liu X
               Performed data acquisition and provided technical support: Lu W
               Made substantial contributions to writing and discussion: Tu W
               Made contributions to conception and supervised the research: Shen J
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