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RET mutation negative MTCs, and endocrine syndrome-  proteins including calcitonin and chromogranin A, as well
            related MTCs. Exome sequencing of 17 sporadic MTCs   as ASCL1 (also important in pulmonary NETs). Notch is
            identified  the  expected  mutually  exclusive  RAS  and   one of the pathways regulating the production of ASCL1,
            RET mutations, but no other commonly occurring driver   especially during development. Notch1 expression is absent
            mutations. [148]   Exome  sequencing  of  MTCs  associated   in MTC and overexpression of the Notch intracellular
            with MEN2A also identified the expected RET mutations,   domain  decreases proliferation  of MTC cell  lines,
            but also suggested that low frequency mutations such as   consistent with its role as a tumor suppressor. Activation of
            those found in EIF4G1 may also play a role in MEN2A-  Notch in MTC by pharmaceutical means became possible
            associated tumorigenesis by indirectly  altering  the RET   when valproic  acid  was reported  to  activate  Notch  in
            pathway. [158]   A similar  study was undertaken by Smith   neuroblastoma cells [169]  and subsequent work demonstrated
            et al. [159]  in MTCs lacking an identifiable RET mutation.   that valproic acid increased Notch1 signaling and induced
            Interestingly, this group found a recurrent mutation  in   apoptosis in MTC cells. [170]  Using a mouse model system,
            the ESR2 gene which encodes the estrogen receptor beta   Jaskula-Sztul et al. [171]  demonstrated that activation of the
            (ER). Estrogen receptor alpha (ER) and ER can form   Notch signaling pathway may be a therapeutic strategy for
            heterodimers  and bind to estrogen response elements   MTC. This same group expanded our knowledge of Notch
            to regulate  gene expression. [160]   Alternatively, ER can   signaling in MTC by upregulating Notch3 in vitro and in
            antagonize  the transcriptional  activity  of ER. [161-163]  The   vivo via NICD3 and the pharmacological HDAC inhibitor
            RET gene contains three ERE sites that were shown  to   ABA3. They demonstrated that Notch3, like Notch1, can
            be actively regulating RET gene expression in vitro. The   alter  the  neuroendocrine  phenotype  in MTC, resulting
            authors propose that this may be a novel mechanism by   in  decreased  proliferation  and  loss of  NET  markers. [172]
            which the RET gene is regulated in RET mutation-negative   Resveratrol treatment  of MTC cells suppresses  growth,
            familial MTC. [159]  Heilmann et al. [164]  performed genomic   induces apoptosis and reduces expression of chromogranin
            profiling  of  MTC  cases  during  the  course  of  clinical   A and ASCL1 as a result of upregulation of Notch2. [173]  In
            care  and in addition  to the  expected  RET mutations,   similar studies, thiocoraline treatment in vitro increases the
            also  identified  amplifications  of  CCND1,  FGF3,  FGF19   expression of Notch1 and Notch2 isoforms, as well as the
            and  CDKN2A.  The  authors  propose that  these  may  be   downstream Notch target genes HES1, HES2 and HEY1,
            cooperating driver mutations impacting chemoresistance   while expression of HES6 decreased. [174]  Taken together,
            and disease outcomes.                             these studies indicate a clear role for Notch signaling in
                                                              MTC therapy.
            Cancer stem cells have been identified in MTC cell lines
            that are strongly positive for the cell surface antigen   CONCLUSION
            CD133 by immunohistochemistry. [165]  Interestingly, cell
            lines with the M918T RET mutation produce the highest   The role of Notch signaling in NETs remains incompletely
            number of CD133  stem-like cells. [165]  This population of   understood. Further study is required to understand how
            stem-like cells may also be involved in chemoresistance.   this pathway impacts tumorigenesis and chemoresistance
            In a study by Kucerova, CD133  cells from MTC cell lines   in this diverse tumor group. There is evidence that different
            were no more chemoresistant than the parent population of   Notch isoforms act as tumor suppressors in some NETs
            cells. However, once the CD133  cells were implanted in   but not others and paralog specific effects are understudied
            mice as xenografts and treated with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU),   and remain unclear. The significant genetic heterogeneity
            there  emerged a new CD133  stem-like  cell  population   of NETs suggests that individual molecular subtypes must
            that was resistant to subsequent 5-FU therapy and retained   be studied separately to dissect the roles of Notch signaling
            these chemoresistant properties in culture. [166]  MTCs are   components and their potential therapeutic implications.
            relatively resistant to the radioactive iodine therapies used
            for follicular  and poorly differentiated  thyroid  cancers,   Financial support and sponsorship
            and  one  group  treated  MTC  stem  cells  with  all-trans-  This work was supported by the Louisiana State University
            retinoic acid (ATRA) to sensitize these cells to radioiodine   Health Science Center School of Medicine, Department
            therapy. The stem cells identified and treated with ATRA   of Genetics.
            increased  their  uptake  of iodine  by 8 fold, suggesting
            that ATRA pre-treatment followed by radioactive iodine   Conflicts of interest
            therapy  may  be a  new treatment  modality  for MTC. [167]    There are no conflicts of interest.
            Finally, co-expression of CD133 and CD44 in MTC by
            immunohistochemistry  was correlated  with decreased   REFERENCES
            overall survival in a cohort of 51 MTC patients, compared
            to those with no co-expression of these two markers   1.   Ayaz F, Osborne BA. Non-canonical notch signaling in cancer and
                                                                  immunity. Front Oncol 2014;4:345.
            implying that CD133 and CD44 can be used as prognostic   2.   Collu GM, Hidalgo-Sastre A, Brennan K. Wnt-Notch signalling crosstalk
            markers for overall survival. [168]                   in development and disease. Cell Mol Life Sci 2014;71:3553-67.
                                                              3.   Jin S, Mutvei  AP, Chivukula IV,  Andersson  ER, Ramskold D,
            At the molecular level,  MTC cells express a variety  of   Sandberg R, Lee KL, Kronqvist P, Mamaeva V, Ostling P, Mpindi
                         Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ August 17, 2016 ¦        287
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