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Table 2: OS risk factors                           This last value is much lower than that we have reported at
                              Univariate analysis             2-year in our study (70%) and suggests that the addition
                        P          HR          IC 95%         of rituximab to GDP regimen significantly increases its
           Sex         0.555       1.31        0.53-3.24      efficacy. However, an occurrence rate for grade III/IV
           Age         0.289       1.74        0.62-4.85      leukopenia of 37.5% and 25% for thrombocytopenia
           LDH         0.271       1.80        0.63-5.12      was found. These rates are higher than those we have
           Stage       0.863       0.91        0.32-2.62      observed in our study and the reason is not clear. In
           IPI         0.823       1.15        0.34-3.92
           NPT         0.389       1.40        0.60-3.76      our study, 45 patients with aggressive refractory/relapsed
           NPT: number of previous treatments; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase;   DLBCLs not eligible for ASCT were treated with GDP-R
           IPI: international prognostic index; OS: overall survival  achieving an ORR of 48.8% with a median duration of
                                                              response of 13.59 months (range: 2.13-58.6 months).
           Table 3: TTF risk factors                          Moreover, GDP-R resulted safe: no febrile neutropenia
                  Univariate analysis  Multivariate analysis  was recorded; grade-4 neutropenia was registered
                   P    HR   IC 95%   B     P   HR   IC 95%   in one patient, and two patients developed grade-2
            Sex   0.551  1.28  0.57-2.87                      neurotoxicity. These data confirm GDP-R therapy is a
            Age   0.536  1.37  0.51-3.66                      reasonable option for refractory/relapsed DLBCLs in
            LDH   0.290  1.59  0.67-3.76                      patients who are not eligible for ASCT. In particular,
            Stage  0.243  1.80  0.67-4.85                     patients pre-treated with 2 or < 2 lines of therapy had a
            IPI   0.041  2.82  1.01-7.87  1.29  0.048  3.65  1.24-10.7  better ORR than that of ones (63% vs. 22%) receiving
            NPT   0.019  2.59  1.17-5.74  1.15  0.029  3.17  1.12-8.95  more than 2 lines before GDP-R, with a median TTF of
           NPT: number of previous treatments; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase;   22.2 months vs. 2.7 months (P = 0.029 in multivariate
           IPI: international prognostic index; TTF: time to treatment failure  Cox model). Even IPI influenced TTF with a median of
                                                              17.3 months for patients with IPI value less or equal to
           nucleoside analog. It is a competitive substrate with   2 and 3.4 months for patients with IPI > 2 (P = 0.048
           deoxycytidine  for  incorporation  into  DNA,  and  in   in multivariate Cox model).  These data suggest that
           this way, it inhibits DNA replication and repair. It is a   exposition to numerous different chemotherapeutic
           derivative of cytidine and even if it is similar to cytosine   regimens selects chemoresistant neoplastic cells that
           arabinoside, it can be absorbed by cells faster, more   are difficult to be eradicated. Moreover, they suggest
           effectively phosphorylated, and it remains in cells for a   that within the entire population of patients with
           longer of time. Gemcitabine inhibits the DNA synthesis   refractory/relapsed DLBCLs not eligible for ASCT the
           by preventing the activity of ribonucleotide reductase,   number of previous chemotherapeutic regimens and
           and this conduces to a reduction of the concentration of   IPI value select those who benefit more from GDP-R
           intracellular nucleotide pool. In this way, gemcitabine   treatment. It is likely that the disease was intrinsically
           has more antitumor activities and a lighter bone marrow   more aggressive in patients with higher IPI index and
           inhibition than higher dosage of cytosine arabinoside. [5,6]    in those who required multiple chemo-treatments. In
           As far as we know, one previous study [12]  only has   fact, tumor phenotype and its biological aggressiveness
           been conducted using the same GDP-R regimen of     are different in any cancer. In the multivariate analyses,
           chemoimmunotherapy in patients with refractory/relapsed   among the evaluated prognostic factors, the number
           DLBCLs as in our report. In this study, in 50 successive   of previous chemo-treatments and IPI index were
           patients, the 2-year OS and progression-free survival   significant variables for  TTF.  This finding suggests
           were 70% and 48%, respectively. Hence, both these   that the number of previous chemo-treatments and IPI
           end-points was the same or similar to those we have   are  independent  prognostic  factors.  Moreover,  tumor
           reported in our study. ORR was 72% and grade III-IV   phenotype can change during the progression of the
           neutropenia and thrombocytopenia occurred in 34%   disease due to genetic instability of cancer cells. This
           and 40% of patients. However, the schedule adopted by   could account for the lack of a significant correlation
           the investigators in this study was different than in ours.   between the number of previous chemo-treatments
           In fact, cisplatin was given at 25 mg/m  IV on the days   or IPI and OS. In fact, prognostic factors other than
           1-3 instead of 75 mg/m  on the day 1 and rituximab was   the number of previous chemo-treatments and IPI
           delivered on the day 1 instead of on the day 2. These   and inherent to tumor phenotype can prevail with the
           slight differences could have affected both ORR and   progression of the disease.
           toxicity that were higher than in our study. Moreover,
           another previous study evaluated the efficacy of GDP   In conclusion, the shown results, even if based on a
           regimen given with the same schedule as in our study   retrospective monocentric study and a small sample
           but not including rituximab. [13]  In this study, the ORR   size, evidence that for patients with relapsed/refractory
           was 58.3% for assessable patients, and the 1-year OS   DLBCL, who cannot benefit from HDT and GDP-R is a
           rate was 41.7%.                                    reliable and well-tolerated therapeutic choice.

                                                                                                    Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ February 29, 2016 ¦
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