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Corticosteroids  can  be useful  but  are  not  devoid  of   51 U/L) while thyroid, hepatic and renal function were
            major side  effects. Some evidence  supports the  use  of   normal.  Serological  tests  for  hepatitis  B  virus,  hepatitis
            methylphenidate  over  placebo,  but  its  use is  limited  by   C virus, human immunodeficiency virus, Epstein-
            side  effects,  and  it should  be administrated only under   Barr virus and cytomegalovirus were negative. Chest
            expert supervision. One  placebo-controlled  trial  on   radiography, abdominal ultrasound, electrocardiography and
            methylphenidate in prostate  cancer showed a small benefit.   echocardiography were all normal.
            However, 37.5% of treated subjects dropped out for severe
            drug-related adverse events. Secondly, the sample size was   Diagnosis of CRF was established as a diagnosis of
            quite small, and statistical analysis was  not  corrected for   exclusion.  CRF  was  assessed according  to  the  Brief
            multiple comparisons. [11]                         Fatigue Inventory (BFI), [17]  and a score of 9 (BFI range,
                                                               0-10) was found.
            Also, erythropoietin may be effective but a specific dose for
            routine practice in CRF cannot be recommended. The aim   Considering both the urinary incontinence and depression
            of treatment should be to use the minimum required dose   symptoms, we prescribed duloxetine at a starting daily dose
            for  the shortest duration.  This is  due to  the theoretical   of 30 mg and then, as per drug schedule, after 2 weeks, the
            increase  in  the  risk  of  thromboembolic side effects  with   dose was increased to 60 mg. Duloxetine was chosen due to
            higher doses and protracted treatment with erythropoietin   its  efficacy against urinary incontinence at a similar dose
            and possible cancer stimulation. [10]              (dose range, 40-80 mg daily).

            In some trials, antidepressants and psychostimulant drugs   After 2 months of treatment at the dose of 60 mg, the BFI
            showed a small little clinical benefit.  Here, we report a case   score was decreased to 2, urinary incontinence completely
            of CRF treated with duloxetine. Duloxetine is a serotonin-  resolved,  and  the  patient  returned  to  regular  activities.
            noradrenergic reuptake inhibitor, commonly used as an   There were no  side effects. Duloxetine was continued  at
            antidepressant. It has been recently approved for neuropathic   the  same  dose for  a  further  2  months  and  then  was
                                                               withdrawn because of alcoholism relapse, a disorder  that
            pain, chronic fatigue syndrome (at the dose range of 30-60 mg   the patient and his relatives  had omitted in medical  history.
            daily), fibromyalgia and it is also recommended for urinary
            incontinence in Europe (40-80 mg daily). [14-16]   After duloxetine  discontinuation, the  patient  reported  a
                                                               moderate  CRF  worsening  over  6  months.  However,  4
            CASE REPORT                                        months  later,  he  maintained a  5  points-lower  BFI  score
                                                               than  the  initial  one.  At  the same  time,  he  was  referred
            A 74-year-old man presented to our clinic complaining of   to  our  alcohol  abuse  center with a progressive reduction
            more than 6 months of fatigue, which was exacerbated by   of heavy-drinking days in a 6-month timeline follow-back.
            activity and not relieved by rest. The patient had a history   DISCUSSION
            of advanced prostate cancer 3 years before, he underwent
            a  radical  prostatectomy  (Gleason  score  4  +  4,  pT3bN0;   CRF is a major problem in prostate cancer management,
            prostate-specific antigen (PSA)  21.1  ng/mL) followed  by   according  to several  studies, the  prevalence  of CRF
            adjuvant  radiotherapy.  Following  treatment,  only  mild   regardless of intensity is about 74%.   There is no
            urinary incontinence was noted. Two years later, he had a   “gold  standard” treatment  currently  recommended,  and
            biochemical relapse, with a PSA doubling time < 6 months   the commonly given therapies are poorly successful.
            for  which  he  started  on daily  bicalutamide,  50  mg  and   Only 2 drugs have shown some activity  against CRF:
            monthly  luteinizing hormone-releasing  hormone agonist.   methylphenidate and erythropoietin, although their regular
            After starting medical therapy, a progressive and significant   use do have caveats. [10]
            PSA normalization  was  observed.  However,  6  months
            later, he complained  for  recurrent  moments  of  sadness,   Our  patient, who was  not receiving chemotherapy,
            loss of interest in daily activities, insomnia, concentration   showed mild anemia, thus not presenting an indication for
            problems and worsening urinary incontinence (from mild   erythropoietin.  Some  data  show that  CRF can  disappear
            to moderate).                                      spontaneously 6-8 weeks after the end of HT, but our patient
                                                               was receiving HT, and was to be continued until progression
            On  physical  examination,  he  was not  pale or  jaundiced,   or unacceptable toxicity, so that a medical withdrawal was
            afebrile with normal heart rate and blood pressure. Heart,   not indicated. Although the timing and modality of treatment
            lung,  abdominal  and  musculoskeletal examinations  were   of PSA-only recurrence  after radical  prostatectomy  and
            normal.  No  hepatomegaly, gynecomastia or  neurological   radiotherapy remains controversial, our patient had high-
            signs were present. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group   risk disease deserving first-line treatment. [18]
            performance status  was  0-1.  Laboratory  tests,  including
            a  complete  blood count and  electrolytes,  showed  mild   In CRF pathophysiology, a relevant  impairment  of
            anemia (hemoglobin 11.7 g/dL) and elevated transaminase   neurotransmitter  (serotoninergic,  noradrenergic  and
            levels (alanine transaminase 83 U/L, aspartate transaminase   dopaminergic)  systems is present.  The  use of different

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦ Volume 2 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ February 29, 2016 ¦  65
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