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aberrations and malignancies. Furthermore, differences in   GLOBAL BURDEN OF HPV IN CANCERS
            cell tropism and disease progression patterns are believed   AND DISEASES: PREVALENCE AND
            to be one of the reasons of higher cancer association with   ROLE OF HPV
            certain HPV types, such as higher association of HPV18
            with adenocarcinoma and in cervical intraepithelial   The highest HPV prevalence  is observed to be 24% in
            neoplasias  grade  2  (CIN2).  The  high  risk  HPV types   Saharan Africa, 21% in Eastern Europe and 16% in Latin
            causing  adenocarcinomas may infect  cells  that already   America.  In majority  of the populations,  the highest
            have a potential glandular differentiation.  Therefore   prevalence  of HPV is observed in women younger than
            abortive or semipermissive infection of these cells may   25 years.  The prevalence  reduces in older women with
            play an important role in the adenocarcinoma development.   some having an increased rate in pri- or early-menopause.
            Recently, in silico models and epidemiological studies   Although  these  prevalences  are  observed  for many
            showed that the immune response may only contribute less   populations, in some others like China, the HPV prevalence
            than 20% of HPV clearance in individuals with normal   is  age-independent.  On the  other  hand,  HPV  prevalence
            immunity.  Ryser and colleagues (2015) further proposed   remains to be at a constant rate across all age groups in
            that the virus is mainly cleared by stem cell divisions in   countries like Asia and Africa.  The reason of different
            immunocompromised individuals. [41]                prevalences  observed in different  populations  worldwide
                                                               are not very well understood, but it is possible that it varies
            Overall balance between the positive and negative immune   due to the age of initial  sexual activity, the number of
            factors may vary and these may lead to clearance of   partners and the habits of the sexual activities.
            lesions.  Therefore, therapeutic vaccines against HPV
            infections may play a strong role in prevention HPV   Different  HPV genera  cause  both non-cancerous  and
            associated lesions and cancers.  In 2006, the Food and   cancerous  diseases. Formation  of warts on the  skin and
            Drug  Administration approved the use of recombinant   uretra, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, respiratory
            quadrivalent HPV vaccine gardasil for protection against   tract, throat and genitals have been associated with HPV
            HPV6, HPV11, HPV16 and HPV18 L1 proteins in females   infections. Current data indicates that the prevalences of the
            in the age between 9 and 26 years old.  It is proposed that   genital HPV infections are considerably higher compared
            in three doses of this vaccination at 0, 1 to 2 and 6 months,   to the  oral  HPV. Globally  HPV infections  are  associated
            the HPV associated genital warts and the cervical cancer   with approximately 50% of HPV caused cancers in women
            can be prevented.  This vaccination is also proposed to   and 5% in men.  Different carcinogenesis  is detected
            protect against the vulvar and vaginal cancers as well as   at  different  anatomical  sites  and  at  different  level  that  is
            intraepithelial neoplasias.  In 2009, the bivalent vaccine   most likely  because of the differences in the expression
            against HPV16 and HPV18 was licensed  and this     of the viral genome, in such HPV associated genital tract
            vaccine is intended to protect against anogenital warts,   infections are observed at higher incidence compared to the
                                                               head and neck cancer incidence. Genital HPV infections are
            precancerous lesions and cervical cancer.  Both the                                         [55]
            bivalent and quadrivalent HPV vaccines have been actively   connected with more than 99% of cervical cancers,  97%
            used in more than 80 countries.  Both of the vaccines   of anal cancer,  70% of vaginal cancers,  47% of penile
                                                               cancers,  40% of vulval cancers,  47% of oropharynx
            are shown to be safe, having enduring protection against   cancers and 11% of oral cavity cancer cases. [59]
            primary infection and stable protection.  These vaccines
            have a moderate cross-protection against high risk HPV   ROLE OF HPV IN CANCER
            types, HPV31, 33, 45, 52 and 58. [49,50]  However, only 70%   DEVELOPMENT
            of cervical cancer cases can be avoided by using these
            vaccines.   Quadrivalent vaccines  also  protects  against   The mechanism of cancer  progression in patients  with
            low risk HPV types, HPV6 and HPV11 that causes 90%   HPV infection is not well established. However, there are
            of genital warts.  The development of these vaccinations   a number of hypothesis on the possible routes of HPV in
            has brought a new era in the prevention of HPV and these   cancer  progression.  One of the  hypotheses  suggests that
            vaccinations are great promise; however there is still   the cancer progression is associated with the increased
            room for much more development. In general, therapeutic   accessibility  and  proliferation  of  the  basal  layers  at  the
            vaccines have been proposed but only few of them reached   metaplastic epithelial site and therefore this increases the
            clinical trials.  The current vaccinations do not protect   risk of metastasis. This becomes even more apparent at the
            against all the HPV types and the cost of these vaccinations   puberty time and the onset of sexual activity. [60]
            make them impossible to be used in some parts of the
            world, especially in newly developing countries. Therefore,   The initial infection of the cell and the relation of this to
            although vaccinations enabled a tremendous step towards   the  disease outcome  are  not well  understood. Generally
            prevention of HPV associated diseases, more feasible and   HPV infection  causes  cell  destruction  as well  as cell
            affordable vaccinations with protection against all the HPV   transformation  and tumour  development.  HPVs interfere
            types are required.                                with cell cycle  regulation  and prevent  apoptosis  in cells

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