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Adhesion of SCLC cells to the ECM components requires   The  miR-145  expression  levels  were  not  significantly
           β1-integrins,  whose  activation  results  in  suppression  of   different  between  primary  lung  adenocarcinoma  samples
           chemotherapy-induced  apoptosis by stimulation  of the    with  and  without  lymph  node  involvement  and  recent
           PI3K-dependent  pathway.  Thus,  ECM  via  β1  integrin-  studies have found a downregulation of miR-145 expression
           mediated  PI3K  activation  confers  to  SCLC  resistance  to   in lung cancer primary tumors and BM. Silencing of miR-
           apoptosis, allowing SCLC cells to survive even in presence   145 was found to contribute to BM via downregulation of
           of DNA damage.                                     the  fascin  homolog  1  (FSCN1)  protein,  an  actin-binding
                                                              protein  involved in cell  migration,  and upregulation  of
           Taken  together,  this  evidence  indicates  that  adhesion   miR-145  target  protein,  such  as  EGFR,  OCT-4,  MUC-1,
           processes  play  important  roles  in  SCLC  cells  survival   c-MY, [68,69]  that are involved in cell proliferation and survival.
           strategies  linked to metastasis and furthermore suggest that
           interference with adhesion molecules or receptors could be   miR-328  has  been  associated  with  NSCLC  BM  and
           an interesting topic for future researches.        mediates  NSCLC  migration.  In  patients  with  BM,  the
                                                              elevated expression of miR-328 in both primary and brain
           Approximately 40% of all NSCLC patients suffer from BM.   metastatic NSCLC samples suggests that this miRNA may
           The prognosis of patients with BM of NSCLC is remarkably   be involved in driving the access of metastatic cells to the
           poor,  with  a  median  survival  time  of  1-2  months  for   brain. In agreement with this finding, in vitro miR-328 over-
           untreated patients and 6 months for those receiving surgery,   expression in A549 and H1703 cells was shown to increase
           radiotherapy and chemotherapy.  While SCLC metastatic   cell migration. [70]
           brain tumors do not respond to systemic chemotherapy
           and poorly respond to molecularly  targeted  therapies,    Another class of RNAs termed  long non-coding  RNAs
           NSCLC  patients  frequently  display  activating  epidermal   (lncRNAs) appear to play a role in lung cancer metastasis
           growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations.  Complete and   spread. lncRNAs are a class of non-protein coding
           partial response rates to tyrosine kinase inhibitors have been   transcripts,  longer  than  200  nucleotides,  associated  with
           recorded in clinical studies with gefitinib and erlotinib [62,63]    the progression of cancer. Some members of the lncRNAs
           and these treatments improved overall survival (OS) rates.   family  are  involved  in  metastases formation  such as the
           However,  other  genes  or  genetic  alterations  have  been   metastasis-associated  lung  adenocarcinoma  transcript  1
           reported to be involved in BM of lung cancer.      (MALAT1),  HOX  anti-sense  intergenic  RNA,  and  anti-

                                                              sense non-coding RNA in the INK4 locus.  In lung cancer
           An interesting  study performed by microarray  in  lung
           adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma samples has   cells  MALAT-1  was  found  to  enhance  cell  motility  by
           shown different expression profiles of EMT-related genes   modulating the expression of motility-related genes  and
           in primary  tumors compared  to tumor-derived BM.    to promote lung cancer BM by inducing EMT in both in
           In  particular,  BM  had  signifi  cantly  lower  integrin  αvβ6   vitro and in vivo NSCLC models.
           and N-cadherin expression than the primary tumors, thus
           supporting the hypothesis that the disseminated tumor cells,   Another  documented  mechanism  involved  in  BM
           deriving from primary tumors with marked mesenchymal   formation  is represented  by integrin  receptors  activation.
           features, once inside the brain, undergo the reverse process   Several studies that have investigated αvβ3, αvβ5 and αvβ6
           of EMT called mesenchymal-to-epithelial transation.  expression in BM and corresponding primary tumors [73,74]
                                                              found  that  αvβ3  activation  strongly  promotes  metastatic
           Gene  expression  profiles  of  miRNAs  in  lung  cancer,   growth in the brain by inducing endothelial cell proliferation
           aimed  at  identifying  molecular  markers  as  predictor  of   and network formation. [75]
           patient survival, identified several miRNAs targeting genes
           involved in crucial pathways such as the EGFR- and KRas-  Interestingly, a recent study performed on formalin fixed
           dependent pathways. [65,66]                        paraffin-embedded  human  primary  NSCLC  and  BM
                                                              specimen showed that expression of αvβ3, αvβ5 and αvβ6
           miR-145,  a  miRNA  involved  in  metastatic  spread  in   integrins  is  associated  with  pathological  parameters  such
           several cancer types and discussed above, has been found   as enhanced tumor cell proliferation index and increased
           to be downregulated in the BM compared to primary lung   hypoxia-inducing  factor  (HIF-1a)  expression.  Moreover,
           adenocarcinoma  samples  and  its  upregulation  in  lung   αvβ3  and  αvβ5  were  mainly  expressed  on  proliferating
           adenocarcinoma  cells  suppresses proliferation  of tumor   endothelium  of  sprouting  vessels,  in  agreement  with
           cells.                                             previous  observations  that  have  hypothesized  their
                                                              involvement in neoangiogenesis. [76]
           The  mechanism  by  which  miR-145  causes  these  latter
           effects was hypothesized to be the targeting c-Myc, EGFR   Among factors  that  stimulate  vascular  proliferation  and
           and NUDT1;  however, in vitro invasion assays did not   vessel  formation,  MMP  have  been  shown  to  promote
           confirm that upregulation of miR-145 was implied in lung   endothelial cell migration and induce vascular endothelial
           adenocarcinoma cancer cell migration and invasion.  growth factor (VEGF) release, leading to development of

                                                                                                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ March 11, 2016 ¦
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