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Case Report

            Unusual skeletal muscle metastasis from carcinoma cervix

            Mehlam Kausar , Desh Deepak Ladia , Abhinav  Mutneja , Virendra  Bhandari 2
            1 Department of Radiation Oncology, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Science, Indore 452008, Madhya Pradesh, India.
            2 Roentgen-SAIMS Radiation Oncology Centre, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences, Indore 452008, Madhya Pradesh, India.
            Correspondence to: Dr. Virendra Bhandari, Roentgen-SAIMS Radiation Oncology Centre, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences, Indore
            452008, Madhya Pradesh, India. E-mail:
                             Dr. Virendra Bhandari, MD in Radiation Oncology, has worked as Senior Registrar at TMH, Mumbai and then as
                             Consultant Oncologist at Allahabad and Aurangabad, and treated solid and haematological malignancies. He has been
                             trained in Brachytherapy, Hyperthermia, IGRT, SRT, and SBRT at  Christie Hospital Manchester(UK), Utrecht Hospital
                             and DD Hoed Hospital, The Netherlands, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit & FROG’s Clinics, Jacksonville, USA and
                             Humanitas Hospital, Milan, Italy. Presently he is working Professor at Sri Aurobindo Medical College and P G Institute,
                             Indore. He has 35 Publications in Indexed journals to his credit.

                                                     A B S T R AC T
            Cervical cancer is the most common malignancy in Indian women. It usually spreads locally or via regional lymphatics to retroperitoneal
            lymph nodes and hematogenous spread is rare. The occurrence of skeletal muscle metastases is a very rare event and only a few cases
            have been reported in literature. The authors present an unusual case of cervical carcinoma in a patient that presented with skeletal muscle
            metastasis 1 year after the treatment.
            Key words: Cervix; skeletal muscle; unusual metastasis

            INTRODUCTION                                       per vagina for 3 months. On local  examination,  cervix
                                                               was completely destroyed  by a proliferative  growth
            Metastasis of carcinoma cervix to skeletal muscles is a rare   involving both the right and left fornix and the lower third
            occurrence.  Muscles are  highly resistant  to primary  and   of the vagina. Both the right and left  parametrium  were
            metastatic cancer due to their high contractile activity, local   indurated to the lateral pelvic wall. Ultrasonography of the
            changes in pH, oxygenation, accumulation of metabolites,   abdomen was suggestive of 8.6 cm × 5.3 cm large solid
            blood  flow,  and  local  temperature.  Psoas, iliopsoas,   heterogeneous  mass  with  scattered  calcification  in  the
            paraspinal muscles, and proximal musculature of the upper   cervical region. Histopathology from the growth revealed
            and  lower limbs, represent  the most frequently  involved   moderately  differentiated  squamous  cell  carcinoma.
            sites. Malignancies known to metastasize  frequently  to   Metastatic workup did not show any metastatic lesion in
            the  muscle  are melanoma,  kidney, lung, thyroid  cancer,   liver or lungs. Thus, a diagnosis of carcinoma cervix IIIb
            lymphoma, leukemia  and colon cancer.   We report a   (Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage) was made.
            case of carcinoma cervix with metastasis to paraspinal   Then, the patient was planned for concurrent chemotherapy
            and intercostal  skeletal  muscle as the  initial  sign of   and radiotherapy. She was given radical  radiotherapy  to
                                                               the whole pelvis with external beam radiotherapy to a dose
            CASE REPORT                                        of 60 Gy/30 over a period of 6 weeks. She also received
                                                               6 cycles of weekly cisplatin  concurrently  (30 mg/m
            A post-menopausal female, married for 45 years with two   intravenous). Intracavitary boost was  not  given as both the
            children, presented with a complaint  of white discharge
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                                                               How to cite this article: Kausar M, Ladia DD, Mutneja A, Bhandari V.
                                                               Unusual skeletal muscle metastasis from carcinoma cervix. J Cancer
                                  DOI:                         Metastasis Treat 2016;2:67-9.
                                                               Received: 02-03-2015; Accepted: 26-10-2015.

                        © 2016 Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Published by OAE Publishing Inc.  67
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