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very small numbers of cells. Cancer stem cells are often   degradation  of hASH1.   Transient  overexpression of
            chemoresistant, mediate tumor recurrence, and recruit the   NICD in BON1 cells  resulted  in increased  proliferation
            host immune system through a variety of mechanisms to   and dose-dependent  increases  in Hes1. In contrast,
            support tumor cell growth and metastasis. [45]    immunohistochemistry for Notch1, Hes1, Hey1, pIGF1R
                                                              and FGF2 antibodies on a tissue microarray of 120 well
            Cancer stem cells have been identified in gastrointestinal    differentiated  NETs arising from the pancreas (n = 74),
            and pancreatic  NETs.  In gastrointestinal  NETs, a   ileum (n = 31) and rectum (n = 15), demonstrated elevated
            population of stem cells was identified based on ALDH   Notch1 expression in 100% rectal, 34% of pancreatic, and
            positivity which is required for chemoresistance  and   0% of ileal NETs, and Hes1 expression in 64% of rectal,
            enhances self-renewal.  ALDH+ cells exhibit anchorage-  10% of pancreatic  and 0% of ileal NETs,  exhibiting
            independent growth and have elevated expression of Src,   significant variability in Notch1 signaling across different
            Erk, Akt and mTOR. Because therapies directed towards   tissue types. There is limited information on other Notch
            the Akt/mTOR pathway are already clinically validated in   receptors  or the  ligands  involved  in Notch signaling  in
            NETs, the investigators focused on Src and treated mouse   NETs and a comprehensive analysis of Notch expression
            xenografts with anti-Src siRNA. This treatment resulted in   patterns  across all  enteropancreatic  NET subtypes is
            a 91% decrease in tumor mass and suggested an additional   required to fully understand the variability and potentially
            treatment avenue for gastrointestinal NETs.  In pancreatic   redundant functions of Notch receptors and ligands.
            NETs, stem cells have been isolated that co-express the
            cell-surface  protein  CD90 and  aldehyde  dehydrogenase   The ability of Notch to behave as an oncogene or tumor
            A1 (ALDHA1), as well as CD47 which serves as a flag to   suppressor depending on cellular context is driven in part
            evade the immune system.  These stem-like cells form   by the availability of coactivators and corepressors. CSL
            tumors in mice and the treatment of tumor-bearing mice   coactivators  such as MAML, SKIP and  p300 are  well
            with anti-CD47 antibody therapy inhibits tumor growth,   known to activate transcription of Notch target genes by
            prevents  metastasis  and  prolongs survival.  Combination   binding  to  NICD. Conversely, in  the  absence  of NICD,
            therapy  with anti-CD47 and anti-EGFR (expressed by   corepressors  also  regulate  transcription  in  specific  ways
            the majority of pancreatic NETs) in the preclinical setting   and canonical  Notch  corepressors include  SMRT,
            demonstrated improved efficacy over anti-CD47 antibody   SIRT  and LSD1 (histone lysine demethylase),  among
            therapy alone  and supports the notion that treatment of   others (reviewed in ). Epigenetic regulation by Notch
            human pancreatic NETs with stem cell specific antigens   activator  and repressor complexes containing  histone
            will yield clinically significant results.        acetyltransferases,  histone demethyltransferases,  histone
                                                              methyltransferases, etc. actively remodel the chromatin at
            NETs  in  general  remain  significantly  understudied  with   Notch-responsive target genes and provide an additional
            respect to molecular mechanisms  of pathogenesis, and   layer of reversible regulation.  Chromatin sites accessible
            particularly Notch signaling. Mechanistically, Notch may   to  Notch  NICDs  are  also  influenced  by  transcriptional
            contribute to carcinogenesis by inhibiting differentiation,   regulators  that  can act  as cofactors or inhibitors. [64-66]
            promoting cellular proliferation and/or inhibiting   A recent report by Liefke et al.  demonstrates that the
            apoptosis, yet few studies have comprehensively examined   histone demethylase KDM5A/RBP2 is a key component
            these endpoints with respect to the four Notch receptors   of the CSL repressor complex. Data from our laboratory
            and their ligands in NETs. The available studies suggest   demonstrates that RBP2 is upregulated in gastrointestinal
            a tumor suppressive function for Notch1 in cells derived   NETs and in liver metastases from primary NET tumors,
            from the neuroendocrine lineage. This is consistent with   suggesting that RBP2 may be actively repressing canonical
            role of Notch in Drosophila neurogenesis, where Notch   Notch activity (Crabtree, et al. 2016 Oncogenesis in press).
            restricts differentiation towards the neuronal lineage. The
            loss of Notch in Drosophila embryos results in uncontrolled   NETs - PULMONARY
            ectodermal differentiation down the neuronal lineage. [52,53]
            It is plausible  that loss of Notch signaling  would allow   Pulmonary  NETs are  an  equally  diverse  set  of NETs
            NET cells to acquire or maintain a partially differentiated   that fall on a continuum from well-differentiated typical
            neuroendocrine  phenotype  while  retaining  the  ability  to   carcinoid  (TC),  to  less differentiated  atypical  carcinoid
            proliferate. For example, recent studies [11,12,54-57]  report that   (AC), to highly malignant, poorly differentiated small cell
            Notch1 signaling is minimal or absent in gut carcinoids,   lung carcinoma  (SCLC) and large cell  neuroendocrine
            medullary  thyroid  carcinoma  (MTC) and  pulmonary   carcinoma  (LCNECs).  Features distinguishing  these
            typical  and atypical  carcinoids.  Yet  these  same  cancers   groups include size, with TC and AC defined as ≥ 0.5 cm,
            express  high  levels  of  human  achaete-scute  homolog  1   and histologic  characteristics  such as organoid growth
            (hASH1), a basic helix loop helix transcription factor that   patterns  with uniform cytologic  features.  These tumors
            is regulated by Notch signaling. The aberrant expression   contain  a moderate  amount  of eosinophilic  cytoplasm
            of hASH1 and the arrest of NET cells at an early stage of   and  nuclei  containing  finely  granulated  chromatin,
            differentiation may be due to decreased Notch1-activated   which is coarser in AC than in TC. Prominent nucleoli
            expression of Hes1 and Hes5 which both facilitate   are also present in AC, but not in TC. New 2015 WHO
                                                                                                                   Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ August 17, 2016 ¦
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