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Figure 3: Karyogram of HT1376 with GTL banding. The chromosomes with changes are marked within square with letters that represent
            partial metaphases with GTL and FISH subtelomeric probes. GTL: giemsa trypsin leishman banding; FISH: fluorescent in situ hibridization

            that the use of both PI3K and mTOR inhibitors would   respectively. [10,44]   To achieve reliable tumor  take  after
            be beneficial in these cases. [39]  We further evaluated the   transurethral implantation of tumor cells, the host bladder
            combined effect of mTOR inhibitors with gemcitabine   is  usually  submitted  to  catheterization  with  chemical
            and cisplatin, which are currently used in the treatment   pre-treatment  or  mechanical  traumatization.  Although
            of  MIBC.  The combined  therapy resulted  in  enhanced   widely used, these methods are often associated with
            inhibition of cell proliferation, increased apoptosis and   adverse reactions in some study animals and can lead to
            autophagy, especially in 5637 and HT1376 cell lines,   uncontrolled  tumor growth in  adjacent organs.  On  the
            when compared with gemcitabine or cisplatin alone. In   other hand, the injection of tumor cells into the bladder
            contrast, in the T24 cell line, the addition of everolimus   wall  frequently  relies  on  laparotomy  and  mobilization
            or temsirolimus to cisplatin did not increase the efficacy   of the bladder, also a morbidity-associated procedure.
            of the latter one but, when combined to gemcitabine   More recently, ultrasound guided percutaneous
            resulted in enhanced cell proliferation inhibition. [40-43]    implantation of cells between the urothelium and lamina
            This  evidence  supports  the  role  of  complex  tumor   propria have been reported with the benefit of accurate
            signaling pathways in tumor behavior and response to   cell delivery and a minimally invasive procedure. [45]
            chemotherapy and  highlights the diverse and sometimes   Bladder palpation and urine inspection are the initial
            controversial results observed in preclinical studies.  approaches to identify growing tumors, followed by
                                                               imaging techniques such  as ultrasound, magnetic
            To some extent, the cell lines used in our investigation   resonance imaging and bioluminescence. [45,46]  Inclusion
            reflect  the  tumor  heterogeneity  and  its  response  to   of fluorescent or luciferase reporter genes in tumor cells
            anticancer drugs. Knowing the limitations of this study   prior to implantation enables in vivo imaging of tumors
            material, the use of cell lines can be a very important   and metastases, and this method has been validated in
            starting point, indicating new research opportunities.   mouse orthotopic models with promising results. [47]
            However, evidence from in vitro studies must be further
            confirmed using more realistic and complex models such   CONCLUSION
            as xenografts.
                                                               UBC  is  a  complex  disease  with  both  genetic  and
            In addition to  in vitro assays, human cell lines have   environmental factors playing a role in tumor initiation,
            been widely used to establish xenograft models in mice.   progression, and metastasis. In addition to the models
            In this model, tumor cells are implanted  either under   used by our group, many more have been developed and
            the skin (heterotopic) or in the bladder (orthotopic). In   are available to study the molecular biology, behavior,
            orthotopic models, the tumor arises within the bladder   and chemosensitivity of UBC.
            of the recipient host allowing the study of tumor cells
            behavior in the normal host tissue microenvironment.   Most murine orthotopic UBC models can be obtained by
            Single cell suspensions of bladder cancer cell lines   three ways such as induced by a chemical carcinogen,
            can  be  inoculated  by  intravesical  instillation  or  direct   implantation of human UBC cells in immunocompromised
            injection into the bladder wall to establish xenografts or   mice, or implantation of murine UBC cells in
            syngeneic models, if using human cell lines or mouse/  immunocompetent mice (allograft or syngeneic models).
            rat cell lines in the corresponding background strain,   The model characteristics will depend on the site of

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦ Volume 2 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ February 29, 2016 ¦  55
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