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Amer et al.                                                                                                                                                                                               Metastatic myonecrosis

           admission, radiating to her chest. The patient claimed   a second primary cecal cancer 6 cm in diameter. There
           milder episodes of similar attacks for the past four   was evidence of metastases in liver, lungs, and para-
           months.  The pain  was associated  with nausea, but   aortic nodes. The report also confirmed the presence of
           no vomiting, no change in her bowel habits, and no   gas gangrene in the right thigh as well as the presence
           significant weight loss.                           of subacute bacterial endocarditis.

           Her past medical history involved rheumatoid arthritis,   DISCUSSION
           hypertension, and rheumatic heart disease. She was
           receiving  azathioprine  and  bendroflouazide  for  her   Nontraumatic clostridial myonecrosis secondary to an
           hypertension.                                      underlying bowel cancer is a fulminant and often fatal
                                                              infection caused by Clostridium septicum. [4,6]  This is in
           On examination, the patient appeared toxic, pale but not   contrast to most other cases of clostridial septicemia
           jaundiced, and very restless. She had a temperature of   which are caused by Clostridium perfringens. [1,7]  The
           38.7°C, her blood pressure was 108/61 mmHg, and her   mortality is high  even with aggressive  management,
           pulse was 100 per minute, regular but weak. Examination   and it can reach 100% if not treated within 48 h. [3,4]
           of her heart revealed a fine diastolic murmur and a small
           splinter hemorrhage in the right ring finger. There was   In a review  by Kornbuth  et al.  of 162  cases of
           no evidence of heart failure.  Abdominal examination   spontaneous  C.  septicum infection from the years
           revealed tenderness in the epigastric area and guarding   1945 to 1987, 34% of patients had colorectal cancer
           in the right upper quadrant along with a palpable left   while 40% had a hematologic malignancy. In 37% of
           lobe of the liver. Rectal examination was normal with no   the patients, the malignancy had not been diagnosed.
           evidence of blood.                                 Distant myonecrosis had an even greater association
                                                              with occult colon cancer (see  Table 1  for  causes of
           Results of  the  patient’s  biochemical tests  showed   metastatic clostridial gangrene ).
           sodium  128, potassium  3, urea 5, creatinine  83,
           aspartate transaminase 66, alanine transaminase 25,   Pathogenesis
           layered  double hydroxide  781, alkaline  phosphatase   Myonecrosis is caused by Clostridia organisms, which
           150, C reactive protein 351, bilirubin 30, hemoglobin   are gram-positive  rods that sporulate and are found
           8.8, and white blood count 5,300.  The chest and   in the  soil. [1,3,7]   C.  septicum  is  more aerotolerant
           abdominal radiographs were normal with no evidence   and the inoculum  required  for infection  is 300 times
           of air under the diaphragm. The initial impression was   smaller than that of  C. perfringens.  It  is commonly
           of possible acute cholecystitis or peritonitis. The patient   found  as a normal  inhabitant  of the gastrointestinal
           was  resuscitated  with  intravenous  fluids  and  oxygen   and genitourinary tracts. [1,9]   The spores usually exist
           and was given intravenous penicillin, gentamicin, and   for years and vegetate when conditions  become
           clindamycin.                                       optimal.  C. septicum, however, is an opportunistic
                                                              pathogen in humans, gaining entry to the bloodstream
           Despite the aggressive resuscitation, the patient’s   via breaches in the mucosa. This may be due to tumor
           condition  deteriorated.  A small area of dusky blue   necrosis  or necrotizing colitis in patient with leukemia
           discoloration  about 6  cm  ×  4  cm  appeared in the
           right popliteal fossa; this area was noticed to expand
           gradually.  The leg became increasingly  painful, and
           bullae appeared in the same area. Fine subcutaneous
           crepitation  was noted in the same leg and was
           confirmed  by  plain  X-ray  [Figure 1], demonstrating
           gas in the soft tissue. Diagnosis of gas gangrene was
           established  based on an aspirate from one of the
           blisters, which revealed gram-positive rods. Orthopedic
           involvement was sought; a decision was made to take
           the patient for hind-quadrant  amputation, along  with
           an exploratory laparotomy  and possible  Hartmann’s
           procedure.  Unfortunately, the patient did not survive
           the anesthesia and experienced cardiac arrest during

           The postmortem study revealed a perforated 4-cm    Figure 1: Plain radiograph of the right thigh. Arrows show
           sigmoid colon cancer with evidence of peritonitis, and   subcutaneous gas from gas-forming organism
                          Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ October 21, 2016        403
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