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cross the brain barrier to begin the process that leads to the niche   associated peptide (LAP) and latent TGF-β-binding  protein
            formation in the brain parenchyma.  Thereafter cancer cells   (LTBP).  Its  activation  requires  the  dissociation  from  the
            grow and invade the brain tissues by different mechanisms,   complex, that may also be achieved by several integrins.
            such  as  expansive  growth,  multicellular  migration  and   The LAP peptides bound to TGF-β1 and TGF-β3 contain
            individual cell migration. [5]                     an  Arginine-Glycine-Aspartate  (RGD)  motif  that  can  be
                                                               recognized  by  the  RGD-binding  integrins  (αvβ3,  αvβ5,
            On  the  other  side,  the  host  tissue  re-organizes  its  structure   α5β1); this binding activates a driving force that leads to
            and vasculature recruiting stromal cells, such as fibroblasts,   breaking of LAPs and LTBP binding to TGF-β and releases
            endothelial cells and tumor-associated macrophages, that   the  active  form  of  TGF-β. [10,12]   Integrin  inhibitors  with
            sustain the tumor growth by producing and releasing extra-  different  molecular structures have been studied and are
            cellular matrix (ECM) proteins, cytokines and growth factors. [6]  in clinical trials as anti-angiogenic agents or in support of
                                                               other anti-cancer  therapies, therefore integrin  antagonists
            METASTASIS FORMATION: EPITHELIAL-                  could represent a valuable and near-at-hand tool to inhibit
            MESENCHYMAL TRANSITION                             the  integrin  dependent  TGF-β  activation  and  eventually
                                                               reduce metastatic spread. [13]
            The epithelial to mesenchimal transition (EMT), identified
            as one of the earliest steps of solid tumor progression, is   Lung, breast cancer and melanoma are tumors that display
            associated  with  tumor  growth,  invasion,  metastasis  and   the EMT phenotype, [14,15]  and in lung cancer, the expression
            contributes to the conversion of tumors from low- to high-  of  markers  of  this  transition  has  been  associated  with
            grade malignancy.  In epithelium-derived carcinoma, the   prognosis. [16-18]  This link between EMT and malignancy is
            EMT program induces a series of functional and structural   further supported by the finding that, in other cancer types,
            changes aimed at the formation of tumor cells that will be   EMT markers are overexpressed in 40% of tissue samples
            able to invade surrounding tissues and lead to metastases   and  are  associated  with  vascular  invasion  and  advanced
            formation.  Invasion  is  a  key  step  to  progression  toward   clinical stage. [19]
            a  malignant  phenotype  and  occurs  when  tumor  cells
            translocate from the relatively constrained initial neoplastic   Once in the brain tissue, during reimplantation,  the
            mass into neighbouring host  tissues. To accomplish  this    circulating  tumor  cells  have  been  shown  to  undergo  a
            task, cancer cells must somehow detach from the primary    mesenchimal  to epithelial  transition, thus reversing the
            tumor  and  migrate  through the  ECM, opening  up the   EMT, to reacquire some of the original epithelial features
            opportunity to penetrate the basal membrane surrounding   necessary to survive in the new environment. [20]
            a blood or lymphatic vessel, travel throughout the body via
            the circulatory system, and colonize distant sites to form   The knowledge of EMT mechanisms could clearly be an
            metastatic foci. EMT is acknowledged to confer to cancer    invaluable  tool  in  defining  molecular  markers  predicting
            cells the molcular features  required  for these tasks. During   tumors metastatic  behaviour  and  prognosis and in
            EMT,  in  fact,  epithelial  cells  undergo  a  developmental   identifying targets for new molecules that could inhibit the
            switch that results in decreased adhesion and loss of cell   EMT process.
            polarity, increased proliferation, motility and invasiveness;
            these changes are associated with  the downregulation of   THE ROLE OF MICRO-RNAS
            epithelial cell surface markers and cytoskeleton components
            (E-cadherin,  zonula  occludens-1,  claudins,  occludins,   A  number  of  recent  studies  has  identified  micro-RNAs
            cytokeratins) and the upregulation of mesenchymal markers   (miRNAs)  as  key  regulators  of  cancer  cells  survival  and
            (vimentin and α-smooth muscle actin) together with ECM   metastatic  spread.  Indeed,  approximately  30%  of  human
            components  (collagens  and  fibronectin).  Although  the   genes are likely to be regulated by miRNAs  and miRNAs
            molecular changes that occur in cancer cells during EMT   have  been  shown  to  regulate  a  variety  of  biological
            have been extensively documented, the molecular switches   processes, including cell proliferation, cell differentiation
            that  turn  on  EMT  still  represent  an  open  question  and  a   and cell death.  In this section miRNA involved  in
            crucial  challenge  because  the possibility  to inhibit  this   metastases,  though  with  different  molecular  mechanisms
            process could be of great impotance in reducing metastatic   are described.
            spread. In vitro and in vivo model systems have identified
            several transduction pathways that lead to EMT and EMT-  miRNAs are an endogenous, highly conserved class of
            like phenotypes, many of which connect EMT to the ECM   non-coding  20-24  nucleotides  small  RNAs that  regulate
            and the microenvironment surrounding tumors. [9]   gene  expression  at  post-transcriptional  level  by  binding
                                                               to  3’-UTR  of  target  mRNAs,  thus  leading  to  inhibition
            Among these pathways, integrins and transforming growth   of mRNA translation  and  degradation.  Several  reports
            factor-beta  (TGF-β)  work  synergistically  to  drive  tumor   have elucidated the role of certain miRNAs as a class of
            cells  towards  EMT. [9-11]   TGF-β,  in  fact,  is  secreted  as   oncogenes or tumor suppressors, depending upon their
            inactive  precursor  in  a  complex  with  2  peptides,  latency   targeted genes.  In addition, several studies have reported

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ March 11, 2016 ¦           91
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