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Figure 2: Fine-needle aspiration cytology from skeletal muscle mass
                                                              showing nests of pleomorphic squamous cells (bold arrowhead)
           Figure 1: Contrast enhanced computed tomography-thorax showing skeletal
           muscle metastasis in the paraspinal and intercostal muscles invading the   and enhancement on gadolinium.  Our patient declined an
           vertebra (red arrow) and lung metastasis (white arrow)  MRI scan. Differentiation between a primary sarcoma and
                                                              metastatic carcinoma is difficult without a biopsy/FNAC.  The
           fornices were flushed, and vagina was small and conical.   FNAC was done, which showed metastasis from squamous
           The patient remained locoregionally controlled for 1 year,   cell  carcinoma  in the  muscles.  Primary  squamous cell
           after which she presented with complaints of swelling in   carcinoma in muscle is not recognized, and thus we have
           the left side of the back along with pain. On examination,   concluded that this is a metastasis from the past diagnosis
           a  large  tender  swelling was seen on left paraspinal   of cervical cancer.
           region, size around 8 cm × 4 cm, hard and fixed. Vaginal
           examination  performed  at the time showed growth over   The outcome of the patients  with skeletal  metastasis  is
           cervix extending to involve upper 2/3 of the vagina, and   usually poor mostly due to diffuse metastasis and a lack
           both the parametrium were involved. Contrast-enhanced   of consensus on treatment  options.  When exercised,
           computed tomography (CT)-thorax revealed a huge mass   treatment  options  include  radiotherapy,  chemotherapy,
           in the left paraspinal muscles, involving the vertebrae along   and surgery according  to the  site  number and extension
           with  multiple  lung  secondaries [Figure  1].  Fine-needle   of the  lesion.  In the  case  of a solitary  skeletal  muscle
           aspiration  cytology  (FNAC) from  back  mass  revealed   metastasis, metastasectomy has been performed, followed
           metastatic squamous cell carcinoma [Figure 2]. The patient   by radiotherapy.   The  general  consideration  of skeletal
           was advised for palliative  local radiotherapy  to vertebra   muscle  metastasis  usually requires chemotherapy, in
           followed by chemotherapy, but patient declined treatment   particular, the platinum-taxane combination is often chosen
           and went home and succumbed to the disease.        because of high response rate documented with this regimen
                                                              as compared to cisplatin alone.  Palliative radiotherapy or
           DISCUSSION                                         combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy are effective in
                                                              controlling pain and size of the metastatic lesion.
           The incidence of metastasis to skeletal muscles is < 1% of
           all hematogenous metastasis despite the fact that the muscles   A reason for the prevalence (I have changed incidence to
           represent 50% of total body mass in a person.  Cancer cell   prevalence) of skeletal muscle metastasis in cervix cancer
           survival is found more in denervated muscle, which is unable   being  low  may  be  due  to  difficulty  in  differentiating
           to contract rather than those stimulated one. [3]  malignant from benign lesions. Thus, in a patient with the
                                                              previous history of cancer presenting with soft tissue mass,
           Skeletal muscle involvement from cervical cancer is very   skeletal muscle metastasis should be considered and should
           rare.  Since 2008, only 10 cases with muscle metastasis   be confirmed with imaging modalities and FNAC/biopsy.
           from cervical  cancer have been reported in literature.   On confirmation palliative chemotherapy with or without
           Deleted the third mention of the fact that the most common   local radiotherapy for pain should be given.
           site of muscle metastasis  is psoas. [5,6]  Various  imaging
           modalities have been used to identify metastasis to muscle,   Muscular  pain  or  weakness  or just  a  palpable  mass  in  a
           but none of them are specific in differentiating carcinomas,   patient with a history of cervical cancer should always raise
           sarcomas and other muscle  disorders. CT scans show   the suspicion of the metastatic  muscular disease even after
           muscle metastasis as muscle enlargement but cannot specify   many years of locally controlled disease.
           this as malignant. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in
           metastatic lesions show low to intermediate intensity on T1-  Financial support and sponsorship
           weighted  images,  high intensity on  T2-weighted  images,   Nil.

                                                                                                     Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2¦ Issue 2 ¦ February 29, 2016 ¦
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83