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endothelium  is therefore very important in counteracting   to cancer cells features and therefore linked to the primary
            cell  extra-vasation  but,  nevertheless,  cancer  cells  adopt   tumour characteristics. [48]
            different strategies to overcome  this obstacle.  Although
            the exact molecular mechanisms that trigger BM are still   Two very recent studies have demonstrated  that meningeal
            poorly understood, increasing evidence are shedding new   lymphatic  vessels are present in mouse central nervous
            light on the processes underlying the ability of cancer cells   system  (CNS)  and  display  all  the  classical  features  of
            to cross the BBB.                                  lymphatic vessels. [49,50]  These  findings  have  highlighted  a
                                                               new path for cerebrospinal fluid flux and for immune cells
            In a transendothelial  migration model,  highly  metastatic   leak, opening interesting avenues for future researches on
            melanoma cells migration has ben found to be mediated by   BM formation.
            interaction of the α4β1 integrin with its ligand vascular cell
            adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) on the surface of activated   LUNG CANCER
            endothelial cells. VCAM-1 is expressed by endothelial cells
            only upon activation by inflammatory stimuli like TNF-α   Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths
            or interferon-γ, suggesting that highly metastatic melanoma   worldwide  and  is  characterized  by  rapid  progression
            cells  preferentially  leave  the  blood  vessels at  sites  of   and  metastases  to  brain  that  develop  within  months  of
            inflammation. [41]                                  diagnosis  and  simultaneously  affect  different  organs
                                                               besides the  brain.   Lung  cancer  is  classfied  into  two
            In a very similar experimental model, the matrix metallo-  broad histological sub-types: Non-small-cell  lung cancer
            proteinase 1 (MMP1) was found to play a critical  role in   (NSCLC),    representing    about  85%  of  diagnoses,  and
            BBB penetration; in parallel experiments cyclooxygenase-2   SCLC,  accounting  for  the  remaining  15%;    NSCLC  is
            (COX2)-mediated  prostaglandin  synthesis  promotes   further  classified  into  adenocarcinoma,  squamous-cell
            proliferation  of tumor initiating  cells  by activating   carcinoma, and large-cell carcinoma.  SCLC and NSLC
            tumor-associated  astrocytes  followed  by  secretion  of  the   are  traditionally considered  as different  cancer  types
            chemokine CCL7. [42]                               but  increasing  evidence  supports  the  notion  that  the  two
                                                               histological  sub-types  can  coexist.  This  mixed  histology
            The  process of transendothelial  migration  of melanoma   reinforces  the hypothesis of common  mutated  precursors
            cells has been further investigated by other in vitro studies   for the two cancer types thus complicating prognosis and
            showing that the ability of these cells to cross the BBB is   therapy. [52]
            related to melanotransferrin expression levels on the cell
            surface, to the fibrinolytic system and to serine proteases   Although several mechanisms concerning lung cancer cells
            released by melanoma cells. [43-45]
                                                               survival strategies have been elucidated, the early molecular
            This  accumulating  evidence  indicates  that  inflammatory   processes leading to BM are still poorly understood.
            stimuli cotribute to the formation of breaches in BBB and of
            a suitable surrounding in the brain parenchyma for cancer   In SCLC patients BM are associated with poor prognosis.
            cells.                                             Previous evidence indicated  that attachment  to brain
                                                               microvasculature  represented  the  first  step  for  tumor
            However,  in  contrast  with  these  findings,  other  in vivo   cell  extra-vasation  and  growth.   In  particular,  it  was
            studies suggest that trasendothelial cancer cells migration   demonstrated  that  the  interaction  of  SCLC  cells  with
            does not necessarily imply a damage to vascular endothelial   human BMVECs triggers the disassembly of tight junctions
            cells: metastatic breast cancer cells, in mice, were found   between  brain  endothelial  cells  and  contributes  to  SCLC
            to cross the endothelium in correspondence of sites where   cells  transendothelial  migration, [54,55]   thus  suggesting  that
            the vessel wall shows discontinuity sites without causing   brain microvasculature  and mechanisms that regulate
            apoptosis or hypoxia in endothelial cells. [46]    cell-cell  adhesion  are  likely  to  play  an  important  role  in
                                                               SCLC metastasis to brain. An intriguing mechanism was
            Another interesting  in vivo study demonstrated  by   highlighted  in a  study reporting  that  the  interaction  of
            multiphoton laser scanning microscopy that in the mouse   SCLC cells with BMVECs induces tumor cells to secrete
            brain the essential  steps in melanoma  and lung cancer   annexin A1 into tumor metastastic microenvironment. The
            metastasis formation were first the arrest at vascular branch   secreted annexin A1, previously reported to be upregulated
            points and after extra-vasation, perivascular growth in close   in human lung cancer and to be related to poor prognosis,
            contacts to microvessels. [47]                     in turn promoted SCLC cells adhesion to brain endothelium
                                                               and transendothelial migration. [56,57]
            In this scenario, the interactions of metastatic  tumor
            cells with BMVECs appear to be regulated by a number   Other studies have shown that SCLC cells are abundantly
            of  effectors  and  mediators  and  represent  a  key  step  of   surrounded by ECM components, including  collagen
            metastasis  formation;  however,  the  cellular  mechanisms   IV,  tenascin,  fibronectin  and  laminin;  high  expression  of
            that lead to BBB extra-vasation appear to be strictly related   these  components  is  associated  with  a  poor  prognosis.

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ March 11, 2016 ¦           93
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