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J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2016;2 Suppl 1

           Abhijeet Deshmukh , Frank Arfuso , Philip Newsholme ,   Invitrogen).  Results:  The MTT assays conducted
           Arun. M. Dharmarajan 1                             showed the chemo-sensitisation effect of sFRP4 when
                                                              used  in  combination  with  tumour-specific  drugs. The
           1 Stem Cell and Cancer Biology Laboratory, School of Biomedical Sciences,   post-transcription  data (Gene-Expression)  collected
           Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Australia;
           2 School of Biomedical Sciences, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute,   from CSCs that have  undergone  combinatorial
           Curtin University, Perth, Australia                treatment with sFRP4 and chemotherapeutic  drugs
                                                              suggests there is downregulation of drug transporters
           Background: Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are the       and upregulation  of angiogenic/apoptotic/cell  death
           unipotent cell population  present within the tumour   markers.  The  post-translational  modification  (protein
           mass. CSCs are known to be highly chemo-resistant   expression) of  CSCs shows  the  chemo-sensitisation
           and, in recent years, have gained intense interest as   effect of sFRP4, when used in combination with tumour-
           key tumour-initiating cells that  play an integral role   specific drugs, by downregulating the cell-survival and
           in cancer recurrence  following chemotherapy.  Aim:   oncogenes signals and upregulation pro-apoptotic
           The study investigates  molecular  signals  essential   signals. In tumour cell lines, sFRP4 in combination
           to  sustain CSCs and target  their activity  using   with doxorubicin/Cisplatin,  reduced  the proliferative
           secreted frizzled-related protein 4 (sFRP4) alone or in   capacity of CSC population  in vitro.  Conclusion:
           combination with chemotherapeutic drugs. Methods:   Wnt/β-catenin signalling  is important for  proliferation
           Cancer stem cells isolation:  CSCs isolated from   and self-renewal of CSCs in association with human
           Breast (MDA231/MCF7), Ovary (A2780 P/ADR/Cis),     tumorigenesis. The silencing of this signalling pathway
           and Prostrate (PC3/LnCap) tumour cell lines in serum-  by the application of sFRP4 suggests potential  for
           free conditions and enriched with growth factors (EGF/  improved in vivo chemo-responses.
           FGF/B-27).  Chemo-sensitisation/drug  treatment:
           Sensitisation  with sFRP4 was performed by adding   Key words:
           sFRP4 to the CSCs culture alone or in combination with   Cancer stem cells, chemo-sensitisation, Wnt signalling
           chemotherapeutic  agents (Doxorubicin/Cisplatin)  for   pathway,  Wnt antagonist, secreted frizzled related
           24 h. Viability assay: MTT based was used according   protein 4
           to  the manufacturer’s  protocol to  measure cell
           metabolic viability. Cell surface markers: To assist in   A30
           determining their identity, cell surface markers (CD44 /  Induction of radioresistance and cisplatin
           CD24 /CD133 ) were  examined in both monolayers    resistance in HNSCC cell line after ionizing
           and  CSCs  by  flow  cytometry,  using  CellQuest  data   radiation
           acquisition and analysis software. RNA isolation and
           cDNA synthesis: Total RNA was isolated from cells   Vesna Todorovic , Ajda  Prevc ,  Martina  Niksic  Zakelj ,
           using TRIzol reagent followed by chloroform extraction,   Blaz Groselj , Primoz Strojan , Maja Cemazar , Gregor
           isopropanol  precipitation, and a  75% (v/v)  ethanol   Sersa 1
           wash and further transcribed into cDNA using a High
           Capacity cDNA kit.  Western blotting: Total  proteins   1 2 Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
                                                              University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izola, Slovenia
           were extracted from cells using RIPA denaturing buffer.
           The protein extracts were estimated using BCA Kit   Head  and  neck squamous  cell  carcinoma  (HNSCC)
           and 20 μg of proteins were separated by 12% SDS-   constitutes approximately  6%  of all  cancers
           PAGE and transferred onto a nitrocellulose membrane.   worldwide. The risk of HNSCC is strongly associated
           Immunoblotting  was performed by blocking  the     to  habitual exposure to  tobacco or alcohol. In
           membrane  in 5% Non-Fat Dry Milk (NFDM) solution   addition,  oropharyngeal  SCC (OPSCC) can arise
           and  incubating the membrane  in 5% NFDM/BSA       also from infection  with human  papilloma  virus
           containing  primary antibodies overnight  at 4°C.  The   (HPV). Management of HNSCC is complex and is in
           membranes were incubated in 3% NFDM containing     part correlated to risk factors. Namely, HPV-positive
           secondary antibodies for 1 h at RT after three washes   OPSCC has a greater response to  radiation or
           with PBS containing  0.1%  Tween  20. Signals  were   chemoradiation than tobacco/alcohol related HNSCC.
           detected on a Chemi-Doc imaging analyser using ECL   In  addition,  a  significant  problem  of  HNSCC  is  its
           Western Blotting Substrate.  Caspase assay: The    recurrence, specifically in previously irradiated areas,
           intracellular  levels and activation of caspase-8 and   due to induced radioresistance and radiation tolerance
           caspase-3  were followed  by Western blotting  using   limits of already irradiated normal tissues.
           antibodies specific for the proenzymes and activated
           species. Caspase-3 activity was measured using the   The aim of our study was to investigate the response
           EnzChek Caspase-3 Assay Kit II (Molecular Probes,   of three HNSCC cell lines to ionizing  radiation  and
                                                                                                                            Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ November 16, 2016
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