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Letter to Editor

            Cancer preventing spices

            Ishtiaque Alam , Hashmat Imam , Zarnigar Riaz 2
            1 Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Patna 800008, Bihar, India.
            2 Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru 560091, Karnataka, India.
            Correspondence to: Dr. Hashmat Imam, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Kottigepalya,
            Magadi Main Road, Bengaluru 560091, Karnataka, India. E-mail:

            Sir,                                              Table 1: Plants with anti-cancer activity
            Cancer is a major burden of disease worldwide not   Plant name/family  Active constituent  Class
            only in developed countries, but also in developing   Zingiber offi cinale/  Gingerenone A,   Curcuminoids
            countries.  Jemal  et  al.  have reported that about   Zingiberaceae  Gingerols, shogaols,
            12.7 million cancer cases and 7.6 million cancer deaths           zingerone
            are estimated to have occurred in 2008 worldwide, in   Allium     Alliin, allicin   Flavonoids
            which 56% of the cases and 64% of the deaths were in   sativum/Liliaceae  alliin, alliinase,
            the economically developing world. Moreover, the WHO              S-allylcysteine,
            has published that deaths from cancer worldwide are               diallyl disulfi de
            projected to continue to rise to over 12 million in 2030. [3]  Curcuma amada   Tumerone,  Phenol
                                                              Linn./Zinziberaceae  curcumine
            Whether we have a history of cancer in our family or are   Ocimum basilum   Eugenol, orientin,   Volatile oil,
            currently battling the disease, lifestyle factors, including   Linn./Laminaceae  and vicenin  fl avonoids,
            our diet, can make a huge difference in helping  fi ght                             phenolic compounds
            off cancer. Ongoing research supports the hypothesis
            that some foods actually increase our risk of cancer,   spices are increasingly appreciated not only for their
            while others may reduce cancer risk by a variety of   culinary properties but also for their potential health
            mechanisms.  These include a number of traditional   benefi ts. For some spices, health attributes associated
            spices that contain compounds with chemopreventive   with spice use may arise from their antioxidant
            properties.  Some  common   Indian  spices  with  properties. In other cases, the biological effects of spices
            cancer-fi ghting properties are turmeric (Curcuma amada),   may arise from their ability to modulate a number of
            black pepper (Piper  nigrum), cardamom (Amomum    cellular processes, including those involved with drug
            aromaticum), cinnamon (Cinnamomum  zeylanicum),   metabolism, cell division, apoptosis, differentiation, and
            clove (Syzygium  aromaticum), garlic (Allium  sativum),   immunocompetence. [6]
            ginger (Zingiber offi cinale), cumin (Cuminum cyminum),
            saffron (Crocus sativus), coriander (Coriandrum sativum),   Spices can potentially inhibit the bioactivation of
            dill (Anethum  graveolens), basil (Ocimum  basilicum),   carcinogens, decrease free radical formation, suppress
            caraway (Carum carvi).  Active constituents are listed in   cell division and promote apoptosis in cancerous cells,
            Table 1. [5]                                      regulate infl ammation, and suppress microbial growth.
                                                              The low toxicity may make them particularly useful as
            To date, hundreds of compounds have been identifi ed as   a subtle personal dietary change that may decrease the
            potential cancer modifi ers, several of which are active   risk for several diseases.  The addition of about 1 g/day
            ingredients in above mentioned spices such as curcumin   of herbs to one’s diet can signifi cantly provide to total
            in turmeric, piperine in black pepper. [6,7]  Despite a rapidly   antioxidant intake (> 1 mmol).  Because several spices
            growing body of experimental evidence supporting the   are effective antioxidants, they may be particularly
            cancer preventive properties of spices, minimal data   important in decreasing oxidative damage due to
            exist regarding actual dietary intake levels of spices   environmental stress, including excess calorie intake.
            and the pharmacokinetics of active components.  Today,
                                                              Spices can be added directly to foods, as has been done
                                                              historically, or used as dietary supplements.
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                                                              To conclude, the potential chemopreventive properties
              Quick Response Code:                            of common spices deserve further, rigorous investigation
                                 in preclinical and clinical studies.  There is considerable
                                                              ongoing research on the pharmacological properties of
                                                              individual compounds extracted from spices or herbal
                                 10.4103/2394-4722.154131     supplements (e.g. curcumin, resveratrol). However, basic and
                                                              preclinical research on these compounds has been hampered

                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ April 15, 2015 ¦       41
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