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express HER2 at all. FISH analysis was conducted in   the data revealed no HER2 amplifi cation in these cases.
            those cases with the HER2 score of 2+ or more and   Among 1+ cases, FISH was carried out in only two
                                                              selected carcinomas showing high grade, high Ki-67
            Table 1: Clinicopathological and HER2 concordance in   value, N+ status, and the absence of endocrine receptors
            62 GC patients                                    expression, but no HER2 amplifi cation was identifi ed.
                          Discordant GC Concordant GC   P     HER2 was amplifi ed in 14 BC cases (21.54%) but there
            Gender                                            was no HER2 amplifi cation in these 51 cases (78.46%).
             Male               4            36       0.739   The overall concordance rate was 95.39%, whereas
             Female             2            20               changes in HER2 status between primary carcinoma and
            Site                                              corresponding synchronous metastases were evidenced
             Lower              3            27       0.389   in 3 (4.61%) cases [Table 3].  Two of the discordant
             Middle             1            21               cases were HER2 negative in the primitive tumor
             Upper              2            8                but positive in the metastasized tumors [Figure 2a
            Lauren histotype                                  and b], whereas one case was HER2 positive in the
             Intestinal         3            31       0.369   primary BC and turned to negative in the metastatic
             Diffuse            1            19               tumor [Figure 2c and d and Table 4].
             Mixed              2            6                After that, we performed statistical analyses and found
            WHO histotype                                     that the K value for the concordance rate in the HER2
             Tubular            4            31       0.672   status between primitive tumors and metastases was
             Poorly cohesive    1            19               0.651 (substantial agreement). HER2 amplifi cation  was
             Mixed              1            6
            Grade                                             signifi cantly more frequent in the intestinal-type GC than
                                                              that of diffuse-type while no signifi cant differences in
             Low                4            28       0.728   HER2 expression were noted among BC histology types.
             High               2            28
            Stage                                             No statistical signifi cant correlation emerged between
             I-II               3            21       0.875   HER2 and clinicopathological parameters (hormone
             III-IV             3            35               receptors, growth fraction, pT, pN, and grade) either in
            T                                                 GC as well as BC.
             1-2                2            18       0.689   Discussion
             3-4                4            38
            N                                                 In the current study, we retrospectively analyzed
             1                  3            24       0.922   HER2 expression in surgical GC and BC specimens
             2-3                3            32               versus the corresponding metastatic lymph nodes.
                                                              Our results  fi rstly  confi rmed the presence of a high
            GC: Gastric carcinoma; HER2: Human epidermal growth
            factor receptor 2                                 level of concordance in HER2 status between the
                                                              primary GC/BC and their corresponding lymph node

            a                       b
                                                               a                      b

            c                       d
                                                               c                      d
            Figure 1: Expression of HER2 protein. A score of 3+ HER2 expression was
            encountered in neoplastic elements in a primary GC (a, ×200) but vanished in   Figure 2: Expression of HER2 protein. A negative HER2 immunostaining in
            the corresponding metastatic lymph node (negative conversion) (b, ×160) (IHC,   a primary infi ltrative ductal carcinoma (a, ×160) became positive in the lymph
            Mayer’s hematoxylin counterstain). HER2 immunohistochemical negative   node metastasis (positive conversion) (b, ×120). The strong and complete
            staining in primary GC (c, ×200), demonstrated a positive reactivity in the   HER2 immunoreactivity in a case of primary BC (c, ×200) was not present in
            metastatic synchronous lymph node (positive conversion) (d, ×200) (IHC,   the synchronous lymph nodal metastasis (negative conversion) (d, ×200) (IHC,
            Mayer’s hematoxylin counterstain). HER2: Human epidermal growth factor   Mayer’s hematoxylin counterstain). HER2: Human epidermal growth factor
            receptor 2; GC: Gastric carcinomas; IHC: Immunohistochemistry  receptor 2; BC: Breast carcinoma; IHC: Immunohistochemistry

                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ April 15, 2015 ¦       23
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