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Dave et al.                                                                                                                                                                                          Nibrin expression in OSCC

           aggressive  metastases to loco-regional  lymph     embedded primary tumor tissue blocks (buccal mucosa:
           nodes, strongly suggestive of an urge to improve the   n = 39, tongue: n = 61) and histologically confirmed
           treatment efficacy and diagnostic capabilities. Over the   adjacent normal tissue blocks were collected from the
           last decade, scientific research related to the specific   histopathology department of our institute. The detail
           pathways  which  are relevant  to the development   clinical history of  the patients [age, gender,  tobacco
           and progression of this disease has been performed   habit, site of disease, tumor-node-metastasis  (TNM)
           to investigate  biological,  diagnostic  and  prognostic   stage,  histopathological  findings,  treatment  given,
           parameters. [7-10]                                 etc.]  was  obtained  from  the  case  files  maintained  at
                                                              our institute. In patients with OSCC the disease was
           DNA damage is one of the underlying  causes for    staged according to the criteria of the American Joint
           mutations which is very numerous and appears to be   Committee  on  Cancer  pTNM  classification.  Thus,
           a fundamental problem for life leading  to cancer.  In   the  present study  included 20 patients with stage I
           human cells, the estimated average number of DNA   disease, 22 patients with stage II disease, 18 patients
           damages occurring per hour is about 800 which reach   with stage III  disease  and 40 patients with stage IV
           to  19,200 per day.   If,  such  DNA  damages are not   disease. This study was approved by our institutional
           repaired in dividing  cells, cause errors during DNA   review  committee for dissertation/thesis/publications/
           synthesis leading to mutations which can give rise to   conference presentations and institutional ethics
           cancer.  Thus individuals  are often at increased  risk   committee.
           of cancer with an inherited  damage  in DNA repair
           capability. [12]                                   Immunohistochemistry
                                                              Immunohistochemistry of Nibrin was performed using
           Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) is a chromosomal-  the avidine-biotin complex technique in which formalin
           instability  syndrome  associated   with  cancer   fixed paraffin embedded tissue sections (4 μm) were
           predisposition,  growth retardation, microcephaly,   mounted on 3-aminopropyletriethoxy  silane coated
           radiosensitivity and immunodeficiency. [13-15]  The NBS1/  glass  slides.  The  sections  were  first  deparafinized
           Nibrin/p95  is a member of the DNA double-strand   using  xylene  and  then  rehydrated  using  graded
           break (DSB) repair complex (hMre11 complex) which   alcohol. Endogenous peroxidase activity was blocked
           is a product of the defective gene in NBS (the NBS   using 3% hydrogen peroxide prepared in methanol for
           gene) located on human chromosome 8q21. [14-16]  The   15 min. Antigenicity of the processed tissue sections
           Nibrin containing protein complex [Mre11-Rad50-    was retrieved  by cooking  the sections  in 10 mmol/L
           Nbs1(MRN) complex] binds to the edges of the DNA   tri-sodium citrate buffer (pH 6.0) solution with 0.05%
           double stranded break and remains attached to  this   tween-20 for 20 min in a pressure cooker. Sections were
           site until the break gets repaired.  Nibrin is also   then allowed to cool at room temperature. For Nibrin
           involved in various signaling  cascades other than   immunostainings,  a commercial  mouse monoclonal
           DSBs induced by irradiation such as mitotic V(D)J   antibody (clone 1D7, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa
           rearrangements in T and B lymphocytes, maintenance   Cruz, USA) at dilution of 1:100 prepared in tris buffered
           of telomere function and meiotic  recombination. [18,19]   saline was applied  to the sections and were then
           Once     ataxia-telangiectasia  mutated   protein  incubated overnight at 4 ˚C. For immunohistochemical
           phosphorylates NBS1, it then carries out its checkpoint   detection of the antibody reaction, we used Novolink
           functions following ionizing radiation. [20-22]  However, in   polymer detection kit from Novocastra. Sections were
           certain types of human cancer rare or no mutations of   then dehydrated, cleared  in xylene  and  mounted  in
           NBS1 have been studied. [23-25]  In addition, during the   dibutylphthalate xylene. As positive controls, formalin-
           process of carcinogenesis NBS1 is expressed in highly   fixed  paraffin-embedded  tissue  sections  with  intense
           proliferating tissues.  On the basis of this information,   staining  for a given  marker  were  included  with each
           the aim of this study was to assess whether the Nibrin   staining procedure.
           expression would relate to clinicopathological variables
           and if it could predict survival or recurrence in OSCC.  Assessment of Nibrin expression
                                                              All sections were scored independently  by two
           METHODS                                            independent  researchers  in a blinded  fashion.  The
                                                              staining intensities and the percentage  of positive
           Study population                                   cells  were separately  assessed in primary tumor
           A total of 100 untreated patients with histolpathologically   tissues (n = 100) and  their corresponding  adjacent
           confirmed  OSCC  of  tongue  and  buccal  mucosa   normal squamous epithelium (n = 100). As the Nibrin
           evaluated  between 2011 and 2013 at our institute   expression  was not uniform  in different parts of the
           were included in this study. Formalin fixed and paraffin   epithelium  or  cancerous  tissue,  we  used  modified
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ November 25, 2016      437
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