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Cerna et al.                                                                                                                                                                                          Nanodrugs in brain tumors

           Table 2: FDA-approved anticancer nanodrugs. Modified from [80]
            Name            Description                     Indication                Approval (year)
            DaunoXome       Liposomal daunorubicin          HIV-releated Kaposi sa    FDA 96
            DepoCyt         Liposomal cytarabin             Lymphomatous meningitis   FDA 96
            Oncaspar        PEG asparaginase                Acute lymphoblastic leukemia  FDA 94
            Abraxane        Albumin-bound paclitaxel nanospheres  Various cancers     FDA 05 EMEA 08, FDA 13
                                                            Pancreatic ca
            Myocet          Liposomal doxorubicin           Breast ca                 Europe + Canada
            Marqibo         Liposomal vincristin            Acute lymphoblastic leukemia  FDA 12
            Genexol         Paclitaxel loaded polymeric micelle  Breast ca, small cell lung ca  Europe + Korea
            Onivyde         Liposomal irinotecan            Pancreatic ca             FDA 15
           sa: sarcoma; ca: carcinoma

           drugs, from blood to the brain.  Its main components   approach to overcoming this obstacle to brain tumor
           are brain endothelial cells, basal membranes, pericytes   treatment.
           embedded in the basal membrane, and astrocytic end-
           feet. The BBB is characterized by the presence of tight   This review presents a comprehensive  overview  of
           intercellular junctions, minimal pinocytotic activity, and   preclinical  in vitro and  in vivo research and clinical
           a lack of fenestrations, qualities that distinguish BBB   studies of nanodrugs in therapy of brain tumors.
           endothelial  cells from peripheral cells. Endogenous
           and exogenous compounds including  drugs may       NANOCARIERS FOR ANTICANCER DRUGS
           cross the BBB by passive diffusion, carrier-mediated
           transport, endocytosis, or active transport. The efflux   Drug nanodelivery has gained a great deal of
           and influx transporters of BBB comprise transporters   attention from researchers. [17-19]   However,  some
           like  ATP-binding cassette transporters and solute   difficulties related to drug delivery may occur, such as
           carrier transporters.  The different types of transport   troublesome solubility and biological availability, short
           across the BBB are shown in Figure 1.              time in circulation, and  inconvenient  biodistribution
                                                              to the target organ.  The key features of anticancer
           The inability of drugs to cross the BBB is one of the   nanoparticles  are principally  large size, surface
           major impairments  to developing  treatments for   properties  (e.g. hydrophobicity),  and  in  some cases
           neurological  diseases. [13-16]   This highly  restrictive,   also targeting ligands.  The development  of a broad
           physiologic  barrier  prevents  98%  of  small-molecule   range of nanoparticles with varying size, composition,
           drugs and virtually  100% of large-molecule  drugs   and  functionality  has  provided  a  significant  resource
           from reaching the central nervous system from blood   for nanomedicine.
           circulation.  Numerous  methods to bypass  the BBB
           have been investigated, such as transient disruption of   Although nanoparticles avoid renal clearance, they tend
           the BBB, inhibition of efflux pumps, or transport using   to accumulate in the mononuclear phagocyte system
           endogenous transcytosis systems, including receptor-  (MPS).  Surface conjugation with polyethylene
           mediated  transcytosis. Nanodrugs  are  another    glycol (PEG)  and other polymers improves particle

           Figure 1: Mechanisms of transport across the blood-brain barrier. (1) Transcellular diffusion (small hydrophobic molecules); (2) paracellular
           diffusion (small water soluble molecules); (3) carrier-mediated transport (e.g. glucose, amino acids, vinca alkaloids); (4) active efflux
           transport; (5) receptor-mediated transport (e.g. insulin, leptin, transferrin); (6) adsorptive-mediated endocytosis (e.g. albumin, plasma
           proteins). ATP: adenosine triphosphate
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ October 31, 2016       409
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