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was 0.25% and IFN-alpha was discontinued and imatinib   elective  terminations,  and  14%  had  miscarriages.  Three
            was  continued  at  400  mg  daily  until  January  2013.   terminations  occurred  due  to  fetal  anomalies. There  were
            In  the  January  2013  visit,  she  had  conceived  and  had   a  total  of  12  (9.6%)  infants  identifi ed  to  have  physical
            amenorrhea  for  3  months.  She  was  then  informed  about   abnormalities, including different congenital abnormalities,
            the  teratogenic  effects  of  imatinib  and  the  possible   either  single  or  in  combinations,  e.g.  craniosynostosis,
            consequences. She elected to continue the pregnancy, so   hypoplastic  lungs,  exomphalos,  duplex  or  absent  kidney,
            imatinib  was  stopped  in  view  of  its  teratogenic  effects,   hemivertebrae,  shoulder  anomalies,  hypospadia,  pyloric
            and  IFN-alpha  5  MU  subcutaneously  on  alternate  days   stenosis,  and  scoliosis.  One  infant  was  born  with
            was restarted. The pregnancy was uneventful. She was in   complex abnormalities, i.e. communicating hydrocephalus,
            CHR and BCR-ABL at the second trimester was 2.14%.   cerebellar hypoplasia, and cardiac defects.  Cole et al.
            On  July  16,  2013,  after  9  months  of  pregnancy,  she   showed 217 CML patients with pregnancy, of whom 78%
            delivered  a  healthy  boy  with  a  birth  weight  of  2.25  kg   carried  their  pregnancies  to  term,  11%  had  spontaneous
            by   caesarean section without any congenital abnormality.   abortions,  and  28.5%  of  patients  with  an  unknown
            The  post-partum  period  was  uneventful.  One  month   outcome. Among the 109 pregnancies (78%) with known
            after  delivery,  the  patient  requested  that  IFN  therapy  be   outcome,  33%  had  complications,  including  spontaneous
            discontinued.  Imatinib  400  mg  was  then  restarted.  She   abortion  in  22%  of  patients,  still  birth  in  one  patient,
            was  advised  not  to  breastfeed  while  on  imatinib.  At   malformations  in  9  patients  and  low  birth  weight  in
            the  last  follow-up  in  February  2015,  the  patient  was  in   2  patients.   There  are  limited  data  on  pregnancy  using
            remission, and her baby was healthy.              the  second  generation  TKI.  Cortes  et al.   described  the
                                                              outcomes of pregnancies of 8 women who conceived while
            Discussion                                        receiving  dasatinib.  Three  had  therapeutic  abortions,  two
            One in 1,000 pregnancies is reported with the malignant   had  spontaneous  abortions,  and  three  full-term  delivered.
            disease. [3,4]   The  incidence  of  leukemia  in  pregnancy  is   The  authors  concluded  that  women  in  reproductive  age
            one  in  75,000-100,000  pregnancies.   The  majority  of   with dasatinib therapy should take effective contraception.
            leukemia  cases  diagnosed  during  pregnancy  are  acute   Conchon et al.  reported a case of successful pregnancy
            myeloid  leukemia,  followed  by  acute  lymphoblastic   and  delivery  in  CML  patient  under  dasatinib  treatment.
            leukemia.  Although  15%  of  adult  leukemia  is  CML,   Experimental  studies  on  nilotinib  in  rabbits  showed
            only  a  limited  number  of  patients  are  diagnosed  with   treatment-associated mortality, abortion, or low gestational
            childbearing  age  and  CML  accounts  up  to  10%  of   weights.  However,  the  data  on  human  are  limited.
            pregnancy-associated leukemia, with an annual incidence   Conchon  et  al.   published  a  case  report  of  a  successful
            of one per 100,000 pregnancies. [5]               pregnancy of a patient with CML on nilotinib.
            Overall,  malignancy  during  pregnancy  is  a  unique   Usually,  conception  during  chemotherapy  is  not
            challenge  for  the  medical  oncologist.  There  is  another   recommended; thus, couples in childbearing age must be
            signifi cant  problem  when  a  patient  becomes  pregnant   consulted to use proper contraception and inform the risk
            during  or  shortly  after  receiving  chemotherapy   of  fetal  malformations  for  fetuses  conceived  while  on
            or  radiotherapy  due  to  the  side-effects  of  most   treatment.  There  are  limited  data  regarding  alternatives
            chemotherapeutic  agents  and  radiotherapy. [6-8]   Side   to  TKI  in  the  successful  management  of  CML  during
            effects  of  chemo-  and  radiotherapy  have  been  reported   pregnancy.  Most  of  these  data  were  from  case  reports
            mostly  from  animal  studies,  but  there  is  relatively  little   using leukapheresis or hydroxyurea in the third trimester
            information  on  humans.  The  diagnosis  of  CML  during   of  gestation  and  low-dose  IFN-alpha  as  maintenance
            pregnancy  may  be  made  more  complicated  because   therapy.     Pegylated  IFN-alpha  is  contraindicated  in
            of  physiological  changes  in  body  fl uid  including   pregnancy due to the accumulation of polyethylene glycol.
            hematological  parameters.  These  may  temporarily  mask   The  recommended  management  of  CML  in  pregnancy
            the symptoms of malignancy.                       (as reported at American Society of Hematology 2011) is
                                                              summarized in Table 1.
            For a male CML patient, there is no formal contraindication
            for fathering a baby while on TKIs, and the data available   A  large  series  of  the  study  indicated  that  an  adequate
            suggest that in most instances, babies born to such patients   response  after  restarting  imatinib  only  occurred  in
            had no known abnormalities. [9-11]  Although most of the prior   patients  with  a  major  molecular  response  (MMR)
            data on the effects of imatinib on pregnancy have shown   before  drug  discontinuation.  Therefore,  for  women
            satisfactory outcomes, they do not support a determination   who  choose  to  become  pregnant  despite  the  risk,  a
            that  imatinib  can  be  safely  administered  during  the  fi rst   minimal  MMR  should  be  achieved  to  reduce  a  risk  of
            trimester  of  gestation.  Pye  et  al.   demonstrated  the   treatment  failure  after  the  reintroduction  of  therapy.
            most  comprehensive  data  on  180  women  with  CML   TKI  therapy  should  be  discontinued  at  least  3  months
            exposed to imatinib during pregnancy. Outcome data were   before  conception  for  planned  pregnancy.  Quantitative
            available for 125 (69%) patients and of those with known   reverse-transcriptase  polymerase  chain  reaction  analysis
            outcomes,  50%  delivered  healthy  babies,  28%  underwent   of  peripheral  blood  at  6-weekly  intervals  is  useful  to

                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ October 15, 2015 ¦    209
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