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Case Report

            Is pregnancy wise after 12-year chemotherapy of chronic myeloid
            leukemia woman?

            Umesh Das, Gurulingaiah Venkata Giri, Kuntejowdahalli Lakshmaiah, Suresh Tagarapura, Lokanatha Dasappa,
            Govind Babu, Linu Abraham Jacob, Suresh Babu
            Department of Medical Oncology, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bengaluru 560029, Karnataka, India.
            Correspondence to: Dr. Umesh Das, Department of Medical Oncology, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology,  Bengaluru 560029, Karnataka, India.

            Diagnosis of leukemia during pregnancy is a dramatic event that poses challenges to the pregnant woman, the family, and physicians.
            Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) comprises up to 10% of pregnancy-associated leukemia. There is no specifi c guideline for CML
            management  in  pregnant  women.  This  study  reported  a  case  of  successful  pregnancy  after  12  years  of  chemotherapy  including
            tyrosine kinase inhibitor for CML. Pregnancy after 12 years of  continuous chemotherapy is rare, which also led a challenge for
            medical oncologists and patient as well. This study described the assessment of the risk balance and benefi t and management of
            such a patient.

            Key words: Chronic myeloid leukemia, imatinib, pregnancy, tyrosine kinase inhibitor

            Introduction                                      for 2 months in 2001. Out of patient clinic exam showed
                                                              that she had a splenomegaly and moderate hepatomegaly
            Chronic  myeloid  leukemia  (CML)  occurs  as  a  result   and  peripheral  blood  smear,  bone  marrow  aspiration,
            of  a  reciprocal  translocation  between  chromosome   and  cytogenetic  tests  all  showed  abnormalities  and,
            22  and  chromosome  9.   The  discovery  of  tyrosine   therefore,  she  was  diagnosed  as  CML  in  chronic  phase.
            kinase  inhibitor  (TKI)  imatinib  has  revolutionized  the   Hydroxyurea  treatment  was  started  and  maintained  the
            management  of  a  once  fatal  disease  to  transform  it  into
            a  treatable  condition.  CML  patients  in  reproductive   treatment until 2006, during which period of time she was
            age  and  being  treated  with  imatinib  showed  to  have   in  complete  hematological  remission  (CHR).  In  March
            contemplating  reproductive  opportunities  that  would  not   2006, imatinib was given to the patient through Gleevec
            have  otherwise  been  possible  in  the  pre-imatinib  era.   International  Patient Assistance  Program  at  a  daily  dose
            The  management  of  CML  during  pregnancy  is  a  unique   of 300 mg and increased to 400 mg in September 2007.
            challenge for medical oncologists and requires a balance   In  2008,    BCR-ABL  was  2.29%.  In  2009,  she  lost  her
            between  maternal  survival  and  fetal  health  during  the   CHR.  Due  to  fi nancial  limitations,  imatinib  resistance
            entire  pregnancy.  Because  imatinib  was  teratogenic  in   mutation analysis (IRMA) was not done. In March 2010,
            rats,  it  was  strongly  advised  that  effective  contraception   her  BCR-ABL  level  gone  up  to  36.76%  and  the  IRMA
            should  be  used  during  therapy  to  prevent  pregnancy.    was performed, but did not show any imatinib resistance
            There  are  still  sparse  safety  data  on  newer  generation   mutations.  The  imatinib  dose  was  escalated  to  up  to
            TKIs such as nilotinib, dasatinib, or bosutinib to be used   600 mg daily. Due to intolerance, her imatinib dose was
            to treat a patient during pregnancy. In this study, we are   decreased  to  400  mg  daily.  In  February  2011,  she  got
            reporting  the  outcome  of  a  CML  patient  who  became   married, but in August 2011, she lost CHR and BCR-ABL
            pregnant after receiving chemotherapy for 12 years.  had  increased  to  67.5%;  thus      interferon  (IFN)-alpha  5
                                                              MU  was  added  to  the  treatment  remedy  in  an  alternate
            Case Report                                       day  until  July  2012.  In  October  2012,  her  BCR-ABL

            As  an  11-year-old  girl,  she  was  presented  with  loss  of   This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
            weight and dragging sensation in the left hypochondrium   Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
                                                              others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as
                                                              the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical
                           Access this article online         terms.
              Quick Response Code:                            For reprints contact:
                                                               How to cite this article: Das U, Giri GV, Lakshmaiah K, Tagarapura S,
                                                               Dasappa L, Babu G, Jacob LA, Babu S. Is pregnancy wise after
                                                               12-year chemotherapy of chronic myeloid leukemia woman? J Cancer
                                 DOI:                          Metastasis Treat 2015;1:208-10.
                                                               Received: 09-01-2015; Accepted: 12-05-2015.
            208                                   Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ October 15, 2015 ¦
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