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Gironés et al.                                                                                                                                         Age-related efficacy of treatment in metastatic NSCLC

           INTRODUCTION                                       chemotherapy,  the actual proportion  of patients who
                                                              receive  chemotherapy, the actual  treatment they
           Lung cancer remains the most  frequent cause of    received and clinical outcome in these patients.
           cancer-related death worldwide.  Elderly patients
           make up a substantial  proportion  of non-small  cell   METHODS
           lung cancer (NSCLC) patients and their numbers are
           expected to increase.   They’ve  been  significantly   We collected on a prospective manner of all patients
           underrepresented  in  clinical  trials,  making  it  difficult   with advanced  NSCLC (stage IV) seen at the
           to extrapolate  clinical  trial data.  Despite  the clear   Regional  Medical Oncology Unit form  the  Hospital
           benefits  to  survival,  most  elderly  patients  with   Lluis Alcanyis, Xàtiva since January 2004, creating a
           advanced NSCLC are under-treated or do not receive   data base register. Patients collected for this analysis
           chemotherapy. [4,5]  In general  there is an expectation   accomplished  the  following conditions: histological
           that elderly patients have poor tolerance to treatment.    or  cytological  confirmation  of  NSCLC  (although  we
           Physicians may be reluctant to  offer  treatment   accepted radiological  diagnosis without histological
           known to  provoke troublesome side effects  due to   confirmation) in stage IIIB (pleural effusion, prior TNM
           the unwarranted assumption  that  elderly patients do   stage), or stage IV of the disease.  Outpatient and
           not  benefit  from  cytotoxic  therapy. [7,8]   Consequently,   those are suitable for treatment (PS 0-2). We collected
           elderly patients are frequently under-treated, and   data on baseline demographics, clinical characteristics
           only one quarter of elderly patients (> 65 years) with   and a detailed treatment history.  Our study period
           advanced  NSCLC are reported  to receive palliative   covers January 2004 until December 2014.  Tumor
           chemotherapy. [4,9]  Advanced age has been a prevalent   histology was classified on the basis of the 2004 WHO
           reason for not administering  treatment, contrary to   classification.   Patients  were  classified  respect  to
           established guidelines. [10-12]                    smoking habits into 3 groups: never smoker,  active
                                                              smoker and ex-smoker (if they had quit smoking
           Platinum-based  doublet  chemotherapy  is considered   a year or more prior to diagnosis). Data on drug-
           to be standard of care for elderly patients with an   sensitive  epidermal  growth  factor receptor  (EGFR)
           Eastern Cooperative  Oncology Group Performance    mutations was collected, since June 1 2010 using
           Status (ECOG PS) score of 0-1. [13-14]  The association   peptide  nucleic  acid-locked  nucleic  acid polymerase
           of a platinum compound  with a third-generation    chain reaction clamp-based testing. When testing was
           agent improves survival, [15-16]  and seems to be the   not performed the data was recorded as “unknown”.
           most  effective  therapeutic choice in such cases.   Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)  translocations
           Recently,  several  elderly-specific  trials  showed  that   have  been  determined  via  fluorescence  in situ
           chemotherapy  is effective and feasible  for elderly   hybridization  since June 2012.  Studies of K-RAS
           patients with  NSCLC. [17-21]  National  Comprehensive   mutation are not performed as part of standard care.
           Cancer Network guidelines  recommend platinum-     For surviving patients, final follow up was recorded on
           doublet  chemotherapy  in  patients  with  good    15th December 2014. Survival time  was calculated
           performance status regardless of age.  The European   from the time of diagnosis until death or final follow up.
           Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/
           International  Society for Geriatric Oncology  also   Statistical evaluation  was performed  using  SPSS
           recommend  the use of carboplatin-based  doublets   version 20.0 software; unpaired Student’s t-test, Chi-
           in  fit  elderly  patients  and  single-agent  treatment  for   squared, and Fischer exact test were used according
           less  fit  patients.  Despite  recent developments  in   to data type. Statistical significance was defined as P <
           treatment recommendations for elderly patients, little is   0.05; variables were considered to be independent for
           known about use of these in clinical practice, and very   the statistical analysis; continuous data was expressed
           limited data are available for elderly patients outside   as mean ±  standard error.  Statistical analyses of
           of clinical  trials. Limited  data exist regarding  real-  categorical variables were performed using Pearson’s
           world  treatment patterns and outcomes with respect   Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test as appropriate.
           to patients with metastatic NSCLC treated at Spanish   Survival analysis was performed using the Kaplan-
           regional hospitals.                                Meier method, and groups were compared using the
                                                              log-rank  test. Univariate  and multivariate  analyses
           We hypothesized that elder benefit as younger patients   were performed  using  the Cox proportional  hazard
           from chemotherapy in stage IV  NSCLC.  Therefore,   regression analysis.
           in this study, we aimed to evaluate the proportion of
           elderly advanced NSCLC patients attended at clinical   The institution’s ethical  review  board  approved  the
           practice who are candidates for  standard systemic   data base on 2004.  Also it  approved the review of
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