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Amer et al.                                                                                                                                                                                               Metastatic myonecrosis

           Table 1: Underlying conditions in nontraumatic clostridial   I.  Traumatic:
           gangrene [8]
            Gastrointestinal factors                          A.  Simple  contamination  (no clinical  evidence  of
               Colon tumor                                       sepsis)
               Ulceration of mucosa
               Chemotherapy                                   B.  Anaerobic  cellulitis  (local gas gangrene,  with
               Radiation                                         healthy muscle not invaded, e.g. pressure sores,
               Bowel infarction                                  diabetic foot ulcer)
               Intestinal surgery                             C.  Anaerobic myonecrosis (classical, with invasion of
               Necrotizing enterocolitis                         living muscle)
               Ileitis or colitis
               Fecal impaction                                                          [9,11]
               Intussusception                                II. Nontraumatic or idiopathic   (typically arising from
               Volvulus                                         visceral  intra-abdominal  catastrophes,  such as
               Straining at stool
            Systemic factors                                    perforated cecal cancer)
               Lymphoproliferative disorder                   A.  Anaerobic cellulitis
               Diabetes mellitus
              Metastatic tumor (nongastrointestinal) with  chemotherapy  B.  Contiguous myonecrosis
               Neutropenia                                    C.  Metastatic myonecrosis

           or cyclic neutropenia.  Presumably, the anaerobic   Clinical course
           glycolysis and the acidic milieu within a tumor provide   Gas gangrene is a rapidly spreading infection.  It can
           a favorable  environment  for the germination  of the   advance  as fast as 2 cm per hour.  The incubation
           clostridial spores.  The affinity for necrotic tissue is not   period varies from 6 h to 2 days.  The bacilli produce
           specific for malignant tissue only, as demonstrated by   several exotoxins, which can destroy the host tissue
           Thiele et al.  where spores of Clostridia were injected   and increase permeability.  The resultant necrosis,
           in necrotic tissue other than tumor and were found to   edema, and ischemia favor clostridial reproduction in
           germinate. This study may explain the predilection of   which more toxins are released, and a cycle ensues.
           C. septicum for patients with necrotic colon cancer,
           spontaneous   bowel    perforation,  chemotherapy  Carbon  dioxide  and hydrogen  are liberated  during
           treatment, surgery, or medical  procedure  such as   the process, which opens fascial planes and
           endoscopy  or barium  enema. Once established,  C.   facilitates spread. The pathogenesis of subcutaneous
           septicum may either cause a locally invasive infection   emphysema  from disruption of the gastrointestinal
           or spread  via the bloodstream  to distant skeletal   tract  depends on localized  bowel wall weakness,
           muscle  (causing myonecrosis) or to other organs    the anatomic site, and an increased pressure gradient
           (producing  abscesses that may be indistinguishable   between the bowel lumen and extramural tissue. The
           from  metastasis).   Clostridial organisms produce   perforation occurs at a point of weakness in the bowel
                                                              wall  where  vigorous  peristaltic movement  produces
           toxins that are responsible  for the rapid spread and   a large  pressure  gradient,  precipitating  rupture of
           systematic toxicity of these infections.   C. septicum   the disease  site. When subcutaneous  emphysema
           is believed to produce  four toxins, one  of which  is   occurs, it is usually confined to the anterior abdominal
           hemolysin, which is oxygen stable. In addition, it also   wall. From there it passes to the lower extremity via
           produces  a deoxyribonuclease, a hyalurinidase,  and   the  femoral canal or  along the  iliopsoas muscle to
           oxygen labile hemolysins. Secondary toxicity may   its insertion into the lesser trochanter of the femur.
           result from  the  products of  tissue breakdown such   The gas then spreads freely along the fascial planes
           as creatinine  phosphokinase  (CPK).   Diabetics, [5,6,9]    towards the knee.
           on the other hand, seem susceptible  to developing
           spontaneous  gas gangrene.  This is most likely  due   The  two  main  types  of  gas-forming  inflammatory
           to  their propensity to  develop focal tissue ischemia   processes [11,13]  are:
           and acidosis  secondary  to atherosclerosis  and
           microangiopathic  vascular disease, which allow  the   1.  Emphysematous cellulitis;  accounts for  the  vast
           circulating  Clostridia organism to propagate in the   majority of gas-forming infection in hospital
           hypoxic area. On the other hand, suppurative infection   practice.
           without signs of myonecrosis or toxemia is the most   2.  Emphysematous myositis (gas gangrene).
           common form of clostridial disease. [5]
                                                              Patients  usually  complain  of   severe  pain,
           The  following  is  a  histotoxic  classification  of  gas   disproportionate  pain, [3,6,14]   and sometimes describe
           gangrene (based on MacLennan’s monograph): [5]     the sensation as “heavy”. [3,15]  Patients are usually
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