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infiltration  (EMI)  is  fairly  common  in AML  patients.  In   Acute  promyelocytic leukemia  (APL)  is  another  subtype
            addition, MS has been observed in all age groups, and may   of  AML  defined  as  having  a  translocation  between
            occur  anywhere  in  the  body. The  most  common  tissues   chromosomes 15 and 17 and generation of promyelocytic
            include soft  tissues, bone,  peritoneum,  lymph  nodes  and   leukemia/retinoic  acid  receptor  alpha  fusion  protein.
            gastrointestinal tract. Other occasional  sites  include  male   This  fusion protein  causes a  block  at  the  promyelocytic
            and female  urogenital system and  central  nervous system   differentiation stage.  APL can  occur  in  extramedullary
            (CNS).   Moreover,  several  studies  have  found  a  worse   form, and EMI is responsible for 3-8% of cases in relapse.
            prognosis in  cases  of acute  leukemia  with  EMI,  which   The  most common  target  tissues  are  CNS and  skin.
            may  be  explained  by a poor  response  to chemotherapy   Some  studies  indicate  a  relationship  between  11q23
            and  disease relapse.  Evaluation of  the  cellular  and   mixed-lineage leukemia rearrangement (MLLr) and EML.
            molecular  structures  of  extramedullary  niches,  as  well   According  to  some  studies,  the  involvement  in this  type
            as  the migration and homing of leukemic cells, may help   of cytogenetic abnormalities has been limited to chest and
            in designing diagnostic  and  therapeutic  techniques  and   uterus. [19,20]   Furthermore,  another  study  suggests  a  link
            preventing relapse. However, there is still little information   between  MLLr  and  lymph  node  involvement.  More
            in this regard. The aim of this study was to investigate the   studies are needed to confirm these observations.
            characteristics of  leukemic cells and the changes in  their
            microenvironment that promote to EMI.              Molecular  abnormalities  associated  with  EML  have  not
                                                               been  systematically  defined; however, a well-documented
            GENETIC AND MOLECULAR FEATURES                     molecular abnormality is a mutation in the nucleophosmin
            OF EXTRAMEDULLARY INFILTRATION                     (NPM-1) gene.  Nucleolar phosphoprotein  or NPM-1 is
            IN AML                                             localized in  nuclear  foci and  is  a  multifunctional protein
                                                               expressed in various cells.  NPM-1 gene mutation is the
            Extramedullary  leukemia  (EML)  is  also  called  MS,   most  common  molecular  genetic  abnormality  in  AML,
            granulocyte  sarcoma  and  chloroma.  In  the  WHO   particularly  AML  with  normal  karyotype.   NPM-1 is
            classification,  MS  is  an  important  subgroup  of  myeloid   mutated  in  almost  15% of  cases  of MS.   In  a  survey
            neoplasia and acute leukemia. MS may occur simultaneously   conducted  on 89  AML  patients,  15  patients  (18%)  had
            with,  before  or  after  the  diagnosis  of  AML.   Genetic   extramedullary manifestation at diagnosis, and 13 of them
            mutations and molecular aberrations are an  important  tool   (87%) had mutated NPM-1. [25]
            for  the  evaluation  of  acute  leukemia  and  assessment
            of  prognosis. However, there  is  very limited  information   FMS-related tyrosine kinase 3-internal tandem duplication
            on the  role  of genetic  mutations in MS.  Although  the   (FLT3-ITD)  mutation  is  observed  in  28-34%  of  cases
            overall  incidence  of MS in  AML has been  reported  at   of AML with  normal  cytogenetics.  It plays an  important
            1.4-9%, it is particularly  high  in some subtypes  of AML,   role  in  cell  proliferation,  survival  and differentiation  of
            reaching  18-24%  in  AML patients with t(8:21) and 25%   hematopoietic  progenitor  cells.   Some  studies  have
            in pediatric AML.  Other genetic abnormalities diagnosed   found  an  association  between  FLT3-ITD  mutation  and
            in EML patients include t(15:17), t(9:11), t(1:11), t(8:17),   EML, so that in one study, 15% of MS patients have this
            del(16q),  del(5q),  del(20q),  monosomy  7,  trisomy  4  and   mutation. [27,28]
            trisomy 8.  Moreover, according to the French-American-
            British classification, some AML types are associated with   CD56,  a neural  cell-adhesion  molecule,  is  expressed in
            EML, including M4 and M5 monocytic leukemias and the   normal, natural killer cells. Aberrant expression of  CD56
            M2 subtype. [13]                                   in AML blasts, particularly AML with translocation  t(8:21)
                                                               correlates  with  a  worse  prognosis  than  CD56-negative
            The  t(8:21)  has  been  reported  as  the  most  common   cases.  An  association  has  been  described  between  the
            cytogenetic  abnormality  associated  with  EML,  occurring   expression of  CD56 and EMI, especially in lymph nodes
            both  at  presentation  and  upon  relapse,  and  is  associated   (lymphadenopathy). [21,30,31]  CD56  gene  is  in  the  11q23.1
            with  orbital  involvement in  infants.  Inv(16)  is  another   locus.   Due  to  this  fact and to the connection between
            abnormality associated with EML; it is rarer than t(8:21).   11q23 mutation and EMI, MLLr is likely associated with
            According  to  studies,  the  bowel  may  be  a  target  organ   aberrant  expression of CD56  in  EMI.  Some  case  reports
            in men with inv(16) while breast and ovary tend to develop   and studies support this hypothesis. [20,21,33]
            EML in female patients with inv(16).  AML with trisomy
            8  is  found  in  nearly  5%  of AML  cases  with  a  genetic    Minimal residual disease (MRD) assessment is an important
            abnormality. According to a study, trisomy or  tetrasomy  of   feature of therapy management, especially in cases whose
            chromosome 8  is  observed  in  35-65% of AML cases with   recurrence risk is high. There is not much information  on
            leukemia  cutis  as  a  type  of  MS. Although  confirmation   MRD  in MS patients, and  only one study  has  evaluated
            of  this  relationship requires further  evaluation, based  on   the  correlation  between  continuous  detection  of  AML1-
            numerous reports, we can suggest that trisomy 8 is a risk   MTG8  chimeric  transcripts in BM and peripheral blood,
            factor for skin infiltration in AML. [15]           and extramedullary  relapse  in t(8:21) AML. [34]

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ February 29, 2016 ¦  45
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