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Table 1: Contd...
           Age (years), Cytogenetics      Molecular   CD markers        Extramedullary  Subtype Prognosis References
           sex                            test                          site
           59, male  46, XY, dup (1) (q21; q32) in   FLT3-ITD   CD34+, MPO+, CD25+  Epidural  M2       [53]
                     2/20 cells and 46, XY 18/20 cell mutation

           64, male  Trisomy 8                       CD45+, CD68+ (KP-1),   Skin       M5              [15]
                                                     CD4+, CD56+
           24, male  46, XY and t (8;21) (q22; q22)  MPO+, CD56+        Stomach        M2              [54]
           47, female  Deletion 17q21                CD43+, CD68+, CD56-  Eye          M4   Poor       [55]
           MPO: myeloperoxidase; AML: acute myeloid leukemia; APL: acute promeylocytic leukemia; CR: complete remission; FLT3-ITD: FMS-
           related tyrosine kinase 3-internal tandem duplication; MLL: mixed-lineage leukemia; PML-RARA: promyelocytic leukemia/retinoic acid
           receptor alpha; HLA-DR: human leukocyte antigens-DR; TdT: terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
            Table 2: MiR changes in AML with abnormalities associated with prevalence of myeloid sarcoma
            Abnormality  Down-regulate                       Up-regulate                           References
            11q23, MLL   miR-34b, miR-15a, miR-29a, miR-29c, miR-372,   miR-326, miR-219, miR-194, miR-301,   [64-66]
            rearrangement  miR-30a, miR-29b, miR-30e, miR-196a, mir196b   miR-324, miR-339, miR-99b, miR-328, miR150,
                         let-7f, miR-102, miR-331, miR-299, miR-193  miR-17-92 cluster
            FlT3-ITD     miR-451, miR-144                    miR-155 (3.1-fold), miR-10a (2.5-fold) and  [63,65]
                                                             miR-10b (2.27-fold)
            NPM-1        miR-424                             miR-10                                 [61,62]
            APL          miR-181b                            miR-15a, miR-15b, miR-16-1, let-7a-3, let-7c,   [67,68]
                                                             let-7d, miR-223, miR-342 and miR-107, miR125b
            +8 AML       miR-496, miR-493                    miR-34b, miR370, miR107, miR-342-3p, miR-96  [69]
           AML: acute myeloid leukemia; APL: acute promyelocytic leukemia; NPM-1: nucleophosmin-1; MLL: mixed-lineage leukemia
           CONCLUSION                                         marker  in  100% of patients. Other  markers,  in  order of
                                                              positive  frequency,  were: MPO (83.6%),  CD117 (80.4%),
           EMI  is  a  relatively  common  manifestation  of  AML,   CD99  (54.3%),  CD68/  PG-M1  (51%),  CD34  (43.4%),
           with  increased  incidence  in  specific  subtypes.  Despite   terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (31.5%), CD56 (13%),
           advances in the diagnosis and treatment of myeloid   CD61 (2.2%), CD30 (2.2%) and CD4 (1.1%).  These data
           leukemias, there is insufficient information on the diagnosis,   can be useful to  develop a  diagnostic immunophenotyping
           treatment  and  pathogenesis  of  EML. [38]  Molecular and   panel for MS patients. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem  cell
           cellular studies of EML cases, as well as evaluation of the   transplantation  (HSCT)  is  increasingly  used  as  treatment
           differences between AML patients with and without EMI,   procedure  for  AML  patients,  but  there  are  no  standard
           have  revealed  some  features  of  EML.  Elucidating  the
           relationship between genetic abnormalities and sites prone   procedures  for  EML therapy. Furthermore, HSCT not only
           to infiltration may contribute to the prevention and early   is  not  an  effective  procedure  for  EML,  but  it  can also
           detection of EML in target tissues. In many cases, MS is   increase the risk of EML relapse in AML patients.  Studies
           misdiagnosed at first, with the most common alternative   reviewed in this article suggest that cases of AML that have
           diagnoses being lymphoma, melanoma, extramedullary   blasts  with  relatively  specific  characteristics  have  a  high-
           hematopoiesis  and  inflammation.  Given  the  aggressive   risk for non-hematopoietic tissue infiltration. These features
           nature of MS, early diagnosis with sensitive and specific   may be  very helpful  in  distinguishing patients susceptible
           tests is vital to these patients.  Available  information   to  EMI.  Further  studies  are  needed  to  develop diagnostic
           suggests  that  ITD-FLT3  mutations,  which  are  prevalent   and therapeutic standards for patients with EMI as well as
           in patients with EML, may play an important role in the   sensitive and specific prognostic biomarkers.
           pathogenesis  of  disease.  Therefore,  ITD-FLT3  mutation
           scan should be evaluated as a diagnostic and prognostic   Acknowledgments
           factor in patients. Moreover, NPM-1 mutation, which also   We  wish  to  thank  all  our  colleagues  in  Shafa  Hospital
           has a high prevalence in EML, should be evaluated as a   and  Allied Health  Sciences  School,  Ahvaz Jundishapur
           prognostic test.
                                                              University of Medical Sciences.
           According to case report studies, common CD markers  in
           EML include CD13, CD33, CD34, CD117, myeloperoxidase   Financial support and sponsorship
           (MPO),  CD56  and  CD68;  these  should be considered in   Nil.
           immunophenotype assessment of the disease  [Table  1].  In
           a  study  conducted  on  MS  patients,  similar  results  were   Conflicts of interest
           indicated, and CD68/KP1 was the most  common  positive   There are no conflicts of interest.

                                                                                                    Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ February 29, 2016 ¦
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