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that miRNAs genomic locations are frequently associated   are extensively studied as potential biomarkers in different
           to genomic  regions involved  in cancer. It has been   cancer types. [34]
           calculated that about 50% of known miRNAs are located
           inside or close to fragile sites in minimal regions of loss   Exosomes are 40-100 nm vesicles secreted by a wide range
           of heterozygocity, regions of amplifications and common   of mammalian cell types, including cancer cells.  miRNAs
           breakpoints associated with cancer. [25,26]        shuttled by exosomes involved in cancer metastases have
                                                              been found to be implicated  in angiogenesis and tumor
           These studies indicate that miRNAs represent key players in   niche formation. [36,37]
           cancer development and moreover, accumulating evidence
           demonstrates that miRNAs can also influence multiple steps   Recently,  an  interesting  study  reported  a  new  and
           of metastasis such as EMT, tumor cell migration, invasion   unexpected mechanism by which a miRNA contributes to
           and colonization. [27]                             metastatic spread in the brain; the miR-181c contained in
                                                              cancer-derived  extra-cellular  vescicles,  carrying  proteins
           The  miR-200  family  (miR-200a,  miR-200b,  miR-200c,   and miRNAs,  promotes the destruction of blood brain
           miR-141 and miR-429) and miR-205 were the first group   barrier (BBB) through delocalization of actin fibres via the
           of  miRNAs  found  downregulated  in  various  tumors  that   downregulation  of  3-phosphoinositide-dependent  protein
           underwent  EMT  progression.  Members  of  the  miR-200   kinase-1  in  vitro  and  in  vivo.  The  breakdown  of  BBB
           family  inhibit  the EMT process by positively  regulating   triggered  by  miR-181c  can  easily  open  the  way  to  brain
           E-cadherin  expression  through  direct    targeting  of  ZEB1   parenchyma to circulating cancer cells.
           and  ZEB2,  transcriptional  repressors  of  E-cadherin.
           Furthermore,  expression  of  the  miR-200  family  in   A  very  recent  study  has  demonstrated  that  miRNAs
           mammary carcinoma cells induced mesenchymal-epithelial   contained in exosomes released by human and mouse tumors
           transition  by  up-regulating  E-cadherin  expression  and   that metastasize to lung, liver or brain, like breast cancer,
           inhibited migration of these tumor cells,  thus suggesting   trigger cellular changes in target organs by promoting the
           that downregulation of these miRNAs may be an important   formation  of  tumoral  niche  and  organ-specific  invasion.
           step in tumour progression.                        The organ sites where tumor derived exosomes take contact
                                                              and release their content is related to integrins expressed
           miR-145 was found downregulated in several tumor types   on the exosomes surface: α6β4 preferentially interacts with
           including  breast, gastric, lung, ovary, prostate cancer   lung cells, αvβ5 mediates exosomes delivery to liver. [39]
           and  esophageal  squamous  cell  carcinoma  and  notably,
           accumulating  evidence indicates that the processing of   These  new  findings  suggest  that  the  exosome  miRNAs
           miR-145 is also involved in cancer metastasis. [22,29]  In breast   content and integrin expression can be useful to predict the
           cancer, miR-145 suppress breast cancer cell line invasion   tendency of primary tumors to metastasize and to determine
           and metastasis by targeting mucin-1, a glycoprotein that   the preferential organ sites of future metastases; in addition,
           can help tumor cells to escape immunosurveillance;  in   this  evidence  highlights  the  role  of integrins  as potential
           addition, miR-145-dependent regulation of 3’UTR of the   valuable  targets  to  inhibit  exosomes  interactions  with
           JAM-A and fascin decreased motility and invasiveness of   metastatic sites.
           MDA-MB-231, MCF-7 and other breast cancer cells. [31]
                                                              CROSSING THE BBB
           miRNA analysis could also be intrumental for prognostic
           purposes: in a retrospective study on 256 melanoma patients,   The key step during BM formation is the migration of cancer
           divided into three cohorts, four miRNAs (miR-150-5p, miR-  cells through BBB. Anatomically, the BBB is formed by
           15b-5p, miR-16-5p and miR-374b-3p) were identified as a   brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMVECs), that form
           prognostic signature that, in combination with stage, was    tight  junctions  without  pores,  and  perivascular  elements
           able  to  distinguish  primary  melanomas  that  metastasized   including pericytes, astrocytes, oligogendrocytes  and the
           to the brain from non-brain metastatic primary tumors.    basement  membrane.  This  complex  structure  represents
           Although at the present time the biological significance of   a physical barrier for cells and molecules, selected on the
           these miRNAs disregulation may be difficult to understand,   basis  of  their  molecular  weight  and  charge.  In  addition,
           nevertheless  the  notion,  togheter  with  classical  staging   this barrier regulates the diffusion processes and the brain
           parameters, could be of great importance to clinicians to set   parenchyma  homoeostasis by highly selective  transport
           specific therapeutic strategies.                    mechanisms mediating flux of solutes and molecules and by
                                                              a metabolic barrier consisting of highly specific enzymes. [40]
           Interestingly,  miRNA  can  also  modulate  gene  expression
           in adjacent cells within the microenvironment and even in   Tumor  cells  recognize  and  bind  to  components  of  the
           distant cells, since miRNAs have been detected in the blood   vascular  membrane,  thereby  initiating  extra-vasation  and
           and  in  other  body  fluids;  indeed,  circulating  miRNAs,   promoting  the  formation  of  the  tumoral  niche  that  will
           extra-cellular  vesicles-and  exosomes-associated  miRNA   host  the  new  neoplastic  formation.  The  brain  vascular

                                                                                                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ March 11, 2016 ¦
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