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were  selected  due  to known pathway involvement in   to Notch signaling, since not all Notch receptors are
            SCLC. For example, a dual mTORC1/2 and class I PI3K   created equal. Notch receptors are not always redundant
            inhibitor VS-5584 was tested in SCLC xenograft models   and in some cases their functions are not only independent
            and a PDX model established from a SCLC lymph node   but opposite. Notch1 and Notch2 have opposite effects on
            metastasis,  resulting  in  significant  decreases  in  tumor   Akt in NSCLC. [100]  In Luminal B breast cancer, Notch1 and
            burden, decreased tumor-initiating frequency and marked   Notch4 have similar effects on endocrine resistance but
            depletion of cancer stem cells. [93]              act through completely different sets of downstream genes
                                                              and produce different cellular phenotypes [101]  (Espinoza
            The Notch signaling pathway is of increasing interest in   and Miele, unpublished). Notch1, 3, and 4 are oncogenic
            SCLC and as with enteropancreatic NETs, Notch signaling   in the breast, while Notch2 has been described as a tumor
            in the lung is tissue type and cell context dependent. Notch   suppressor in breast cancer cell lines. [102]  The mechanism
            signaling can promote the growth of NSCLC, yet inhibit   of  these  paralog-specific  effects  is  unknown  but  may
            the growth of SCLC. [94,95]  The tumor phenotype in SCLC   involve non-canonical signals, such as the inhibitory role
            may be driven via Notch3 expression, which is decreased   of Notch4 on SMAD [103]  or the stimulatory role of Notch1
            in SCLC compared to non-tumor lung tissue as measured   on  NF-κB. [104]  The oncogenic activity of Notch4 in the
            by immunohistochemistry.  SCLC may be the result of   mouse mammary gland is independent of CSL and is
            deregulated  Notch in cell  fate  decisions  that  determine   therefore completely or at least partially non-canonical. [105]
            differentiation  towards the  epithelial  Clara,  ciliated  and   Another  explanation  for  paralog-specific  effects  may
            pulmonary  neuroendocrine  cell  lineages.   In  mouse   be in quantitative signal intensity of the different Notch
            models with allelic series deletion of Notch1, 2 and 3, all   ligands. For example, constitutively activating mutations
            three Notch receptors were required in an additive manner   in Notch1 and Notch2 are equally oncogenic in a subset
            to regulate the abundance of neuroendocrine cells in the   of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), [106]  despite the
            lung, whereas only contribution from Notch2 was required   fact that Notch2 has been described as a tumor suppressor
            for Clara/ciliated cell development. [98]         in TNBC cell lines. [102]  Therefore, the absolute number of
                                                              NICD molecules available as a result of overproduction
            Over the  years,  many  targeted  therapies  have  been   or decreased turnover may dictate different phenotypic
            developed  to modulate  the  Notch signaling  pathway,   consequences. Additionally, paralog-specific effects may
            including neutralizing antibodies, decoy ligands, blocking   also be achieved by selective activation of chromatin
            peptides, natural compounds and -secretase  inhibitors   sites with different affinity for Notch NICDs, epigenetic
            (reviewed in ).  The Notch 2/3 neutralizing antibody   modifications by NICD binding partners that alters binding
            tarextumab, inhibits tumor growth in mice in a variety of   site availability, or by a combination of canonical and
            epithelial tumors, but also in SCLC xenograft tumors,    non-canonical effects that depends on NICD abundance.
            suggesting  that  Notch2  and/or Notch3  inhibition  can   In  short,  the  role  of  paralog-specific  effects  has  been
            be  therapeutic  in  the  clinical  setting.  A  novel  way of   poorly characterized in NETs and is an area in need of
            exploiting decreased Notch signaling therapeutically is by   further study.
            targeting Notch ligands that are frequently overexpressed
            even  in  tumors with  low or  absent  canonical  Notch   NETs - SKIN
            signaling. This approach was pioneered in SCLC, which
            frequently expresses high levels of DLL3. Because DLL3   Merkel cell  carcinoma  (MCC) is a rare, aggressive
            can function as a Notch inhibitor  by retaining  Notch   cutaneous NET that occurs most frequently in the elderly
            receptors in the cytoplasm or by cis-inhibition, a DLL3   and/or the immunosuppressed, although more than 90% of
            mAb conjugated with a DNA damaging toxin was used   MCC patients have no known immune dysfunction. [107]  It is
            as a highly effective chemotherapeutic in preclinical PDX   seen primarily in light-skinned individuals and has a male
            models of SCLC. These experiments resulted in complete,   predominance of 2:1. [108]  MCC occurs most frequently in
            durable  responses 5 months post treatment.  The  naked   sun-exposed areas of skin, particularly the head and neck,
            mAb had no therapeutic  activity, suggesting that  DLL3   followed by extremities and then the trunk. In 80% of cases,
            inhibition alone is not sufficient for tumor regression in   MCC is associated  with the  Merkel  cell  polyomavirus
            SCLC.  In other studies, it has been proposed that,  in   (MCPyV). [109,110]  Infection with MCPyV is not sufficient to
            addition to the primary SCLC progression as a result of   induce tumorigenesis [111]  and additional events including
            TP53 and RB1 alterations, secondary transitions from non-  loss of cellular  immune  surveillance  are  required  for
            small cell lung carcinoma to SCLC can occur following   oncogenic transformation.  The MCPyV large  T-antigen
            chemotherapy.  This  implies  phenotypic  plasticity  from   is oncogenic  in MCC by binding  the  retinoblastoma
            an epithelial to a neuroendocrine lineage can occur under   protein  and  promoting  cell  cycle  progression. [112]  The
            treatment-imposed  selection.  A recent  publication  by   small T-antigen of MCPyV acts downstream of the mTOR
            Meder et al.  demonstrates that this process is mediated   signaling pathway by maintaining hyperphosphorylation
            by the Notch-ASCL1-RB-P53 signaling axis.         of 4E-binding protein (4EBP1), resulting in dysregulated
                                                              cap-dependent translation  in MCC. [113]  Patients with
            Paralog-specific effects add yet another layer of complexity   MCPyV negative MCC tumors have increased DNA
                                                                                                                   Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ August 17, 2016 ¦
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