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poor  for  all  the  series.  Stage  was  the  main  prognostic   found  a  relationship  between  histology  and  gender  as
            factor for survival.                              squamous  and  small  cell  cancers  prevailed  in  males
                                                              and  ADC  in  females.  In  our  series  as  in  most  series,
            The  predominance  of  lung  cancer  men  in  our  series                              [26]
            has  been  reported  yet  in  Spain. [17-20]   The  current   Stage IV remained the most common stage.   However,
            male-to-female ratio in the USA is close to one. [21,22]   Our   our  series  distribution  by  stage  has  changed  through
            ratio  of  males  to  females  with  lung  cancer  is  still   the  years,  with  a  decrease  in  Stage  IV  and  increase  in
            high, [23-25]   similar  to  other  spainish  rural  areas.  In  any   Stage III. We have not implemented yet the lung cancer
            case,  the  male-to-female  ratio  is  still  substantially   screening. We can not explain this tendency change on
            higher in Spain (8.5 in 2003) [26,27]  than in other Western   stage across years.
            countries, where it varies between 1.3 and 4.5 likely due   OS  for  our  entire  series  remained  low.  Overall  5-year
            to the much more rare habit of smoking in women than   survival  rate  for  all  stages  of  lung  cancer,  is  17%
            in men. [2,4,28]  It is known that over 95% of Spanish male   worldwide.  Our 5-year OS for all series was 15% and
            lung  cancer  patients  smoke.  Anti-tobacco  policies  had   the  only  factor  related  to  survival  was  stage.  For  Stage
            been  introduced  in  Spain  only  in  recent  years. [20,28]   So,   IV,  a  median  increase  of  2  months  was  seen  through
            the reason for the predominance of male patients in our   years  with  a  better  prognosis  in  the  latest  years.  When
            area  could  be  explained  by  tobacco  use.  We  have  not   we  analyzed  Stage  IV  patients,  we  found  a  double
            specifi ed  tobacco  habits  of  our  series,  but  almost  90%   distribution.  Those  who  did  not  survive  more  than
            were  likely  current  or  former  smokers. [29]   There  is  a   12 months had a median OS of only 5 months. Although
            popular type of manufactured cigar, named “caliqueño,”   long survival in lung cancer has been described and is a
            without fi lter, and not low-tar so that smokers maintained   matter of interest, shorter survival patients are still more
            the  profi le  of  tobacco  users  (not  inhaling  deeper,  so   common  and  should  be  a  matter  of  study  to  know  why
            generating  central  tumors,  as  squamous  and  small  cell   there  are  so  many  patients  with  this  discouraging  OS.
            cancers).                                         For long survival at our database, the main factor was a

            In  our  rural  area,  in  the  non-smoking  population,  the   molecular prognostic factor (EGFR mutation). There was
            incidence of lung cancer is higher among women. [30]  For   an  interaction  between  female  gender,  ADC  histology
            lung cancer women, those elderly, always non-smokers,    and  EGFR  mutation,  as  women  with ADC  were  nearly
            developed ADC.  The  younger  female  patients,  usually   all mutated. Our series had a low percentage of patients
            smokers, developed lung cancer related to smoke, such   with EGFR activating mutations. However, most patients
            as  SCLC.  Recent  fi ndings  also  suggest  that  women   had  not  been  tested  for  EGFR  status.  Probably,  the  low
            may be somewhat more susceptible to the carcinogenic   rate  of  men  with  ADC  EGFR  mutations  (only  1.7%)
            effect of tobacco, [6,31]  although this remains a matter of   could be explained by the high rate of smoking habit in
            debate.                                           this population.
            Respect  to  histology,  in  our  area  we  found  a   Our  work  has  some  weak  points.  Despite  the
            predominance  of  squamous  and  small  cell  cancer   importance  of  a  long  follow-up  time,  our  work  is
            through  the  years.  This  distribution  is  different  from   not  as  accurate  as  it  could  have  been.  In  fact,  first
            those  worldwide.  Worldwide,  the  trend  is  toward  an   we  presented  a  hospital-based  cancer  registry  of
            increase  in  the  proportion  of  adeno-  and  a  decrease  in   outpatient  service;  therefore  a  selection  bias  could
            squamous  cell  carcinomas,  although  the  rate  of  change   not  be  excluded.  Population-based  cancer  registries
            varies across different geographical areas. [18]  This change   should  be  preferred.  However,  in  Spain,  in  spite  of
            has mainly been attributed to the decline in the number   many  efforts [17-20]   not  more  than  26%  of  the  Spanish
            of  smokers  and  the  more  widespread  consumption  of   population  (28%  in  the  case  of  childhood  cancer)
            fi ltered  cigarettes  in  USA.  In  spite  of  the  proportional   is  covered  by  cancer  registries  and  the  distribution
            decline  over  the  last  20-30  years,  squamous  cell   of  them  is  not  random. [22]   Second,  we  have  not
            carcinoma is still the most common histological subtype   considered   other   prognostic   factors,   such   as
            among  males  in  several  European  countries  (37%  in   performance  status  or  treatment.  Thus,  we  must  be
            France, 44% in Poland and 45% in Holland).  In Spain,   cautious  with  conclusions.  Treatment  could  be  one
            squamous  cell  carcinoma  is  the  most  common  subtype   of  the  explanations  of  why  women  with ADC  had  no
            with  percentages  varying  between  24%  and  50%  in   differences  on  survival  depending  on  EGFR  status.
            local  and  regional  registries  and  SCLC  still  accounts   In  our  country,  lung  cancer  patients  have  access  to
            for  some  20%  of  cases  in  most  Spanish  registries.   EGFR TKI on the second and third line, regardless on
            In  United  States,  ADC  (40%)  is  the  most  common   EGFR  status. [33]   and  most  of  these  patients  may  have
            subtype,  followed  by  squamous  cell  carcinoma  (25%)   received EGFR TKI. Despite this bias and weaknesses,
            and  large  cell  carcinoma  (10%). [26]   Incorporation  of   we  believe  on  the  value  of  having  own  clinical  real
            women  into  tobacco  use  worldwide  and  smoking   date  if  all  admit  that  cancer  is  an  individual  disease,
            fi ltered cigarettes that are low in nicotine could partially   and  probably,  lung  cancer  is  different  according  to
            explain the rise in the rate of ADC worldwide. [28,32]  We   epidemiology characteristics.

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