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located  on the penile  glans, prepuce, vulva, vagina and   Genital  warts can  be  found on penile  shaft,  base  of the
            perianal sites, are also associated with low risk HPVs, HPV6   penis, scrotum,  pubic region, glans and rectal  area.  In
            and HPV 11. [182,183]  Additionally, in both males and females,   women,  they  are  mostly  present  in  the  labia  minora  and
            approximately 85-95% of the anal cancers are HPV DNA   vaginal opening. [197]  In the decision of the therapy strategy,
            positive. [52,104]  Of these, HPV16 (75%) and HPV18 (3%) are   many  factors,  such  as morphology  of  the  lesion,  HPV
            the causes for almost all the cases of anal cancers. [56,184]  classification and immune competent status, are taken into
                                                               account.  Unfortunately,  none  of  the  treatment  strategies,
            SKIN CANCER                                        including targeted lesion destruction or immunologic
                                                               modification, are shown to clear the HPV infection or avoid
            Similar to the head and neck, bladder and breast cancers, the   the recurrence. With the use of HPV vaccines, the incidence
            involvement of HPV in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma   of the warts has been decreased. [198]  If these warts remain
            has not been surely established. A range of nonmelanoma   untreated, they can either regresses spontaneously or they
            skin cancer forms contain DNA from beta HPV types. [185]    can grow larger and become more numerous resulting in
            HPV induced skin cancers include cutaneous squamous cell   complicated  cases. [192]  Therefore, prevention HPV infection
            carcinoma and superficial squamous cell carcinoma, such   and therefore formation of these warts will be the optimum
            as Bowen’s disease. [186]   Approximately  30% individuals   goal.
            with infection develop invasive squamous cell carcinomas
            with 90% of these tumors correlated  with HPV5  and   CONCLUSION
            HPV8. [36,187]  Genetic susceptibility to HPV is demonstrated
            with epidermodysplasia verruciformis;  however, HPV   In the recent years, the biology of HPV infection and its role
            infection  alone  is not enough to develop  cancerogenesis   in the progress of cancer have been widely evaluated. All
            in epidermodysplasia verruciformis.  Mainly, these   the data discussed in this review point out the significance
            tumors  are  induced  by sun explosion  and  ultraviolet   of HPV infection in several benign and malignant diseases.
            radiation.  Cells  with  HPV5 and  HPV8 E6  proteins   Although the understanding of association of HPVs with
            disturb DNA double  strand  break  repair [188]  and reduces   cervical cancer is very well established further studies are
            the efficiency of base excision repair pathway [189]  causing   required  to analyse  the relationships  between  HPV and
            higher sensitivity  to UV-B exposure. It may be possible   certain cancers including breast, lung, bladder, some types
            that because of impaired DNA repair activity, patients   of head and neck cancers and penile cancers.
            with  acquired  immunodeficiency  syndrome  or  patients
            with epidermodysplasia verruciformis are more subjected   To improve the mortality and morbidity of HPV associated
            for the infections and at a higher risk of developing HPV   cancers and diseases, there is an enormous need for early
            associated cutaneous malignancies. [185,190,191]  In order   detection  and prevention  strategies.  Although  screening
            to reduce the prevalence of HPV induced skin cancers,   programs for early detection strategies have been developed
            diagnosis of skin manifestations caused by HPV should be   for some cancers, such as cervical, there is still a big gap to
            routinely checked. [186]                           be filled for other precancerous lesions, such as for some
                                                               of the head and neck carcinomas. One of the examples of
            ROLE OF HPV IN NON-CANCEROUS                       these screening  strategies  may involve  oral examination,
            DISEASES                                           cytology and salivary HPV DNA tests which may provide a
                                                               better early diagnosis for oral and oro-pharyngeal cancers.
            One of the  most common  non-oncogenic  HPV diseases   Moreover development and spread of more cost-effective
            involves  genital warts and the  clinical  manifestations   vaccines is mandatory. Availability of low cost screening
            extend from flat and common warts and cauliflower like or   may prevent the future generations to develop HPVs
            filiform warts. [186]  The genital warts are mostly common in   induced cancers. In light of this knowledge, HPV vaccines
            younger people with the age of less than 25 years old and   are useful in the protection against cervical, oral and oro-
            the transmission is more than 60% with an incubation time   pharyngeal cancers. However, it should be kept in mind that
            between 2 to 8 months. [192]  Various clinical presentations are   the current HPV vaccines do not protect against all HPV
            observed when keratinocytes respond to the HPV infection   types, particularly beta-HPV types and their  associated
            depending on the HPV type and the anatomical site. Genital   diseases.  Therefore,  despite  all  these  advances,  other
            warts are mainly  associated with HPV6  and HPV11.   strategies for early detection and prevention for different
            Although mainly low risk HPV types, HPV6 (89%) and   HPV types are required.
            HPV11 (11%), [193]  both high and low risk HPV types may
            cause genital warts. [194]  Bowenoid papulosis is described by   Financial support and sponsorship
            several flat patches in genital area. Similarly, condylomata   Near East University, Center of Excellence research fund
            plana  are  flat  warts  that  have  been  associated  with  HPV   (
            infection. [195]  Recurrence of genital warts with progression
            of lesions even after 3 months are reported in one-third of   Conflicts of interest
            individuals with presence of genital warts. [196]  There are no conflicts of interest.

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ June 15, 2016 ¦           207
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