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Case Report

            Metachronous metastasis of renal cell carcinoma to bilateral testis

            Sameer Nain , Suman Kharkwal , Onkar Kaur 2
            1 Department of Surgery, ESI PGIMSR Hospital , Basaidarapur, New Delhi 110015, India.
             Department of Pathology, ESI PGIMSR Hospital, Basaidarapur, New Delhi 110015, India.
            Correspondence to: Dr. Sameer Nain , Department of Surgery, ESI PGIMSR Hospital, Basaidarapur, New Delhi 110015, India.

            Unusual site metastasis as a presenting complaint of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has been reported previously in the literature.
            RCC is a tumor with notoriously unpredictable behavior. The authors report an unusual case of  metachronous bilateral testicular
            metastasis in a patient who operated for RCC. The case highlights the unique behavior of RCC with an unusual site of metastasis.
            A 72-year-old patient presented with bilateral scrotal swelling of 1-month duration. There was a history of left radical nephrectomy
            for RCC 4 years prior. He underwent a bilateral high inguinal orchidectomy and diagnosis of   chromophobe RCC was made on
            histopathological examination.
            Key words: Metachronous metastasis, renal cell carcinoma, testis

            Introduction                                      10 cm × 6 cm on the left side, extending to epididymis, with
                                                              absent testicular sensation. Examination of the abdomen
            Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a relatively rare adult solid   did not reveal any abnormality. Blood samples for  serum
            tumor accounting for 3.0% of malignancies worldwide. It   lactate dehydrogenase,  human chorionic gonadotropin,
            is an unpredictable entity due to its atypical metastatic   and serum alpha fetal protein were sent, which were
            profi le at presentation.  Thirty percent of these tumors   found to be within normal limits. Metastatic workup
            may be accompanied by synchronous metastatic disease   was done : contrast-enhanced computed tomography of
            at diagnosis.   The organs most affected by metastatic   whole abdomen and pelvis was within normal limits.
            spread are: lung, bone, liver, brain, and lymph nodes. [2]
                                                              Ultrasound of testis showed bilateral homogenous
            However, other structures can also be affected by   enlargement of testis size 10 cm × 5 cm × 3 cm on right
            RCC metastases: eyes, mouth, neck and thyroid,    side and 10 cm × 5 cm × 3 cm on left side extending
            heart, breast, rectum abdominal muscle, intra-scrotal   to epididymis, with focal areas of necrosis suggestive
            structures, and vagina.   Although metastatic foci are   of testicular malignancy. After all routine hematological
            present in about 30.0% of RCCs at the time of primary   and biochemical investigations, he was consented
            diagnosis (synchronous), metastatic disease can develop   and undertook a bilateral high inguinal orchidectomy.
            as part of the latency of the tumor, with delayed   Post-operative period was uneventful.
            development of metastases, especially if the tumor is   Biopsy fi nding
                                                              On gross examination: right testicular mass of
            Case Report                                       13 cm × 8 cm × 6 cm with cut surface showing a

            A 72-year-old smoker presented to  surgical outpatient   solid variegated appearance. Left testicular mass
            department (OPD) with a complaint of a progressively   of 10 cm × 8 cm × 6 cm with cut surface showing a
            increasing bilateral scrotal swelling of 1-month duration.   solid variegated appearance. Microscopy revealed
            There was a history of left radical nephrectomy for RCC   malignant tumor cells arranged in large islands and
            4 years prior. His general physical examination was   nests in the interstitium.  The tumor cells were large
            unremarkable. Local examination showed bilateral hard   with clear cytoplasm in a fair number of cells, and
            testicular masses, 12 cm × 5 cm on the right side and   eosinophilic cytoplasm in other cells with moderate
                                                              nuclear pleomorphism along with some mitotic
                                                              fi gures [Figure 1a].  The seminiferous tubules and
                           Access this article online         epididymis were pushed to one side [Figure 1b], but
              Quick Response Code:                            all the margins were free and testicular vein was not
                                 Website:                     involved on either side.
                                                                Immunohistochemistry was done epithelial membrane
                                                              antigen positive and cytokeratin pan, S100, CD10 were
                                 10.4103/2394-4722.153913     negative.  A diagnosis of chromophobe variety of RCC
                                                              was made.

                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ April 15, 2015 ¦       39
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