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METHODS                                            were divided according to the International Prognostic
                                                              Index (IPI) value and numbers of chemotherapeutic
           Patients                                           regimens as prognostic factors referred to OS and TTF.
           From February 2006 to July 2014, 45 relapsed/
           refractory DLBCLs patients treated with GDP-R  at our   Statistical analysis
           Institution  entered  into  the  study. Eligibility  criteria   Before performing survival analysis, an exploration phase
           were men  or women  aged  > 18 years;  documentation   was carried out. Categorical data were described by frequency
           of unresponsiveness disease according  to the Cheson   and percentage, whereas continuous data by mean, median,
           criteria,   after  one  or more  chemotherapeutic regimens;   and range.
           absence  of  renal,  hepatic,  and  respiratory  failure;  no
           evidence of active infections; HIV-negativity; at least one   Complete and partial response to chemotherapy
           site of measurable disease; and written informed consent.   CR and partial response (CR and PR, respectively, according
           In particular, of a total  of 45 studied patients,  37 (82%)   to the Cheson  criteria)  in patients  with  more than 2 or 2
           relapsed after achieving an initial complete response (CR),   or < 2 chemotherapeutic regimens were assessed by using
           while the remaining 8 patients (18%) were primary non-  the Fisher exact test.
           responders (primary refractory disease). Patient evaluation
           included a full history and clinical examination, complete   Survival analysis
           serum biochemistry with dosage of lactate dehydrogenase   The survival was expressed as mean, median, and range. The
           (LDH)  and  β2-microglubulin,  peripheral  blood  and  bone   endpoints studied included TTF (defined as the time from the
           marrow immunophenotyping,  bone marrow biopsy, bone   beginning of treatment to further disease progression, relapse,
           marrow molecular analysis, chest and abdomen and pelvic   or death) and OS (defined as the time from diagnosis to the
           computed tomographic scan, serology for HIV, hepatitis-B
           virus and hepatitis-C virus. The age range of the cohort was   last follow-up). Six variables (risk factors) were assessed in
           23-84 years. The number of previous therapies (NPTs) was   TTF and OS univariate  and multivariate survival analysis:
           also  evaluated  in  this  series. The  first-line  chemotherapy   sex (male, female); age (≤ 65, >65); LDH (≤ 300, >300);
           was R-CHOP (n = 35), R-DHAP (n = 2), and hyper-CVAD   stage (I-II, III-IV); IPI: (≤ 2, >2); and NPT (≤ 2, >2).
           (n = 8). Most cases (27/45) received less than two previous
           chemotherapies; 20/45 cases had bone marrow involvement   The  results  of  the  Cox  regression were  expressed using
           documented by biopsy (stage IV).                   both the hazard ratios with its related confidence interval
                                                              and related P value.
           GDP-R regimen consisted of gemcitabine (1,000 mg/m )   Survival curves were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier
           intravenous (IV) on the days 1 and 8; cisplatin (75 mg/m )   method and the log-rank test was used to evaluate the
           IV on the day 1; rituximab 375 mg/m  IV on the day 2;   differences between curves. Univariate survival analysis
           oral dexamethasone 40 mg on the days 1-4; this regimen   was performed  including each risk factor in a  Cox
           was given every 3 weeks for a total of four courses. The   regression  model. All  variables  significantly  influencing
           standard anti-emetic regimen including ondansetron and   survival in the univariate analysis were analyzed together
           dexamethasone was provided prior to chemotherapy.   in a Cox regression model as multivariate analysis, with
           Chemotherapy was delayed on day 8 until recovery for   the aim of studying the independent contribution of each
           a maximum of 3 weeks if the neutrophil count was < 0.5   risk factor in explaining survivorship. Furthermore, the
           × 10 /L and/or the platelet count was < 50 × 10 /L or if   proportional hazard is always verified by using of log(-
           the patient showed grade 3/4 non-hematological toxicity   log) curves.  The results of the Cox regression were
           (except for nausea, vomiting, and alopecia).  The dose   expressed  by  hazard  ratios  with  its  related  confidence
           of cisplatin was reduced by 50% in the event of grade   interval  and  related  P  value  calculated  by  Wald  test.
           2 neurological toxicity or grade 1 renal toxicity. In the   Regression coefficients (B) were also calculated. Statistics
           event of febrile neutropenia, grade 4 thrombocytopenia   was applied to the overall population (n = 45) and to each
           or more than grade 3 non-hematological toxicity (except   of the two subsets that were obtained after all patients
           alopecia), treatment with 75% of the dose was given.   were divided according to whether the IPI value was ≤ 2
           Patient’s disease was evaluated for response 1 month   or > 2 and the number of chemotherapeutic regimens was
           after  the end of treatment, and then every 3 months   ≤ 2 or > 2 (27 vs. 18 pts, respectively). The cut-off value
           during the first 2 years and every 6 months for further   for the number of previous chemotherapies and IPI was
           3 years. International Workshop NHL response criteria   determined by a preliminary investigation considering the
           were  used  to assess  the  response  to  treatment. [10]   The   available data from the study.
           toxicity  was  estimated  and  graded  according  to  the
           National  Cancer  Institute  Common  Toxicity  Criteria   Differences were considered significant at P < 0.05.
           version 3.0 grading system. Side-effects were described
           in the overall population and in each of 2 subsets that   Analyses were performed using the SPSS 21 technology.

                                                                                                    Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ February 29, 2016 ¦
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75