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Available information indicates that the prognosis of EML is   Expression  of matrix  metalloproteases  may  contribute  to
           poor  with  short  overall  survival.  In  an  evaluation, the   the increased incidence of EMI in some subtypes of AML.
           5-year survival rate for patients with MS was 21%. Patients   For example, in SHI-1 cells, a highly invasive human acute
           treated  with  chemotherapy  showed  longer  survival  than   monocytic leukemia cell  line, there  is a  high expression
           untreated patients.   Although the mortality rate of acute   level of  matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2), membrane-
           leukemia patients has been reduced with the emergence  of   type  1  MMP  and  tissue  inhibitor  of  metalloproteinase,
           new therapies,  many patients  still suffer from refractory   which  facilitate  cell  invasion.  Moreover,  it  has  been
           disease or relapse, and EMI is one of the main causes of   suggested  that  the  specific  binding  of  MMP-9  via  its
           poor prognosis in these patients. [8]              procatalytic  domain  to  leukocyte  surface  I  domains  of
                                                              beta-2 integrins is essential for precellular proteolysis and
           EXTRAMEDULLARY NICHE IN AML                        migration of AML-derived cells   [Table 1].

           During development, HSCs are initially present in AGM and   MICRORNAS’ SIGNIFICANCE  IN
           then migrate into the fetal liver and embryonic bone, which   EXTRAMEDULLARY AML
           remains the only active site of hematopoiesis in adult life.
           Movement  and  homing  of  HSCs  in  the  BM  is  associated   MicroRNAs  (miRNAs)  are  small,  18-25  nucleotide  non-
           with CXCL12 chemokine and its receptor CXCR4.  Cancer   coding  RNA  molecules,  which  regulate  gene  expression
           subverts cell-cell and matrix-cell interactions and converts   by hybridizing to their complementary messenger RNA.
           the normal niche to a neoplastic one. [37]         Each miRNA has the potential to regulate several different
                                                              transcripts  through  partially  complementary  target
           ITD-FLT3  mutation,  which  is  common  in  AML  and  MS   sequences. miRNAs participate in cell differentiation,
           patients, leads to deregulation of CXCR4 in AML leukemic   proliferation and carcinogenesis.  Several studies have
           cells since CXCR4 signaling is markedly decreased in   shown that miRNAs play key roles in normal hematopoiesis
           patients with ITD-FLT3 compared with patients without it.   and various hematological malignancies. Different miRNAs
           It is thought that this mutation facilitates the infiltration of   are  also  known  in  myelopoiesis  and  myeloid  neoplasias
           leukemic cells into visceral organs by reducing the homing of   like AML.  Functional studies have shown that miRNAs
           leukemic cells.  Infiltration of leukemic cells in other organs   play an important role in the pathogenesis of AML as either
           is likely associated with chemokine receptor expression and   oncogenes or tumor suppressors. It has also been shown that
           different  adhesion  molecules.  For  example,  NCAM1  or   distinct  miRNA  expression  signatures  are  associated  with
           CD56, which is associated with a high incidence of MS, is   response to chemotherapy and clinical outcomes.  Based
           highly expressed in the breast, testicular tissue, ovary and   on our literature and database searches, there has been no
           gut. This molecule is responsible for homing of leukemic   study describing miRNA signatures in MS. However, some
           cells in these tissues.  Moreover, AML blasts isolated from   studies show a link between miRNAs and mutation-induced
           skin show a group of specific chemokine receptors including   MS. MiR-100 is aberrantly expressed in a number of cancer
           CCR5,  CXCR4,  CXCR7,  and  CX3CR1  compared  with   cells, including AML cells. Increased expression of miR-100
           AML blasts isolated from blood and BM. These cytokine-  in AML is associated with maturation block. In vitro studies
           cytokine receptor interactions enable homing and survival of   indicate that increased expression of miR-100 in AML cells
           AML blasts in skin [Figure 1]. [39]                inhibits retinoblastoma 1 serine phosphates  from human
                                                              chromosome 3 and causes the release of E2F in addition to
                                                              increased levels of phosphorylated retinoblastoma.  These
                                                              events induced proliferation and inhibited the differentiation
                                                              of granulocyte/monocyte cells.  In a study performed on
                                                              106 pediatric AML patients, it showed that this miRNA was
                                                              associated with AML with extramedullary manifestation. [60]
                                                              High expression level of miR-10 family is associated
                                                              with  AML  with  mutated  NPM-1. [25,61]   Furthermore,
                                                              miR-424  in  AML  patients  with  NPM-1  mutation  was
                                                              down-modulated.  In AML patients with the FLT3-ITD
                                                              mutation,  miR-451  and  miR-144  were  down-regulated
           Figure 1: Extramedullary infiltration formation process in acute myeloid leukemia.   while  miR-155  was  overexpressed.  As  previously
           (A) Within deregulation of LSCs located in BM, cell links with niche will be cut,
           and then they will enter into the circulation via BM sinusoids; (B) disseminated   mentioned,  NPM-1  and  FLT3-ITD  mutations,  as  well  as
           LSCs circulate in blood vessels and based on their special characteristics, enter   some other cytogenetic abnormalities, are associated with
           specific tissue, like skin; (C) leukemic cells, along with new, distinct niche, initiate
           new tumor in metastatic tissue. The exact molecular and cellular characteristics   increased  risk of  EMI. [25,27,28]  In  summary, deregulated
           have not been defined completely. SDF-1: stromal cell-derived factor 1; BM:   miRNAs in these disorders can be considered as candidate
           bone marrow; LSC: leukemic stem cells; HSC: hematopoietic stem cell; CAR cell:
           CXCL12-abundant reticular cell                     markers for future studies in MS patients [Table 2].
                                                                                                    Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ February 29, 2016 ¦
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