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Page 32 of 40                         Maner et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2020;6:37  I

               depending on their antigen priming, thus cancer cells may promote a change in lymphocyte DNA to avoid
               recognizing the cells as foreign . There also will need to be consideration for the use of inactive mature
               B- and T-lymphocytes that have not yet been presented with antigen compared to that of the lymphocytes
               that have been presented with an antigen. It is possible that the human body is a state of active dynamic
               mosaicism with genes turning on and off that have adapted genetic material to food products and other
               antigens within the body. This information can ensure further accuracy when determining the somatic
               genetics of patients with cutaneous malignancies and help with their treatment and prognosis.

               Cellular electrical charges
               Another important factor to consider with skin cancer genetics is that tumors tend to also have an electrical
               charge as do many cells within the body. This is also a way to evade immune system attack. Tumor cells
               are negatively charged. Lymphocytes that have been primed with tumor antigen are also negatively charge.
               In the world of chemistry, similar charges are opposed to each other while opposite charges attract each
               other. However, antibodies are positively charged. The positive charge of antibodies assists with T-helper
               lymphocyte eradication of tumor cells. However, it is known that natural killer cells and CTLs are
               important in immune killing of tumor cells, so there is more research that needs to be done in terms of the
               effect of charge between immune cells and tumor cells as well as on genetic signaling.

               Communication between immune system and nervous system
               The central and peripheral nervous systems are important for regulating the systems in the body. In fact,
               the nervous system directly affects the function of the immune system against fighting malignancies.
               Chronic exposure to stressful events stimulates the adrenal gland, a neuroendocrine organ, to release
               sympathetic nervous system stimulating hormones which disturbs the normal function and balance of the
               immune system. In addition, this stress can also increase lymphatic vascularization in current tumors that
               increases the number of chemokines release and promotes diapedesis of tumor cells. It is important to note
               and follow patients who have chronic stressors without stress relief exercises to maintain homeostasis. This
               neuroendocrine modulation also can influence the appearance of cutaneous tumors. As a result, decreasing
               stressful events in the lives of patients can help prevent cutaneous malignancies from occurring [224] .

               The body as a flux state
               It is important to remember that tumors are not always a collection of cells that function the same way
               undergoing the same processes at the same time. Many of these tumors function as organs, like that of
               the heart or lungs with various cell types and cell functions. Likewise, there can be tumor cells that are
               evading apoptosis by downregulating tumor suppressors, other cancer cells that are promoting cell growth
               through the mutation of oncogenes while others are invading the stroma by damaging the underlying
               adhesive molecules and releasing proteinases. In addition, cancer cells also can communicate amongst
               each other with autocrine and paracrine signaling. This signaling can activate specific genetic pathways
               to even mutate a normal, non-cancerous cell to that of a cancerous cell and change the genetic pathway
               of those that are already malignant. All these processes can occur simultaneously especially in the faster
               growing, more aggressive types of skin cancer. This hypothesis can explain why there are patients that
               can go into complete remission from a treatment type and others are treatment resistant. The multiple
               genetic signaling pathways activated, crosstalk and switching from one genetic pathway to another can be
               the reason as to why there is treatment resistance. Tumor cells, like immune cells, may have an ability to
               release chemokines leading to autocrine and paracrine communication between the cells. This process can
               also form a communication system between the cells telling each of them their function and even invade
               benign cells to become malignant. Adjuvant therapy might be considered in the earlier stages of cutaneous
               malignancies depending on the number of genetic pathways that are discovered within these tumor cells.
               These discoveries give providers further information to continuously perform full body skin examinations
               and surveillance patient chronic inflammatory conditions for transformation into malignant conditions.
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