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of experimental  evidence  supporting a stem  cell  origin,   and mTOR inhibitors  have been studied in MTC, and
            more lineage tracking studies are needed to identify the   have shown preliminary efficacy in small trials. [149,150]  One
            cellular origin of MCC.                           ongoing  trial  (NCT01625520)  is  examining  the  efficacy
                                                              of SOM230/pasireotide  alone  and in combination  with
            Notch signaling has been an area of active investigation   everolimus  in progressive metastatic  or postoperative
            in MCC as a result of the genome-wide studies that have   persistent MTC. More recently, new drugs that targets
            highlighted the Notch pathway as one of key interest, with   both PI3K  and mTOR have been developed, with
            somatic  single  nucleotide  variants  identified  in  Notch1,   BEZ235 showing efficacy in preclinical studies of thyroid
            and Notch2 that were independent MCPyV status. [114]  The   cancer. [151]  Antibody therapy  is also in  development  for
            inactivating mutations detected in Notch genes were located   MTC. Carcinoembryonic  antigen or CEA is an antigen
            in the EGF-like and ankyrin repeat regions, consistent with   expressed by MTC cells  and an anti-CEA monoclonal
            loss-of-function events characterizing a tumor suppressive   antibody combined with autologous hematopoietic  stem
            role for Notch in MCC. [115]  Further, the data on Notch and   cell rescue has shown promise in a phase 1 study in rapidly
            other genes dysregulated in MCC are common with SCLC,   progressing metastatic MTC. [152]
            suggesting that these pathways are also cornerstones
            of neuroendocrine  differentiation in  epithelial  cells. [114]    Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are also in development  and
            Another study examined the Notch signaling pathway as   AMG706/motesanib  was studied  in locally  advanced  or
            a target of microRNA-375, which is highly overexpressed   metastatic, progressive or symptomatic MTC in a single-
            in well-differentiated  MCC cell  lines yet strikingly   arm phase 2 study. [153]  Despite the 81% of patients in this
            downregulated  in  highly  aggressive,  undifferentiated   trial that achieved stable disease, there was no placebo or
            MCC cell lines. [141]  miR-375 overexpression caused post-  standard of care arm, making the interpretation  of drug
            transcriptional repression of Notch2 and RBPJ resulting   efficacy and toxicity a challenge. Axitinib was also studied
            in decreased cell  proliferation, migration  and invasion   in a small trial of locally advanced MTC (n = 6), and resulted
            in  vitro.  This  led  to  the  conclusion  that  miR-375  is  a   in 5/6 or 83% of patients with stable disease > 16 weeks. [154]
            putative  regulator  of  cancer  cell  aggressiveness  through   However, as with the motesanib trial, the single-arm study
            inhibition  of  Notch  signaling. [141]   In contrast,  Panelos  et   design,  as well  as the  small  number  of MTC patients
            al. [142]  performed immunohistochemical studies of Notch1   included makes the trial results difficult to interpret. The
            expression in MCC and found 30/31 cases had Notch1   ZETA and EXAM trials studied two additional compounds,
            cytoplasmic  and membrane  expression in  greater  than   vandetanib  and cabozantinib,  in advanced,  unresectable,
            50% of cells. These data contradict the data in other NETs,   locally advanced or metastatic MTC. The first randomized,
            including other data on MCC, which suggest Notch1 is a   double-blind, placebo controlled study (ZETA trial; NCT
            tumor suppressor in MCCs.                         00410761) tested vandetanib and detected an increase in
                                                              PFS (30.5 vs. 19.3 months for placebo) in the 331 patients
            NETs - THYROID                                    recruited to the study. Stratification of the patients by RET
                                                              mutation suggested that there was an improved response
            Medullary thyroid carcinoma  (MTC) is a NET that   in patients with RET M918T mutation and also in MTC
            originates  from the thyroid C-cells and express high   cases  with  no  RET  mutation  identified. [155]  These  data
            levels of calcitonin,  chromogranin  A, synaptophysin   led to FDA and EMA approval for vandetanib  for the
            and achaete-scute  complex-like 1 (ASCL1). MTCs are   treatment  of symptomatic  or progressive, unresectable,
            relatively  slow growing tumors that  comprise 1-2% of   locally  advanced  or metastatic  MTC.  The EXAM trial
            all  thyroid cancers  and have  a 10 year  median  survival   (NCT00704730) was a randomized,  double-blind,
            of 65%. [143,144]  The majority of these tumors are sporadic,   placebo  controlled  study of cabozantinib  in advanced
            but  they  can  be  hereditary  and  arise  with  other  NETs   and progressive MTC. This study recruited 330 patients
            as  a  part  of  MEN2A/2B or  as  familial  MTC.  Gain-of-  and reported a median PFS of 11.2 months for treatment
            function mutations in the RET tyrosine kinase gene (most   versus 4.0 months in controls. [156]  The  responses in this
            commonly M918T) are the known driver mutation in the   trial were similar regardless of RET mutational status, and
            majority of these tumors. [145,146]   Those tumors that are   the results from this trial led to FDA and EMA approval
            RET mutation  negative  frequently  have RAS mutations   of cabozantinib for progressive, metastatic MTC. Another
            – and the presence of these mutations appears mutually   tyrosine kinase inhibitor, regorafenib which has been
            exclusive. [147,148]   As with other NETs discussed above,   approved for treatment  of metastatic  colorectal  cancer,
            there are no curative therapies for MTC. Surgery is the   is now being studied as a second or third line therapy in
            first line of treatment for localized disease, but there are no   MTC (NCT02657551). For recent, more comprehensive
            therapeutic options for patients who present with regional   reviews of new molecular  therapies  and thyroid cancer
            or widespread metastases, highlighting  the critical  need   clinical trials including those for MTC, see. [143,157]
            for additional therapeutics.
                                                              Although the genetic gain-of-function RET mutations are
            Several promising new directed therapies for MTC are in   well established as the basis for MTC, additional genetic
            development or clinical trials. As with other NETs, SSAs   studies have been performed to understand the etiology of
                                                                                                                   Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ August 17, 2016 ¦
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