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good approach for the language function and its multiple    DES, the overall resection rate and the rate of involvement
            association areas, which could be more complex and even   of the language  functional  area  in the  resection  were
            specific for different languages/cultures. Language function   significantly increased. [23]
            is  the  most  complex  and  superior  level  function,  with
            multiple  localizations  and  spread  connective  areas.  The   Event thought DES is a relative novel technology, is also an
            exact  language-related  cortical  area  is not mathematical   important research method for higher cognitive functions,
            and is individual related, especially in patients with intra-  such as music, calculation,  memory, complex speech
            cranial lesions. Patients with intra-cranial tumors can have   processes,  hemispheric  ignorance,  perception,  visual
            very atypical language areas related to their brain mapping   pathways and more. [25-29]
            conformation and compliance to the tumor.  The key for
            brain surgery of the dominant hemisphere is the central core   Neuronavigation and  intra-operative magnetic
            and language function, which has become possible. [22,23]  resonance imaging
                                                               Magnetic resonance has changed the course of anatomical
            Brain mapping usually needs large craniotomies and longer
            time of surgical/anesthetic exposure, but provides multiple   marks in neurosurgery; since its beginning in the early 80’s,
            functional areas. [23,24]  Li et al. analyzed 91 cases of brain   the pursuit of high field technologies for better images has
            functional  area  glioma  surgery  under  direct  electrical   become a challenge.
            stimulation  (DES)  and  noticed  that  the  most  commonly
            observed areas of counting interruption were distributed on   In the neuronavigation era, planning surgery has become not
            the posterior part of the left anterior central gyrus (47.7%),   only a decision on craniotomies and different approaches,
            the operculum of the left inferior frontal gyrus (24.4%), the   but  also  a  way  to  prevent  and  predict  the  final  surgery
            triangular part of the left inferior frontal gyrus (12.8%), and   with minimal injuries. This way, fMRI, positron emission
            even the posterior part of the superior frontal gyri (4.7%).   tomography (PET), and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) are
            After  surgery,  46%  had  no  post-operative  dysfunction,   important technologies. [1]
            42.9% a brief language dysfunction, 29.7% limb movement
            disorder, and 1 case had a permanent disability; this shows   PET utilizes  H O  as  a  blood  tracer  to  measure  flow
            that  DES  is  a  non-invasive  accurate  method.   Another   or ( F)-fluorodeoxglucose  uptake  to  measure  cerebral
            positive point of DES is the mapping of the sub-cortical   metabolism. [30]
            areas because it does not have influences on brain shift or
            other positioning errors. [22]                     fMRI  measures  blood  oxygen  level  dependency  changes
                                                               due to alterations  in the ratio of the oxyhaemoglobin
            Even though fMRI is satisfying for motor/sensitivity areas,   and  deoxyhaemoglobin  in  the  most  metabolically  active
            its sensitivity is only of 59-100% and specificity of 0-97%   regions  [Figure 2].
            for language areas. [22]
                                                               Another image technology is the DTI, which visualizes the
            De Witt Hamer et al. reviewed and made a meta-analysis   fiber tracts with the thermally driven motion, or diffusion of
            of  surgical  situations  of  8,091  glioma  cases  and  found   water and molecules through fibers. [31,32]
            that the rate of long-term severe neurological dysfunction
            sub-sequent to DES was 3.4%, while the long-term severe    DTI  and  fMRI  allow  neurosurgeons  to  have  functional/
            disability rate of patients that underwent surgery without   eloquent areas and sub-cortical fibers related to the lesions
            DES  was  8.2%.  In  addition,  for  the  patients  undergoing   in  their  pre-operative  planning;  therefore,  functional

            Figure 2: Functional magnetic resonance imaging and glioma: Red spots of the functional areas for the speech test near/between the tumor

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