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and the  role  of cancer  stem  cells in NET pathogenesis,   is independent of CSL and can be ligand-dependent or
            chemoresistance and recurrence.                   independent. [1,20]  Compared to canonical Notch signaling,
                                                              knowledge of non-canonical Notch mechanisms is
            NOTCH SIGNALING                                   limited, with the majority of studies performed in cancer
                                                              and immune system cells.  Non-canonical Notch
            The Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionarily   pathways present an interesting new avenue of study and
            conserved, critical  component of basic cellular   may reveal new targets for therapeutic intervention in the
            processes such as proliferation,  stem cell  maintenance,   translational setting.
            and differentiation during both embryonic  and adult
            development. The canonical Notch signaling pathway has   One mechanism of non-canonical Notch signaling occurs
            been well-studied and typically depends on the binding of   through  the  Wnt/β-catenin  pathway  in  cancer  and  the
            a Notch receptor to its ligand residing on a neighboring   immune  system.  The  Wnt/-catenin  pathway  regulates
            cell.  This ligand binding promotes the separation of   cell pluripotency and cell fate decisions, and aberrant
            the extracellular  subunit from the transmembrane   functions or mutations in β-catenin have been associated
            subunit, which is followed by cleavage of the receptor’s   with a number of cancers and other human diseases. Non-
            transmembrane  subunit by  ADAM metalloproteases   canonical  Notch  signaling  can  result  in  an  antagonistic
            (primarily ADAM-10) and gamma  secretase.  The  latter   interaction  between  Notch  signaling  and  Wnt/β-
            cleavage  releases  the  active  form  of Notch,  the  Notch   catenin [2,20,21]  that disrupts the regulation of developmental
            intracellular domain (NICD). The NICD then translocates   and disease processes.   This results in an inverse
            into the nucleus and binds to the transcription  factor   relationship between elevated levels of membrane-bound
            CSL (CBF-1/Suppressor of Hairless/LAG1), also known   Notch and lower levels of active β-catenin  leading to
            as RBP-Jk, to  control  expression  of Notch-regulated   negative regulation of Wnt signaling.  One example of
            genes. [15-18]  Ligand-independent activation  of Notch   this crosstalk is the loss of Notch1 in the epidermis of mice,
            cleavage  has been reported in some contexts,  notably   which results in activated Wnt/-catenin signaling and the
            breast cancer stem cells, where it is mediated by activation   formation of hyperplasia and cancer -- both of which can
            of ADAM-17 via the Sphingosine 1-phosphate pathway. [19]  be reversed by the introduction of exogenous NICD. [22]

            Different species contain different numbers of Notch   Non-canonical  Notch  signaling is also involved  in the
            isoforms.  Drosophila contains one Notch receptor,  C.   activation and proliferation of CD4 T cells in the immune
            elegans has two redundant receptors, and mammals contain   system as well as in the tumor-promoting effects of
            four Notch receptors, Notch1-4. Notch receptors contain   interleukin-6 (IL-6). [1,23]  These events rely on NF-κB and
            an extracellular domain that includes multiple epidermal   demonstrate  crosstalk  with  other  cellular  pathways  in
            growth factor (EGF)-like repeats in varying numbers   the  absence  of canonical  Notch signaling.  Studies  have
            that are involved in ligand binding.  The intracellular   demonstrated  that even in the absence of CSL, CD4
            portion of Notch transmits cellular signals and contains   T-cell activation and proliferation through NF-κB requires
            an RBP-Jκ Association Module (RAM) domain, a nuclear   NICD playing a major role in the signature CBM complex
            localization signal (NLS), a seven ankyrin repeat (ANK)   (CARMA1, MALT1 and BCL10).  The NICD can also
            domain and a transactivation domain that contains   activate a non-canonical signaling cascade via mTORC2
            conserved proline/glutamic acid/serine/threonine-rich   and Akt as a means of transmitting extracellular nutrient
            (PEST) motifs. For a comprehensive review of known   sensing cues to promote cell survival. [5,25]  Notch signaling,
            Notch ligands, see.  In mammals, Notch ligands include   both canonical and non-canonical,  is regulated  by a
            Delta-like1 (DLL1), Delta-like3 (DLL3) and Delta-like4   myriad of known and unknown binding partners as well as
            (DLL4), which are homologous to  Drosophila Delta,   posttranslational  modifications.  Comprehensive  reviews
            along with Jagged1 (JAG1) and Jagged2 (JAG2), which   of Notch signaling are available. [18,26,27]
            have homology to Drosophila Serrate. Notch ligands have
            multiple EGF-like repeats in their extracellular domains   NETs - ENTEROPANCREATIC
            and all contain an N-terminal DSL (Delta/Serrate/LAG2)
            motif  that,  along  with  the  first  two  EGF-like  repeats  is   The annual  incidence  of enteropancreatic  NETs is
            required for ligand-receptor interaction. Jagged ligands   2-5/100,000 patients in the United States and recent studies
            contain almost twice the number of EGF repeats as well   suggest that  this incidence  will continue  to rise in the
            as an additional cysteine rich region compared to DLL   coming years. [21,28-30]  Overall survival (OS) for metastatic
            ligands.  The intracellular portion of all Notch ligands   pancreatic and small bowel NETs is 24 and 56 months,
            lacks major homology with the exception that some, but   respectively.  Enteropancreatic NETs, or NETs that form
            not all, ligands contain multiple lysine residues and a   in the pancreas or the gut (also called carcinoids), can be
            C-terminal PDZ (PSD-95/Dlg/ZO-1) domain.          categorized as functional or non-functional depending on
                                                              their level of hormone release. Pancreatic NETs can hyper
            In addition to the well-studied canonical signaling, Notch   secrete insulin (insulinoma), glucagon (glucagonoma),
            signaling can also occur in a non-canonical fashion that   somatostatin  (somatostatinoma),  pancreatic  polypeptide
                                                                                                                   Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ August 17, 2016 ¦
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