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and 47.7% in oral squamous cell carcinomas. [124]  Oral   and chemotherapeutic drugs; there is limited success with
           leukoplakia is associated with HPV6, HPV11 and HPV16   mostly side effects. [153]  Therefore like all the other cancers,
           and these may lead to malignant oral diseases. [125-127]    early detection and vaccines can play a crucial role in RRP.
           Similarly, HPV is detected more often with increased   Although the present HPV vaccines protect against HPV
           prevalence in oral lichen planus. [128]            11, there is the need for development of vaccines for other
                                                              HPV types, especially HPV6 for the prevention of RRP.
           The overall prognosis of head and neck squamous cell
           carcinomas seems to be better with HPV infected patients.   BLADDER CANCER
           Young individuals appear to have increased risk of having
           HPV positive tonsillar and oropharyngeal carcinomas [129,130]   The  first  association  of  HPV  and  bladder  tumors  was
           with  better  prognosis and  lower  relapse  risks compared   reported in 1988. [154]   The prevalence of HPV infection
           to HPV negative head and neck squamous cell carcinoma   in bladder  carcinomas  ranges from  0% to  81%. [155-159]
           (HNSCC) patients. [131]  Approximately 6% prevalence was   Overall,  the  involvement  of bladder  cancer  with  HPV is
           reported for HPV positive OSCCs. [132]  However, more than   controversial. Although some studies reported  a positive
           half of the patients with HNSCC (57%) were shown to have   correlation  between HPV infection  through contribution
           metastases to the brain where all are HPV positive. [133]  of E6 and E7 oncogenic proteins, [160-163]  some reported no
                                                              association between HPV infected bladder carcinoma. [164,165]
           LUNG CANCER                                        Furthermore, p16-INK4a was reported to be involved in the
                                                              development  of bladder  cancer  through  suppressing the
           Lung cancer is one the foremost causes of cancer associated   inactivation of Rb protein association with HPV infected
           deaths  worldwide.  Although  cigarette  smoking  plays  a   bladder carcinoma. [163,166,167]  The controversy continues with
           crucial role in lung cancer development, less than 20% of   the inverted papiloma  of the urinary tract  and urothelial
           the smokers have lung cancer. [134]  Therefore, other factors   carcinomas. In some reports HPV is associated with
           including inactivation of tumour suppressor genes, such as   inverted papilloma of the urinary bladder [168]  and urothelial
           p53, Rb and p16, and HPV infection have been proposed to   carcinomas, [167,169]  but in the  others no association  was
           be involved in the development of lung carcinogenesis. [134,135]    reported. [170,171]
           The possible role of HPV in lung cancer was initially
           proposed due to the similarities  of the morphological   HPVs,  especially HPV16  and HPV18,  were detected
           epithelial  changes detected  in  bronchial  carcinomas  with   mostly in low grade (grade 1) tumours and never have
           genital  HPV lesions. [136,137]  HPV detection  in lung cancer   they been reported for grade 3 carcinomas. [163,167,172-175]
           was confirmed in 1988 [138]  and the association of HPV with   Therefore  potentially  HPV  is  only  associated  with  low
           lung cancer was then verified by detection of HPV DNA in    grade carcinomas.
           lung cancer samples. [139,140]  However, the issue is debated
           and controversial studies have been reported. [141,142]  Some   PENILE CARCINOMA AND ANAL
           groups reported that E7 proteins of high risk HPV16 and   CARCINOMA
           HPV18 are detected, [143,144]  some reported that none of
           the HPV types are present in non-small lung cancer. [145]    Penile carcinomas mainly originate in the squamous mucosa
           An international pooled analysis of HPV association with   of the glans, coronal sulcus or inner surface of the foreskin
           lung cancers revealed that HPV DNA is present but in a   of the penile. Penile cancers are rare and they usually occur
           very small number of lung tumors. [146]  Therefore, the direct   in uncircumcised men. [176]   About half  (40-50%) of the
           relevance of lung cancer with HPV requires further analysis.   penile squamous cell carcinomas are related to the high risk
           A recent meta-analysis data showed that HPV infection has   HPV infection [52,177-180]  and mostly the basaloid and warty
           a  strong  relationship  with  lung  cancer  with  significantly   types  of  penile  cancers  are  consistently  related  to  HPV
           increased  risk  of lung  squamous  cell  carcinoma  upon   infection, whereas HPV DNA was only detected in some
           HPV16 and HPV18 infection and in this meta-analysis, it   of the keratinizing and verrucous penile carcinomas. [179]
           is proposed that the HPV vaccination may lower the lung   Mainly HPV16 (69%) and HPV18 (13%) play a role in the
           cancer risk. [147]                                 development of penile squamous cell carcinomas.  High
                                                              risk HPV types, generally HPV16 and HPV18, are detected
           Respiratory papillomatosis  (RRP) is a serious condition   in Bowenoid papulosis, which resemble genital warts but
           that may spread to lungs and can progress to cancer. [148,149]    with high grade squamous cell carcinoma in situ, can be
           Patients with RRP have an increased  risk of developing   found on the external genitalia, perineum or perinally. [181]
           laryngeal neoplasias and carcinomas. [150]  RRP is mainly   HPV16 and HPV18 are also associated with Eryhtroplasia
           caused by the alpha-HPVs, HPV6 and/or HPV11. [151]  The   Queyrat, which is in situ carcinoma of the penile mucosa.
           transmission of upper respiratory tract infections may be   This carcinoma can also be present on the urethra, vulva,
           passed on by sexual contact and from mother to child during   tongue  and oral mucosa. Buschke-Löwenstein  tumors,
           child birth canal. [4,152]  Although many therapies have applied   which cause destruction of the underlying tissues leading
           for RRP patients, such as surgical, treatment with antivirals   to transformation into  squamous cell  carcinoma  and are

                                                                                                                         Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ June 15, 2016 ¦
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