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of improving survival rate. [2]                    hemisphere and localization of speech areas. The pre-motor
                                                              areas of the face  are always tested  to identify  possible
           In this point we have two arms, the technologies to improve   motor  causes  of  the  aphasia.  Even  with  all  protocols,
           resection and to increase the knowledge of tumor nature. By   intra-operative  positive  sites  errors  can  range  from  4.6%
           now it is clear that just improving resection won’t provide   to 22%.  The counting test is used to document a speech
           the best result, but better understanding of the different   arrest during electrocortical stimulation and also auditory
           diseases  and  tumor  natures,  will  provide  direction  for   naming, verb generation and reading are commonly used
           optimal resections and better outcomes.            tests. Additional tests can be applied such as calculation,
                                                              visuospatial functions, working memory, visual pathways,
           Awake craniotomy                                   eye movements, and writing. [16,17]
           Anesthetic  advances  permitted  safer  awake  craniotomies
           to obtain brain mapping and better neurosurgical borders.   One important point is that function can be found at the
           However,  it  has  a  series  of  challenges  to  be  analyzed   edge of high-grade gliomas and also within the tumor in
           before such as integration of different types of knowledge,   low-grades, so it has to be analyzed for a safe EOR. [19,20]
           imaging, multidisciplinary team, cooperation from several
           clinics  sectors, application  of protocols,  application  of   Awake  surgery  has  been  used  for  some  time,  but  new
           specific  technical  adjustments,  and  a  multidisciplinary   tests  and  anesthetic  evolution  have  permitted  a  better
           approach. The  integration  of  the  pre-operative  functional   understanding of functional areas and also the mapping of
           MRI (fMRI) and neuropsychological tests are the key for a   complex brain areas.
           good planning and patient selection. Not all tumor patients
           should undergo awake craniotomy, but patients with lesions   Cortical and sub-cortical mapping
           close relationship with eloquent areas, in special for motor   During the past years, the increase importance of the EOR
           and speech. [16,17]  Talacchi et al. stated that intra-operative   and  the  relationship  with  increased  overall  survivalhas
           complication  can  vary  from  anesthetic  (inadequate  or   made the neurosurgeons push to the limits of the glioma
           excessive  sedation,  pain,  nausea,  vomiting);  respiratory   surgeries,  even  in  eloquent  areas.  Nevertheless,  without
           (oxygen saturation < 90%, increased CO , hypoventilation   intra-operative  monitoring,  morbidity  increasing  became
           < 8 breaths/min, airway obstruction); hemodynamic (hyper-   fact. The objective of increasing overall survival with good
           or hypotension, tachy- or bradycardia);  and neurological   functional status made the neuronavigation era a reality.
           (convulsions,  brain  swelling,  new  neurological  deficit).   As imaging has increased its accuracy over the past years,
           From these complications,  hyper- and hypotension are   neuroanatomy studies have shown a better knowledge of
           the  most  frequent  in  awake  surgery  (11%  and  56%,   the sub-cortical tracts and the new mapping technologies
           respectively). [16,17]                             have shown the real cortical and functional mapping, which
                                                              most of the times can be changed by the lesion. [9,22]
           The main purpose of awake surgery is the monitoring of
           speech and motor pathways. This way, the physical pre-  Intra-operative  monitoring  has  been  studied  by  several
           operative imaging/clinical examinations and intra-operative   different methods, using somatosensory-evoked potentials
           positive  tests  are  important.  Patients  with  aphasias  and   (SSEP), awake stimulation, and cortical/sub-cortical direct
           language disturbance seen at the physical examination, have   motor stimulation. SSEP uses sub-dural electrodes to evoke
           higher  risk  of  post-operative  neurological  deterioration.   potentials of gyri and to localize the central core (pre-central
           Intra-operative positive  tests for stimulation in motor areas   and  post-central  gyri)  [Figure  1]. Awake  stimulation  is  a
           have also higher risk of motor deterioration, probably due
           to the proximity of the tumor lesion to the cortical tracts. [16]

           Shinoura et al. studied motor worsening after 102 motor
           areas  glioma  surgery;  they  have  encountered  motor
           worsening immediately  after surgery and after 1 month
           were related to awake surgery failure and intra-operative
           complications. The main causes of failure of awake surgery
           are severe somnolence, epilepsy, air embolism, no wake up
           and motor neglect. [18]
           In order  to  analyze  the  hemisphere  dominance,  the
           Edinburgh, Wada or fMRI (with verb generation tasks) can
           be done. Also, multiple tests are applied to the language
           task with visual object naming tests such as the  Boston
           naming  test,  Snodgrass  and Vanderwart Test,  DO80,  and   Figure 1: Direct electrical stimulation with and somatosensory-evoked
           Aachner Aphasia Test. They are done to map the dominant   potentials in motor/sensory areas

                                                                                                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ March 11, 2016 ¦
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