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Recently, several  candidate  molecular  biomarkers  have   humans.  The carcinogens  can be delivered  systemically,
           been  discovered and  could  be  used to  subdivide  urinary   by gavage or  in the drinking water, or locally, by injection
           bladder  tumors  in  clinically  relevant  subsets, aiding  the   or via instillation. The tumor subtype and the time needed
           prognosis, and  treatment  selection for  patients.  Further   for tumorigenesis depend on the carcinogen used, animal
           analytical  and  clinical  validation is required to integrate   species and  strains and  the  treatment  regimen.  Because
           these markers into the clinical practice.          these models use immunocompetent animals and are highly
                                                              reproducible, they can  be  used  to  study the  mechanisms
           Several risk factors and genetic pathways have been   involved in pathogenesis of bladder cancer  and are suitable
           implicated in the development of UBC. Low grade, non-  for  studies on  interactions  between  host  immune  system
           invasive tumors are associated with fibroblast growth factor   and the  tumor. In  addition, several rodent bladder cancer
           receptor 3 (FGFR3) and Harvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene   cell lines derived from carcinogen-induced bladder tumors
           homolog (HRAS) overexpression and/or mutations whereas   were established and made available for in vitro and in vivo
           carcinoma in situ (CIS) and high-grade/invasive UBC are   studies. These include rat bladder tumor cell lines such as
           associated with tumor protein p53 (TP53), retinoblastoma   Nara bladder tumor II and AY-27 derived from BBN-induced
           1 (RB1), and phosphatase  and tensin  homolog  (PTEN)   bladder tumors in Wistar rats, and Fischer 344 rats exposed
           mutations  and/or  loss.   Chemical  and  environmental   to FANFT, respectively. The murine bladder tumor-2 murine
           exposure including aromatic amides, aniline dyes, nitrites   bladder cancer cell line, derived from an FANFT-induced
           and nitrates, and tobacco smoking as well as frequent   bladder tumor in C3H mice, has also been widely used. [8-10]
           cystitis and Schistosoma haematobium infections are also   Rodents are exceptionally suited for these types of studies
           associated with UBC etiology. [5]                  because rats  and  mice do not develop spontaneous urinary
                                                              bladder tumors under normal conditions.   The occurrence
           Malignant  UBC consists  of heterogeneous  mass of   of non-neoplastic urothelial lesions, such as inflammation
           interconnected  cells containing  tumor  cells in  different   and hyperplasia, is also uncommon in these species. [12]
           phases of the cell cycle, cancer stem cells subpopulations,
           supporting  stromal cells  and  vasculature.  Several tumor   In  our  studies,  C3H/He  mice  were  exposed  to  BBN,  a
           models  have  been used  in  basic  science  studies  and   complete  genotoxic  carcinogen  metabolically  derived
           clinical trials  to  increase our understanding of molecular   from  a  compound  found  in  tobacco  smoke.  Exposure  to
           mechanisms  underlying  tumor  initiation,  progression,   BBN  in the drinking  water  induced  the development
           metastasis and chemoresistance; yet none of these models   of  hyperplasia, dysplasia,  low  and  high-grade papillary
           can  adequately  mimic the  clonal origin,  histopathology,   UBC,  CIS,  and  MIBC  in  the  urothelium  of  exposed
           progression,  and  clinical  behavior  of  human tumors.   rodents.   The  grade  of  cell  atypia  and  extent  of  tumor
           Therefore,  a  combinatorial  approach  based  on  multiple   invasion increased with  increasing doses  of  carcinogen
           model  systems  studying  specific  aspects  of  this  highly   and  extended  period  of  exposure.   Similar  exposure
           complex  disease  is  required.  Several  models  have
           been  used  in  the  study of UBC,  ranging from cell  lines   to  BBN  resulted in  papillary  tumors  in  Fischer  344
           (including  cancer  cell  lines  from  human  or non-human   rats.  The  broad  spectrum  of  lesions  mimics  the  major
           origin,  immortalized  and  transformed  cells,  and  grown   pathogenic  mechanisms found  in  human  urinary  bladder
           in  monolayer  or  three-dimensional  systems) to animal   carcinogenesis: pre-neoplastic lesions occur before in situ
           models  (including  carcinogen-induced  tumor  models,   and  muscle-invasive  tumors,  following  different  genetic
           xenografts,  and  genetically  engineered  mice).  Here,  we   pathways. These  lesions  are  characterized  by  3  different
           discuss the translational potential and applications of these   variables  with  recognized  relationship  to  the  natural
           models  with  particular  emphasis on  chemically  induced   history  of UBC and  patient  outcome  as DNA  content,
           UBC  models, patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) models,   p53  alterations,  and  proliferative  index  measured  by
           and human bladder cancer cell lines.               Ki-67  protein  expression.  DNA  ploidy  was  evaluated  by
                                                              calculating the 5c exceeding rate, defined as the percentage
           CHEMICALLY INDUCED UBC                             of cells  with  values  above  5 n.  Alterations  in  these
                                                              markers were detected even in non-malignant histological
           Chemically  induced  bladder  cancer  models  induced   lesions  but  were more  frequent  in  urothelial tumors with
           by  organo-specific  bladder  carcinogens  were  initially   higher  malignant and  aggressive  potential  namely  CIS,
           explored  in  the  1960s  and  were  of  the  first  models   high-grade papillary and muscle-invasive tumors as shown
           used to evaluate  chemotherapy  for UBC. [6,7]   In these   in Figure 1.  This abnormal biological profile represents a
           models, carcinogenesis of the urothelium  occurs after   high level of genetic instability underlying the urothelium
           repeated  exposure  to  carcinogens  such  as  N-butyl-N-  carcinogenesis process. This phenomenon is well known
           (4-hydroxybutyl)  nitrosamine  (BBN),  N-[4-(5-nitro-2-  in human UBC, especially when CIS is present. The CIS
           furyl)-2-thiazolyl]-formamide  (FANFT),  and  N-methyl-  surrounding normal-appearing  urothelium  shows  a  high
           N-nitrosourea  mimicking  the  environmental  exposure   frequency of abnormal DNA content, p53 mutated protein
           known  to be the leading  cause  of  bladder  cancer  in   expression, and a high proliferative status. [11,14]

                                                                                                     Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦ Volume 2 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ February 29, 2016 ¦
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