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BC and GC samples and corresponding lymph node    Fleiss-Cohen weighted K statistics was used to
            metastases.  The study was  approved by review board   assess the concordance rate between HER2 status of
            of University of Messina.                         the primary carcinomas and metastatic synchronous
            Methods                                           lesions. K values between 0 and 0.2 were regarded as
            This cohort contained 127 surgical BC and GC      no agreement, between 0.21 and 0.4 as fair agreement,
            specimens, together with the corresponding regional   between 0.41 and 0.6 as moderate agreement,
            synchronous metastatic lymph nodes. In brief, 65 primary   between 0.61 and 0.8 as substantial agreement, and
            BC and 62 primary GC (male:female = 39:88; age ranged   between 0.81 and 1 as almost perfect agreement.  The
            between 44 and 95 years with mean age of 69.32 years)   statistical association between HER2 status and the
            were retrospectively collected from the archive of the   other histopathological parameters was assessed using
            Department of Human Pathology at the University   Chi-squared test. P  < 0.05 was considered statistically
            of Messina. No patients had received neo-adjuvant   signifi cant.  All statistical analyses were performed
            chemotherapy or other therapies before surgery.   using the SPSS package version 6.1.3 (SPSS, Chicago,
                                                              IL, USA).
            The primary GC was classifi ed for localization and
            histology type according to     WHO 2010, Lauren’s   Results
            classifi cation and HER2 status of the tumor were   Thirty GC cases (48.40%) were localized in the lower
            available for all cases. Similarly, histology, grade,   third of the stomach, 22 (35.48%) in the middle
            hormone receptor status, Ki-67, and HER2 status were   third and 10 (16.12%) in the upper-third (four of
            recorded for all BC cases. Patient identifi cation  was   which were localized at gastro-esophageal junction).
            not disclosed in this publication, and all patients had   Thirty-fi ve GC cases (56.45%) were diagnosed
            provided written consent to their medical information   histopathologically according to the  WHO criteria as
            being used for research purposes, according with the   adenocarcinoma (tubular, papillary, tubulo-papillary,
            Helsinki declaration.
                                                              and mucinous), 20 cases (32.25%) as poorly cohesive
            For each case, 3  m thick tissue sections from   carcinoma, and 7 cases (11.30%) were mixed both.
            two   different  formalin-fi xed   paraffi n-embedded   According to Lauren’s classifi cation, 35 cases (56.45%)
            representative tissue blocks of the primary tumor and   were classifi ed as intestinal type, 20 cases (32.25%)
            metastatic lymph nodes (at least four for each case)   as diffuse and 7 cases (11.30%) as mixed.  Thirty-two
            were prepared and immunohistochemical stained for   of these 62 primary GC (51.61%) were recorded
            HER2 expression. In brief, the immunohistochemistry   as low-grade tumors, while 30 cases were high
            was carried out by using a DAKO HercepTest        grade (48.39%). HER2 immunohistochemical staining
            kit (Dako, Glostrup, Denmark) with an automated   showed that 11 primary GCs (17.74%) were scored for
            procedure (DAKO  Autostainer Link 48) according   3+ HER2 expression, while 4 cases were 2+ (6.42%),
            to manufacturer’s instructions.  Antigen retrieval was   5 cases 1+ (8.10%), and 42 cases (67.74%) were not
            performed by 3 cycles in 0.01 mol/L citrate buffer   expressed HER2 at all. FISH analysis revealed no
            pH 6.0 in a microwave oven at 750 W. For HER2 score   amplifi cation in all of these cases with HER2 scores
            was used to semiquantitatively assess HER2 expression   of 2+ or more. Taken together, in primary GC, HER2
            level, that is, for the primary GC, 0, absent staining; 1+,   was overexpressed in 11 cases (17.74%) but there was
            faint and discontinuous membranous staining in < 10%   no HER2 amplifi cation in 51 cases (82.26%).  The
            of neoplastic elements; 2+, light to moderate lateral,   overall concordance rate of HER2 status in primary
            baso-lateral or complete membranous staining in >   GC between corresponding synchronous metastases
            10% of neoplastic elements; 3+, strong, intense lateral,   was 90.32%, whereas a change in HER2 status
            baso-lateral or complete staining in > 10% of neoplastic   was observed in 6 (9.68%) [    Table 1], e.g. 4 cases
            elements and for BC, 3+ score was defi ned when strong   with HER2 amplifi cation in the primary GC but no
            membranous staining was noted in at least 30% cells,   amplifi cation in the metastasized tumors [negative
            2+ when weak to moderate complete membranous      conversion; Figure 1a and b], two of these discordant
            staining was evidenced in 10-30% of tumors cells,   cases did not show HER2 amplifi cations in the
            1+ when a faint or weak and incomplete membrane   primitive tumor but amplifi ed in the lymph node
            staining was observed and 0 when no staining was   metastases [positive conversion; Figure 1c and d and
            observed or when staining was present in < 10% of   Table 2].
            neoplastic cells.
                                                              In the primary BC, the most frequent histology type was
            Furthermore,  fl uorescence in situ  hybridization (FISH)   ductal invasive carcinomas with the following grading:
            was performed using a HER2 FISH PharmDx           4 G1 (6.25%), 28 G2 (43%), and 33 G3 (50.75%).
            kit (Dako) in those cases with HER2 immunostaining   HER2 overexpression occurred in 14 (21.53%) of
            score for 2+ or more. HER2 amplifi cation was recorded   primary BC, 4 (6.15%) of which exhibited a score 2+,
            when HER2 to CEP17 signal ratio was > 2.0.        2 (3.09%) a score 1+, while 45 (69.23%) cases didn’t

            22                                      Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ April 15, 2015 ¦
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